Damn You

Reyona ignored her ringing phone as she drove home with Aria’s latest song “Truth or Dare” playing on her stereo.

She knew who was calling and since she could guess what he was going to say, she decided not to pick up yet.

She was going to call him back when she was ready.

Preferably after she had soaked in the ambience of her familiar home that would be free of a lurking man or kids trying to tug at her heartstrings.

Where no one would try to pull her in further than she already was.

As she took the last turn that led to her home, she was already anticipating how she was going to have the best sleep she had had in days.

Right after…

Her eyes widened in shock when she saw the familiar car in front of her house.

What the….

Reyona parked away from the driveway, giving his car enough room to turn and leave as fast as possible.

He came out of his car just as she was coming out of hers.

“Why were you not picking up?” he asked as he walked towards her.