The EXP stat... Ahem, Qi Stat is useless

Lee Xiaoping frowned deeply. His aura alone was enough to make the youth kneeling at his feet quiver and shiver.

"How could you not kill a single piece of trash?! He was at the mundane tier for heavens sake!"

"I... I apologize sect head Lee! This junior went in to the guest room last night, but faced some kind of extremely potent deathly weakening poison and rather surprising strength. If not for the healers doing a good job on me last night, I myself might not have survived. I'm very sorry, so sorry, so very sorry..."

Su Bai continued to kowtow, while Xiaoping stroked his beard in thought.

'A deathly weakening poison? So he came into my sect grounds armed with poison?! I bet he was trying to overthrow us. Now I will DEFINITELY have his head!'

He looked down at the still shivering Su Bai and sighed.

"You will be severely punished for your incompetency. Have Zhang Wei take you to Xin Minxia and have her do with you as she pleases for a full week. If you can't do anything right, you can at least help her advance a few stages.."

Su Bai's face turned white with terror as he began slamming his head hard on the wooden floor.

"Please, spare me this once, sect head Lee. Anything but Senior Xin Minxia! Is that punishment not too severe for this poor junior?!!" He slammed his head even harder to press his case.

"Senior sister Xin is a monster, I won't rest a second throughout the entire week!! Spare me! Spare me!"

Lee Xiaoping shook his at the junior disciple's antics. Did he not understand that he was to be punished severely? Although sending him to Xin Minxia was a bit too cruel.

"That's why it's called a punishment..."

Then his face scrunched up into a deep frown once again.

"Call me disciple Mu Yan Zu on your way out."

He still had a soft spot of hatred in his heart for Seth. Partly because the youth had hurt his ego, and rubbed his sect's name in the mud by rejecting the offer before he had the chance to refuse him entrance into the sect, and partly because Chun Hua had an interest in him. She should be focusing on her cultivation and the upcoming Immortal Sky Emperor's trial, not some mundane tier trash. Due to those reasons, Seth had to be cut out if the picture, and fast.


Seth himself had just finished absorbing the few dozens of stage two mundane tier Qi shards and was honestly disappointed.

"For all that work, I only get this?"

The familiar blue glowing holographic screen lay right in front of his nose with his system interface clearly showing on it's surface.

[Name: Sethren Serpentis]

[Level 1] [Race: mortal]

[Tier: Body Awakening tier]

[Stage: 2]

[Strength: 12]

[Agility: 11]

[Qi: 1360]

Sure, a thousand, three hundred and sixty Qi points were nothing to scoff at, but considering the almost two hundred Qi shards he had just absorbed, he should have been getting twice that amount. But it wad still alright, as a new holographic screen overlapped the previous one.

_ring_ ring_

[User has amassed enough Qi to evolve]

[Do you wish to evolve?]


Nothing happened for a few seconds, and just as he was starting to speculate about his system being broken, he was flooded with a bombardment of notifications.

[Evolution successful]

[+100 Qi]

[Evolution successful]

[+100 Qi]

[Evolution successful]

[+100 Qi]


{A few 'ring rings' later}


[Evolution successful]

[+100 Qi]

[Evolution successful]

[+100 Qi]

Then it was finally over. The sheer amount of 'ring rings' that assaulted his brain was enough to disorient him for a few seconds, and as soon as he regained composure, he checked his system interface.

[Name: Sethren Serpentis]

[Level 1] [Race: mortal]

[Tier: Body Awakening tier]

[Stage: 8]

[Strength: 12]

[Agility: 11]

[Qi: 760]

However, his jaw dropped at the figures before him. From the vast river of eastern fantasy cultivation novels he had read, it would take weeks to make the kind of progress he had achieved, but he did it in a minute.

The Qi he amassed from the slaughter had given him over a thousand points in his Qi stat. Although he unfortunately had to spend them on the evolution, the extra hundred stat points he gained after each evolution had shot it back up to over the five hundred mark. But still, it was kind of useless to him since he could not use Qi yet.

"I'll have to level up a lot more so I can use cool Qi attack techniques."

Seth had long since figured out that he had transmigrated into an eastern fantasy themed world. One filled with cultivation and martial art techniques. At least that was what he could fathom from his level up. Awakening ones innate power bound deep within the body, that was body awakening, right? He had no clue what came after, but he knew that somewhere along the line, he would be able to harness the powerful power called Qi, and live a free life doing what he wanted.

'What do I want to do, though?'

Well, he had no idea as of yet. Bit this was barely his second day in this wondrous new world. He still had his whole lifetime to spend here!

"Cultivators can live for hundreds of years, right?"

As of the vast number of webnovels he had read, he could not remember even One in which the main character did not end up living more than a few hundred years. Heck, some even started with the main character as a five hundred year old, like that Fang something guy from the insanity novel. Anyways, if he wanted to level up even more and get more Qi... which he would then use to level up more and gain even more Qi... which he would then use to level up more...

It was rather repetitive, wasn't it. Well, it just meant that he would have to absorb as much Qi shards as he could, and hope to level up high enough to be able to use Qi. Only then would he have another use for his useless exp counter... ahem, Qi stat.