Enviable Silicone

Reyona drove as fast as she could to her house.

She hurriedly parked the car in front of the house instead of entering the underground garage.

She rushed to the door and quickly unlocked it.

She locked the door behind her and rushed into the living room.

She was certain that her day staff would have left already, since it was past 6 pm, so she didn’t bother calling out.

She was sweating at this point from holding back for so long.

Instead of heading for her bedroom, she quickly pressed a button at the side of the sofa in the living room.

As the sofa automatically shifted and adjusted to the bed, Reyona quickly removed the lube from her bag just as she pulled out her dildo too.

The sight of it alone almost made her go berserk as she quickly lay on the bed while pulling off her panties with one hand.

She flung the pants behind her and squirted a generous amount of lubricant over the dildo.