Beast lands

"It's a friggin system!" Seth screamed out in his mind as he glanced over his now healed self.

The system was the ultimate tool for any protagonist he had read about to grow stronger. Be it the vampire dude in military school, the rank e hunter dude, or even that werewolf gang guy. They had all amassed unimaginable strength and soared among every one else due to their systems.

"If I ever go back to earth, I'd make sure to write a webnovel about this and make tons of dollars."

Well, that was if he got back to earth, and to be honest, Seth did not really want to go back. How could he go back now, when he had finally received his cheat!

The system was literally the best cheat he could hope for.

"System interface." Seth knew very well how a system worked and was no stranger to how it was operated.

As expected, a holographic screen overlapped the previous one which then faded into nothingness.


[Name: Sethren Serpentis]

[Level 0] [Race: mortal]

[Tier: Mundane human]

[Stage: -----]

[Strength: 1]

[Agility: 1]

[Qi: ------]

Seth frowned slightly on seeing his last name. That was something he had desperately tried to hide all his life. Who would want to associate with a guy called Sethren Serpentis? The name alone sounded devious, mischievous, and treacherous. It was why he had used the fake name, 'Sevada'. However, Seth would have to bother about the name thing later, as another tab had caught his attention.

"It seems like I would he starting from the very bottom, huh?"

During the battle, he had heard the cohort talking about Qi manipulation tier or something. He did not get it then, well, he still did not get it even now, but he had a vague idea. It should mean his cultivation level or something.

"Still, I had no idea that I was this weak... I wonder what I would have to do in order to grow strong, though. Isn't there supposed to be like some daily quests or something?"


[Daily Quests Unlocked]

[Quest: Advance as quickly as possible!]

[Requirement: Defeat two mundane tier beasts]

[Reward: +1 unassigned stat point per beast ]

Seth could not help but let yet another smile bloom on his face.



Lee Chun Hua sat alone in her sect's special cultivation room for over two hours. However, she snapped her eyes open with a long groan.


An elder assigned to teach her the essence of combat and help with her cultivation raised a brow and bowed his head.

"May I ask why Lady Lee Chun Hua is disturbed?"

Chun Hua sighed as she stood up and began to stretch. This was a side effect of letting her true self run amok. The true Chun Hua, one who delighted in slaughtering beasts and basking on mountains of corpses, usually stayed locked away in the deepest part of her subconscious, buried under heaps upon heaps of sugar, spice and everything nice. The fire within her always burned within her soul, and was only released when she was pushed into a corner. Sure, she would unlock the deepest part of her abilities and become a hundred fold stronger, but then she would be bloodthirsty for a few weeks as a side effect. One of the reasons why her cultivation raised so quickly, was because she spent seasons as a child locked in the special cultivation room with nothing else to do whenever she unleashed the true Chun Hua and almost beat a kid half to death. The other was because the special cultivation room was built over a natural Qi geyser.

Anyways, she had an itch to kill something which she could not ignore and to save the lives of every junior in the sect, she had gotten up from her cultivation and turned around to face the elder.

"Please tell father that I am heading off to the Beast Lands to have a quick hunt."


"Beasts, beasts... Where the hell do I find beasts?"

Seth thought as he walked on the stone paths. His noodle shop was probably destroyed in the battle, so he did not really have anywhere to go. The system had done a marvellous job taking care of his injuries, and he was once again able to move his limbs, so what would he lose from prowling around in search of beasts?

By the time he had arrived at the ruins of the now evacuated city, only rising smoke and littering debris covered his line of sight.

"Yup, it really was destroyed."

The small shack lay in pieces on the street, with pots and pans of varying sizes littered all around it. Out of impulse, he wanted to go and see what he could do to fix it as it had been his only meagre source of livelihood for over five years, however, he shook his head in resolution and clenched his fists.

"That's not what I came here for..."

Indeed, he came to the city to trace the footsteps that easily put dents in the stone slab roads back to its source. If webnovels were anything to go by, then there should be some type of tiers between the beasts too. If the dog like creature that had just attacked the city were to be the head honcho, then there would certainly be some much weaker lackeys somewhere. Finding the beast's footprints did not prove too difficult, and he shook found himself heading towards the outskirts of the city.

Lee Chun Hua pulled her hand out of yet another beast with a sadistic smile on her face as she stared at the black blood coating her hands.

"Three hundred and fifty five at one hunt. I'd call that a new record."

She had satiated her bloodlust... for now, and turned around to leave, when she spied a familiar face.

"Noodle boy?"

Since she had virtually nothing to do, she chose to follow him inconspicuously and see what he was up to.

"He only has the strength of a new born baby, with virtually no Qi and the very least of all the cultivation tiers. What could he be possibly be doing here in the Beast Lands? "