He he, my greed is unrivaled

As Seth walked deeper and deeper into the cave, he had an eerie feeling overwhelm him. The feeling of being followed.

'Is someone stalking me?'

Come to think of it, he was in a dark narrow path, and serial killers loved dark narrow paths. However, he controlled his breathing and shook his head. In this world, he was supposed to be a mere noodle seller. Who would want to harm a harmless noodle seller?

'But again, do serial killers need a reason to kill though?'

From his experience watching stuff like 'the world's most evil killers' or something like that, he had learned that the murderous psychopaths needed no reason to strike, but only did because they enjoyed to.

Seth clutched the hilts of his Poisonous Peril even harder than before, and continued to advance into the cave. Was it not ironic, that he should fear a fellow human person more than he feared the horrifyingly dangerous beasts? With this thought, he formulated a plan, and chose to wait behind a rather huge cave pillar and end the serial killer before they could get him.

Lee Chun Hua continued to trail Seth, but her mind was off trailing her thoughts.

'How could someone grow stronger in such a short amount of time without cultivating? She was certain that he was at the mundane tier, and the mundane tier was where one would unlock and develop their Qi dantians. This process should take at least four seasons for one dantian to be fully unlocked, or for an unrivaled genius like herself, two seasons at most. But this dude unlocked a dantian... well only a little part of it, in a few hours.

When she had beat him up earlier, she could not feel any Qi within him, proving that he had not unlocked any of his dantians, but now, she could feel some Qi emanating from him, albeit very a small amount, but it was still a jaw dropping occurrence.

'Could he be a cultivation genius that just unlocked his hidden potential?' Come to think of it, she had never seen the noodle shack in that spot before, despite her taking that direction to the Beast lands every day, had she?

Lee Chun Hua continued to ramble on with in her mind, not noticing that Seth could feel someone stalking him. The feeling of being stalked was a very uncomfortable one, and Seth was not planning to put up with it any longer. Thus, he planned a surprise attack, relying on the vague possibility that the stalker was weaker than the beast Hus daggers were created from so that his poison had a higher effect.

"Chaa!" Seth screamed out as he jumped out of his hiding place and slashed his dagger at the unsuspecting Lee Chun Hua as she walked past the pillar. Lee Chun Hua was initially surprised, but she quickly dodged the attack and poked Seth in the stomach.

"Qi invasion technique!"

Seth's eyes widened in surprise as a golden hue shockwave erupted out of his back and he found himself on his knees, coughing out blood. She had used the same technique she had attacked him with earlier when she mistook him for one of the 'crazies', albeit a more powerful version. His inner Qi battled with Chun Hua's foreign Qi, but ultimately lost the battle as her Qi was just too large.

Seeing her face, Seth frowned slightly. It was the jade beauty that had wiped the floor with him before.

"It's you?, you're the serial killer?!!"

Lee Chun Hua blushed furiously and covered her face with her pretty pink hand fan.

"Um... I-I just happened to be p.. p.. passing by, a-and a dagger flashed at my face,... and then this happened.."

She could not dare to tell him that sge had been trailing him for almost a full hour now! What would the Sectdom say when word reached the sect heads that she, Lee Chun Hua, the only daughter of a ninth stage cultivator of the Qi refinement tier, head of the Blazing Valor sect, Lee Xiaoping, was trailing a man in a deep dark cave. Only the thought of an angry Lee Xiaoping forcefully giving her out in marriage to some arrogant Young master from the empire was enough to make her, an eight stage cultivator of the Qi manipulation tier, quake in her sandals.


she bowed her head and kowtowed before him, despite them both being roughly the same age.

"Please don't let word of this incident reach the eats of the sect heads! I will do anything to keep your mouth shut!!"

Seth raised a brow in surprise. By all accounts, he was the one who attacked first and, according to laws, he would be prosecuted if she choose to press charges.

'Wait a minute... were there even police in this world?'

Well, he did not know, and honestly did not care. However, if the 'victim' was pleading with him to keep the natter a secret, and even promised to do ANYTHING, would hr not exploit the opportunity.

"Alrighty..." A sly smile found its way to Seth's mouth.

"Give me a hundred mundane tier Qi shards, and we'll never ever speak of this in our lives again."

Honestly, he felt a bit bad since he was probably taking advantage of the poor girl, but he didn't know that the 'poor girl' had really been stalking him for quite a while now.

Lee Chun Hua smiled brightly at his meagre request. Past the mundane tier, a cultivator had no use for mundane tier Qi shards as they could no longer make decent armor or craft usable weapons. Heck, they couldn't even be sold, as the population was either in the bodily reinforcement tier, or at the Qi awakening tier.


She had hunted down quite an immense amount of beasts, and had more than two hundred high level shards with her, not to mention countless mundane tier shards that she was planning on throwing away or something as they were of no use to her.