Pornstar CEO

ReyDexter Boss traded her husband for a richer lover!

The rich win again!

Masked man revealed!

Cuckolded husband beaten to a pulp by lover.

Pornstar CEO to divorce husband for her lover.

The husband got cheated on in his own bed.

These and more were the taglines trending over the following days.

Apart from the failed press conference, no one had seen Reyona in public since then, and that seemed to drive the public into a frenzy.

Reyona held a conference call with all their clients to explain how things are for them.

She made them realise that what happened was a vengeful tactic to bring her company down.

She also tried to assure them that the scandal would not affect their cooperation in any way.

Even at that, some of her clients cancelled their contracts with ReyDexter.

The most painful part of that for Reyona was the fact that two of those customers were people she had known back when she was still using a dingy office for her startup.