Breathe, Reyona, Breathe

“There is nothing wrong with your body, ma’am. You are perfectly fine.” the doctor assured Reyona.

The look on her face was enough to let the doctor know that she was not buying her explanation at all.

The woman leaned back in her seat and said “I am sure you trust us to take very good care of you, madam. Dr Romano also recommended me because he knew I will do what is best for you and your baby. You are in good hands, ma. I just need you to trust me.”

“I do trust you, okay? That is why I asked you to do the ultrasound, so you can be sure that my baby is fine. Though I still don’t want to know the gender yet, I believe what you said that the baby is fine. But I don’t…” she shrugged as she unconsciously lowered her voice. “I mean this urge is just weird, you know. I think I will take the regular morning sickness that most people dread over this.”

The doctor smiled and said “I doubt that, ma. Not when you have to go through it nonstop at least.”