Partially Rehabilitated Junkie

“Make sure that no one goes in there”

“Yes, sir” his head of security answered instantly.

Maxwell saw the guard that had hit the curb hard when the van drove out.

What was the idiot doing standing there when he should be getting checked?

“You are hurt,” Maxwell stated tersely.

The man looked at him, then looked at the security head as he said “No, sir. I am fine.”

“Is that so?” Maxwell said as he moved closer to him and punched him in the right shoulder.

The man howled in pain and immediately stood upright again with a stoic look even as sweat popped on his forehead.

Idiot. “I don’t want to see your face out here when I get back,” Maxwell said sternly.

The man’s eyes widened. “Sir, please. I promise to do better. I…”

“What is wrong with you, man? Go get yourself checked now, or you can forget your job anyway.”

Maxwell looked at his head of security.

The man, who still looked slightly embarrassed that the men had gotten past them, nodded and said “Noted, sir.”