The Jade Beauty Is Really Tough...

Seth's jaw was almost touching the ground. He had slept on his bed, at slept what remained of it, in his room, and in his house. Yet, here he was in a noodle shack. In front of him, magnificent pagodas and lush vegetations covered his line of sight, as well as many people in robes and kimonos with weird hairstyles walking around.

"I... I can't believe it...." Seth began to brim with excitement. "I've been transmigrated to another world!!!, all my life, I have read hundreds, no, thousands of webnovel just to prepare for this glorious day! It was a weird thought, but what better explanaton was there? Better still, he had fallen asleep and woken up here, instead of being done in by 'truck-kun'.

"Now, who am I?, am I the son of a rich aristocrat?, the arrogant young master?, the handsome hero is gonna change the world ?..."

"Hey, noodle boy!, I want to buy a plate of steaming hot noodles, with sliced carrots by the side, make it extra, extra spicy, and throw in a dumpling or two."

Two pairs of almond shaped eyes glared at him. They belonged to a jade beauty with long waist length black hair, and a pretty pink hand fan.

Seth could almost swear that he heard his soul itself shatter like a thin pane of glass.

"I... I'm still selling noodles, even in this world?!!!, Fuck fate!, fuck transmigration!, fuck this world, fuc..."

The woman tilted her head slightly, while squinting her eyes a bit.

"Um, are you okay, noodle boy?"

Regaining his composure after calming down a bit, Seth sighed in defeat.

"Your order is on it's way, ma'am."

However, as he turned around and began making the noodles, some people noticed the woman standing in front if the small shack. She sighed and shook her head.

"Even if I don't go to a huge restaurant, people still find ways to ruin my lunch."

The first person to notice her let out an earth shattering, ear splitting, and ear drum bursting shriek while pointing to the lady.

"Look!, look!! Its young mistress Lee Chun Hua!"

Then the next looked over.

"It really is young mistress Lee Chun Hua!"

And then the next, and the next, and the next and the next.

"Lee Chun Hua!"

"It really is Lee Chun Hua! " "oh my gosh, she looks so cool!"

Lee Chun Hua grimaced and opened her fan, then she covered her face with the pink handfan before picking up the bowl of noodles. Before Seth could even blink twice, the entire bowl was already empty. The crowd had gotten even more agitated, and had begun to slowly inch forward bit by bit, before turning into a literal tide of human bodies and rushed at her.

"I heard her hair is as silky as silk itself!"

"I just want to touch her hand at least once in my life!"

"I only want a waft of her fragrance!"

Lee Chun Hua sighed once again, and before Seth could blink, she had vanished. Seth stared at the crowd still chasing after the pretty lady and then his gaze lingered on the bowl she had used for a second, before he jolted out of the shack himself.

"She didn't freaking pay!!"

It didn't matter if he was in another world or not, Seth was still the same. A person who would not even let a penny go to waste. He hurriedly closed the wooden door and ran after the crowd.

Lee Chun Hua sighed and looked back at the crowd chasing after her in hysteria.

"Each and every time..."

Lee Chun Hua was the daughter of the Blazing Valor sect under the famous clan. As a third stage of the Qi manipulation tier, she could very easily have beaten up the entire crowd. However, she knew that it was wrong of her to hurt her 'fans'. She continued to lightly sprint, until the crowd grew tired and slowly dwindled bit by bit. Chun Hua glanced at her back with a satisfied expression, then wrinkled her forehead as she saw one lone figure still chasing after her.

"Another crazy one, huh?"

The black haired woman was used to having at least one of the 'crazies' in her large fan crowd. The crazies were a kind of extreme fan whose admiration had long crossed the boundary of admiration, and had delved deep into an extremely unhealthy obsession. Unbeknownst to Seth, Chun Hua gradually gathered Qi energy in her palms and took a fighting stance.

"Back off...'

Then she raised a brow in confusion.

'So noodle boy is also among the crazies?' But it didn't remotely mean that she would spare him, not even if he made really nice noodles..

Seth himself stopped in his tracks as soon he saw Lee Chun Hua's fighting stance, before he carefully took one of his own.

'If this were a webnovel, then this would probably be the part where I unlock some hidden power or something.'

Seth could not really bear being a noodle seller in this world too, so he had convinced himself that he was the main character in this story somehow. Forget about finding out how and why he had transmigrated, Seth did not care, not even in the very least. Instead, he swore to never ever leave!

On earth, he had already led a useless life, penniless and continuously suffering every single day. However here, he had the chance to change things. To live the life he had always wanted to lead. In all isekai anime, didn't the transmigrator have to work their way to the top with some advantages on their side? As the transmigrator here, Seth was sure that his own hidden cheat would come up sooner or later. People usually found their hidden potential in dangerous situations, and what better situation was there for him than fighting the first lady to come and buy noodles from him in this world?


Seth cried out as he dashed towards Lee Chun Hua, however, her eyes narrowed into slits as the corners of her lips curled upwards.

'So so very slow...'

"Qi disruption tap technique!"

She leisurely deflected his fist, then poked him on the forehead, navel and chest, and before Seth could count to one, he was on the floor facing the bright blue sky.

'The heck?'

He could not feel his arms or legs, and all he could see was Lee Chun Hua standing above his head, pondering whether to continue her attack or let him go. Suppressing the urge to take a peek under her robe, Seth gulped loudly.

"I bear no harm! I just wanted to get the money for the noodles that you forgot to pay for!!"