Not His Goal

Maxwell’s sudden question, “Leah is dead?” gave him away.

“You know the kid?” Reyona asked immediately.

When he said nothing, she looked from him to Toria. “He knew her, right?” she asked with conviction in her tone.

“Rey, let’s just go back, okay? Someone would handle these kids. It doesn’t have to be you.”

“What are you two keeping from me?” Reyona asked suddenly.

"Nothing,” Toria said immediately.

Reyona turned to look at Maxwell.

The determination in her eyes was enough to let him know she wouldn’t take no for an answer.

“I know the kid,” he answered.

“And?” Reyona prompted.

He gave her an inquiring look.

“What else are you not telling me?”

“Nothing of importance,” Maxwell responded.

Reyona wanted to press further, but the girl’s earlier statement was of more importance than whatever he and Toria must keep to themselves.