Foolproof Contraceptive

She couldn’t sleep.

It didn’t matter how many times they tried to convince her that she needed to.

“Please try to get some sleep” the doctor had said. “Consider your recovery and your condition.”

Her condition! Ha!

She was certain of it.

Reyona was sure that there had been a mistake somewhere.

There must have been a mistake with the samples, and they had handed her the wrong result.

Yes, she could see her name on the result, and the doctor could sound as confident as he wanted for all she cared.

They were wrong, and she was sure they would come in anytime soon to prove her right.

Despite the doctor’s seeming conviction, Reyona had told them to do the blood HCG test.

Everyone knew that urine tests are not so reliable, right?

She turned over again on the bed and wished the damned pain in her back would ease up enough for her to get down from the bed and pace as she wanted to.

But that would mean she was anxious, wouldn’t it?