Skunk Hell

She knew what he had done.

He wanted to show her that he trusted her.

For a moment there, she could see how he wanted to tell her to wait until he was done with his call.

He hated the idea that she might face her ex-husband alone, yet he decided to trust her as she had asked.

Emotions swirled in Reyona as she raised her hand and knocked.

It was a bit disturbing that the house was eerily quiet and everywhere was dark too.

Reyona knocked harder as the image of Ruth popped into her mind.

She almost expected the woman to open the door at that moment and welcome her in the way she had always done, even when she was lying to her face.

Reyona shrugged away the uncharitable thought and the niggling feeling that accompanied it.

She turned back when she heard his footsteps.

“Maybe he is not in there after all? They found something.”

Reyona's heart thumped as she came forward. “What? Do they know where she is now?”