Chronicles Of A Cheater

Bad news spreads faster than good news.

The phenomenon was not different in Reyona’s case.

She started checking the comments and reposts.

The original post had been reposted more than one hundred times already.

Comments upon comments danced before Reyona’s eyes as she scrolled fast and furiously.

Most of them were tagging her company pages.

Bloggers had started posting about it.

#chronicleofacheater was everywhere.

Reyona couldn’t even begin to imagine the extent of the damage.

Her office phone rang, and she contemplated letting go of it, but she knew that was not the moment to ignore her calls.

There are people who count on her.

People would be sorely disappointed about what they were seeing and reading about her.

She picked up the call on the third ring.

“Good afternoon, CEO Lanoth. Have you seen...?”

“Yes, I have seen it, Roaurke. It is not true.”

“But you…”

“Yes, I was the one in the video, but the narrative is wrong.”