Vulnerable Imbecile

Thomas was furious that things had not been as simple as he had thought they would be.

When he was thinking of his plans earlier, he had thought he would simply persuade Reyona that they should go over to his mom’s place till she got better.

As always, she believed him when he told her that Maxwell had an interest in her.

All it took to nail that home was the clip that was circulating a few days ago about Maxwell looking all undignified at the scene of the fire while he yelled at the firemen, declaring Reyona his woman.

Thomas had not needed any other evidence on that end.

Convincing Reyona of her sister’s betrayal was something entirely different.

Even though Reyona didn’t outright disagree with him, Thomas was sure that she did not really believe him.

“The fact that she still let the bitch hang around her says it all,” he thought bitterly

If only that horse-face doctor had backed him up and allowed him to take Reyona away.