Don't Hold Back

The meeting was mostly one for introductions where the personnel got to meet Reyona as the chairperson of the company.

Most of them had seen her come a few times already, and they knew about how she had filled in for Phil on the day of the event as well, but they still didn't know her real identity.

After Phil introduced her, to the surprise of those who had thought that she was Phil's girlfriend, they all began to introduce themselves as well.

Then Reyona gave a little speech that encompassed her gratitude for the efforts they had been putting in, a promise of due rewards to those who continue to work diligently, a reminder of the goals of the company and how they were the face of the company who must endeavour to portray the company in the right light every time.

She soon dismissed them, and they were barely out of the room when he clapped as he stood up from where he had been sitting on one side of the room.