Do Not Tell Him

The agent kept calling until Reyona picked it up.

After explaining everything to him, he asked her to wait for him on the stage and Reyona agreed.

She told Samantha to leave but the latter insisted on at least getting her aspirin and cold packs for her bruised hands before leaving.

Reyona agreed to avoid further argument.

She hardly had the breath for it anyway.

She was beginning to think that the mop had done some major damage inside her after all.

Not to mention the excruciating pain she was feeling from where she had hit her back against the sink.

In truth, she ached from head to toe, yet she knew it was not time to fold yet.

She had to see this through first.

“I am really worried about you,” Samantha said as she came back from the pharmacy.

She popped the aspirin for her and held the cold pack to her knuckles.

“Are you sure you don’t want to go to a hospital? You look like you need it. I could call Phil if you want…”