Duel to the death [2]

Wu Chun's eyes widened slightly in shock as his own Qi grenade was flying back towards him at a far faster velocity than he could ever throw. However now was not the time to be surprised, as he had to dodge the incoming attack.

"Qi control!"

Qi control was a special technique that could only be learned at the peak stage of the Qi manipulation realm. Wu Chun's arms bulged out with arteries, as he used as much natural Qi as his body could carry to slow down the golden ball. This was basically the same concept as Chun Hua making the soul Qi of her allies lighter than that of the universe, and creating an anti gravitational effect, only that this was much harder and needed a while lot of concentration.

"Never take your eyes off the target..." Chun Hua whispered in his ears as she seemingly appeared behind him and cut down on his broad shoulder, severing his arm.

"Argh!" Wu Chun let out a pained groan as his arm plopped to the floor. The pained groan then transformed into an agonizing screech as his own Qi grenade had hit him and exploded inside his body, disrupting his Qi flow. Lee Chun Hua stood a few metres away, leaning against her sword. She had a strange light igniting within her black eyes, it was not malice, hatred or anger like that of Wu Chun. Instead, it was ecstacy, pure enjoyment. They nay have tried to keep her bloodlust in check, tried to make her perfect by breaking her very soul in two and chaining one half away deep within her soul realm. But people never really change. The true Chun Hua was a bloodthirsty sadist. Always have been, and always would be.

Wu Chun had just recovered from the effects of the Qi disruption technique, and was dizzily wobbling to his feet, when Chun Hua decided that he had suffered enough.

"Death's Throes."

She had left the Song of Terror, and decided to end it all using her second favourite weapon. Instead of the Death's Blade, the terrifying scythe that her other half enjoyed using because of the mess of would leave behind, the Death's Throes were a pair of poisonous daggers specially crafted for her and her alone.

Almost as soon as the daggers flew into her palms like they were attracted to a magnet, Chun Hua found herself suspended at least sixteen feet into the air. Then like a toy being played with, her body was slammed hard into the hard stone over and over again. Wu Chun spitefully continued to pummel the hard stone with her body until a puddle of blood had gathered at the bottom of the crater that had formed from her continuous impact. That was a very dishonorable act, but since when did anyone care about honor?

Qi reinforcement tier or not, Chun Hua would definite of not be able to survive this as the crimson red blood flowijgvlike a stream from her battered body was proof that the thin layer of solid Qi reinforcing her body had been broken. Soon enough, Wu Chun raised her now limp body far higher than before until the clouds obscured Lee Chun Hua's figure from view, and instead of slamming it down this time, he let it go. Chun Hua was at the mercy of gravity, plummeting down to the hard stone in free fall. Lee Xiaoping wanted to go over and crush the insolent disciple that had dared to manhandle his Chun Hua like this, but could not take a step as it was forbidden by the Sect laws. Solemnly, he bowed his head and sighed in defeat.

'It's all over.'

However, Lee Chun Hua was full of many, many surprises. Some days she could not cook, and some days she would wake up very early and prepare their breakfast. Some days she would not advance by even one stage, and some days she would ascend three full tiers. Lee Chun Hua continued to fall to the ground without shaking, severely reducing Lee Xiaoping's slight hopes by a wife margin, until just moments until she was supposed to crash to the flood and burst into a pile of mangled bones and splattered flesh, she made a gracious front flip and landed graciously on the ground. The entire sect grounds was then subjected to a suffocating aura. Lee Xiaoping's eyes widened as his eyes met hers. The was a mad glint in her eyes, and it just so happened to be one that he was very familiar with. One that he had tried to get rid of by painfully splitting his own daughter's very soul in half and sealing one deep within her soul realm .

"The... The other one is in control."

His instincts were crying out for him to run down there and stop the battle, to save hundreds of students that would be sacrificed by this personality for her to win, but he stood rooted to the ground where he stood, a hint of a smile even formed on his face.

'Go, get him Chun Hua. Show them the power of the Blazing Valor sect!'

Wu Chun was left speechless ad he stared at the figure before him. He was sure that she was dead, as he could feel the limpness of her body before he tossed her up into the air, so where was this strength coming from. It did not even seem like it was the same person anymore. The bloodied figure had a maddened smirk on her face as she glared at Wu Chun how a predator would glare at a prey. Never had the older man felt this much fear before, not even when standing before his master, Lee Xiaoping. Instead of moving, a melodious chuckle escaped from Chun Hua's busted lips. Strangely, she looked even more beautiful despite being soaked in her own blood.

"You know, I am the worst foe you will ever face. Because, the more you make me bleed, the more power o can draw from within. Anger really is an odd thing. Its a two edged sword, that cuts you as much as it cuts the person on the other end...." Then she leisurely stretched her hand out towards the shocked Wu Chun and suspended him in the air.

"... But mine is very different, you see. Because my anger is like a kitchen knife. It is very harmless on one side,..." She outstretched her fingers, and a loud pop followed. All of Wu Chun's joints had been pulled out of their sockets in one go, causing intense pain to the older man, but that was what she wanted.

"... And its razor sharp on the other."