Classy Milk Factory

The ring of Reyona’s phone jolted her out of a restless sleep.

She raised her head and squinted briefly before groggily reaching for her phone.

She had fallen asleep at her desk in the home office she had fashioned out in Sylby's place.

Her sleep pattern had become seriously messed up in the past few days, and she was not surprised to wake up with a slight burn on her cheek from how she had lain it right on the file she had tried to work on before sleep caught up with her.

The call was disconnected before she could pick it up.

And she briefly wondered if it was Toria calling, as she tap-tapped her hands around the sheaves of paper under which her phone seemed to be buried.

Her sister had been the last person she spoke with the night before.

Right after she spoke with the contractor.

They were done with the renovation of her house, including the few additions she had discussed.

She could move in anytime now.