Familiar Territory

Reyona declined her parents’ offer to take her to either of their homes.

When they both agreed that she had undergone too much trauma in Kayooma recently and she needed a break from the city, she reminded them that Kayooma was where she had built her life in the past years.

“The fact that one aspect of my life didn’t work doesn't mean I should abandon everything. I have a company here. It won’t run itself,” she said with determination.

Her parents were a bit worried about the flippant tone with which she was talking about everything.

So Gladys asked her. “Are you able to remember other things now? I mean, did your mother-in-law's death trigger anything?” they asked her.

“Apart from reminding me that none of us have much time on her hands to sit around and mope about our losses, no, I still can’t remember anything about the past few years. I need to find a hotel.”