Chapter 73: A Call to Arms

In the aftermath of Liang Wei's funeral, Radiant Citadel found itself plunged into a state of emergency as news arrived of a sudden and unexpected escalation in the dark empire's aggression. The enemy forces had launched a series of coordinated attacks on the borders of the kingdom, threatening to overrun their defenses and plunge the realm into chaos.

With the sect's allies stretched thin and resources dwindling, Shājiā'ěr had no choice but to declare a state of emergency, rallying all able-bodied members of Radiant Citadel to arms in defense of their homeland. The grand hall echoed with the urgent call to action as warriors and civilians alike prepared themselves for the coming conflict.

In the war room, Shājiā'ěr and his advisors worked tirelessly to devise a strategy to repel the enemy's advance, knowing that the fate of the kingdom hung in the balance. Every resource was marshaled, every contingency planned for, as they prepared to face the greatest threat the realm had ever known.

As the sect members donned their armor and gathered their weapons, a sense of grim determination settled over Radiant Citadel. Though the road ahead would be fraught with peril and uncertainty, they knew that they could not shrink from the challenge before them. With courage in their hearts and the memory of Liang Wei's sacrifice to guide them, they stood ready to face the enemy with unwavering resolve, prepared to defend their homeland to the last breath.