Shades Of Grief

Still badly shaken and somewhat dazed, Old Cliff stepped out of the Mercedes-Benz that took him home.

Mary, who was waiting anxiously for her husband on their porch, had already stood up when she saw the Benz coming towards their house.

Her gaze moved from her husband to the young man coming outside from the driver’s side.

“Cliff, what…?”

As if he had just realised where he was, Old Cliff looked up sharply at the sound of his wife’s voice.

“Mary! Oh, sweet God! Mary, ah!” A movement behind his wife caught his gaze as she rushed down the porch steps.

As if Cliff had seen a ghost, his eyes widened and his hand shook as he pointed at the clueless children who were seated with Mary before the car arrived. “These poor kids. Oh, what will we…?”

“Cliff!” Mary spoke a bit urgently as she reached her husband and held his forearms, so he could look at her.

Neighbours who had heard Cliff’s exclamation had started coming out of their homes.