Smudging The Line

The ringing phone woke Reyona up.

Without opening her eyes, she stretched her hands towards the direction of the sound.

The phone stopped ringing just as her hands touched something warm.

Her foggy mind was confused for a moment as she poked at the firm, warm…

“Fleshy form?!” Reyona’s eyes popped open as she suddenly realised that she was not alone in bed.

Not only was she not alone, but she was wrapped in his arms like…

Didn't he say he was going to leave after she fell asleep?

What the…

Reyona lay still as she listened to his rhythmic breathing.

She was half-tempted to give him a little accidental jab.

Maybe that would knock some sense into him, she mused, even as she knew that she was not going to do it.

As she tried to wriggle out of his arms, she suddenly froze when she felt a well-recognised budge cradling her ass.

“Damn,” Reyona thought as her insides automatically reacted to his boner.

She needed to get up as soon as possible.