Save Me From Myself

“Safe jour…ney” Reyona completed as she heard the disconnecting tone of the call.

She placed her phone on the table as she mused on the success of Toria’s interior design company with her partner, Tara.

Tara had started the same company on a small scale before her husband forced her to sell it so she could become a permanent housewife.

Toria had discovered the emotional and physical abuse the woman had been going through. So, instead of buying out the woman's only means of escape from her marital problems, her sister had helped the woman finally speak up about her situation, reported him to the authorities and finally ensured that he was locked away for a long time after he almost killed Manuel in his intention to shoot Tara.

Then she used the money she had intended to use to purchase the building which Tara’s parents had left for her to enter into a partnership with Tara.