Who Did It?

As soon as the reporters left, cheers went up in the whole company.

Reyona just got to the base of the staircase that leads to the elevator floor.

She turned and smiled as everyone downstairs and on the second floor came out of their offices and started clapping.

“Yes yes. That is right. Give it up for the best boss anyone can ever have,” Phil said in the tone of a hypeman as he took the center floor and gestured to Reyona with a courtly bow.

People hooted and clapped more.

As the clap was dying down, Phil turned to Reyona and said, “I just want to say this once and for all. Because if I did not say this now, I might forever regret it.”

People started snickering when he put on a showmanship expression and went down on one knee before Reyona.

“Boss, I am in love with you.”

Laughter went through the crowd as he raised his hand in supplication to Reyona. “What do you say, milady? Do you believe that I am in love with you?”