More At Stake

Maxwell stopped in his stride and turned to her with a furrowed brow as he responded. “Susan? No, nothing at all. I know as much as you do. My men are still on it though, just as they are looking for him as well.”

“Oh, okay,” Reyona answered easily.

“Why are you suddenly asking that?” he asked as he approached her desk again.

“Oh, you know. I just think that Allysyn’s birthday is tomorrow, and yes, we got her presents and all, but I think I know what she would have wanted the most tomorrow.”


“To have her parents around to celebrate it with her, of course. She would have been so delighted. Erm, her mom just disappeared without leaving anything behind? I mean maybe she left a note, or she did something. Anything at all that we can read meaning to?”

Maxwell inclined his head as he said “No, nothing at all. I heard they just couldn’t find her one morning.”

“So, she did nothing? Nothing at all? Just disappeared?”