Chapter 87: A New Beginning

Amidst the revelations and adventures in the realm beyond the rift in time, back in the mortal world, joyous news echoed through the halls of Radiant Citadel. Mei Lin had given birth to a healthy son, a beacon of hope and promise in a world still reeling from the chaos of battle.

As the newborn's cries filled the air, Shājiā'ěr held his son in his arms, his heart overflowing with love and gratitude. He marveled at the tiny bundle of life cradled in his embrace, a symbol of the future that lay ahead—a future filled with hope, love, and endless possibilities.

With each passing moment, Shājiā'ěr felt a sense of wonder wash over him, as he gazed into the innocent eyes of his newborn son. He knew that his journey was far from over, but in that moment, surrounded by the warmth and love of his family, he felt a sense of peace and contentment that he had never known before.

As he looked upon his son, Shājiā'ěr vowed to protect him with every fiber of his being, to nurture him, and to guide him along the path of righteousness and honor. For he knew that in this precious child lay the hope of a brighter tomorrow—a tomorrow filled with the promise of a new beginning.