There's Been Nothing

Reyona opened her eyes when she felt a soft kiss on her cheek.

She stared blearily at his mesmerising eyes.

They were clouded with worry at that moment, but they still stole her breath away.

Why were they fighting again?

“You look so beautiful when you sleep.” He murmured to her.

She raised her brow in a “really?” gesture as she levelled her gaze at him.

As he countered her look with a smile while staring at her like he was memorising her features, she thought “Toss words at me. Accuse me of having feelings for my ex. Then walk out on me only to come back to wake me with a kiss and a half-ass compliment. Sure why not?”

As if he was reading her thoughts, he said “I am sorry. I shouldn't have raised my voice at you that way.”

What now?

He rubbed his hand over his mouth and jaw as he said “You were right. My decision was more because of you than any other thing. I guess I was… I was scared of losing you.”