Say what?...

Seth's ears that had perked up at the two words 'spirit grade' perked up even more at the words 'four hundred seasons'.

"If four seasons make a year, then..."

Seth mumbled out some elementary calculations in order to decipher how old the herb really was.

"A hundred years old!"

Had the spirit herb really been sitting there for a whole hundred years and NOBODY found it? What the hell had the villagers been doing all this time?

He could never understand how most MCs managed to just wander around and happen to find some ancient artifact or something just lying around somewhere, and now the same had happened to him. Well, it was not that he was going to reject it anyways....

"Its really yummy. You should try some."

Seth's eyes widened as he glared down at the little girl in shock.

"You ate the four hundred seasons old Spirit grade sucrose herb?!"

Asami shrugged and swallowed the mouthful that she had in her mouth, before picking yet another leaf.

"Of course I did. They're really yummy, you know."

"Is that the only thing they are used for?"

Spirit grade herbs almost always made powerful elixirs. He could have asked old man Shiro to help him find an alchemist, then refined the plant into something beneficial.


The little girl shook her head in thought. She was clearly trying to remember what else the mystical plant could be used for. Wrinkles formed on her little forehead, and she squinted her eyes into slits for a few seconds, before beaming brightly and pointing at the half eaten plant.

"I remember now! The spirit grade sucrose herb can be used to create a Qi Cultivation elixir that boosted cultivation by at least ten percent. It also has great healing properties, and can heal minor injuries."

She replied exactly how a schoolchild would when asked to recite what they had been taught in class. However, no matter how cute the little girl was, she still ate a freaking spirit grade sucrose herb! How the heck could she eat something so precious?! Something like that should have sold for quite the pretty sum, and he could have... wait, why was he even bothered about it in the first place? The little girl was the one who found the herb after grovelling in the dirt for quite a while, and he had absolutely no right to take it from her.


Xin Minxia groaned in boredom as she stopped moving and slowly stood off her mount. The man beneath her had been sent as a 'gift' of sorts by her uncle, Lee Xiaoping, to help her further her cultivation, but she could not help feeling that nothing much changed. His yang energy output was infinitesimally small and he had gradually been drying up over the days. It was obvious that he could not keep up with her. His limp rod slipped out of her moist pink cave, and the disciple heaved a sigh of relief.

"Senior sister Xin, please spare me this once! I cannot survive another round!!"

Su Bai had failed a simple mission given to him by the sect head, Lee Xiaoping, and as a form of punishment, he was sent over to the Ashen Flame clan to 'help' Xin Minxia further her cultivation. Any other person would be gloating in joy, as it was well known that Xin Minxia specialized only in dual cultivation. Who would not want to dual cultivate with top class jade beauty that even surpassed that of Chun Hua?

But Su Bai, like all the members of the Blazing Valor sect inner circle, knew how Xin Minxia really was. She was an absolute sex maniac who could dual cultivate non stop for days on end. Sending someone to help her cultivate was akin to sending the person to their death. She continuously absorbed the yang energy of her partner over and over until none was left. While it was beneficial to her, the victim would severely suffer from energy depletion. Su Bai had been her partner for a week now, and his yang energy was close to finished. Luckily, Xin Minxia was bored of him and did not deem him nearly capable enough.

"You're really frigid you know? Junior brother Su."

She had her eyes set on another partner ever since the incident at the Beast Lands, and could not get her mind off him ever since.

"I'm going to the library, make sure you cultivate and recover as much yang energy as you can."

Walking into the large palace filled to the brim with thousands of seasons old scrolls gave the young woman a calming effect, as the scent of old paper wafted into her nose. The only other thing Xin Minxia excelled in - apart from dual cultivation - was studying. She could easily recite the clan history by heart, from the time of its founder Ren Zhao, down to its current head. She wasn't only a genius who advanced tiers by the dozens, but also an academical genius too. However, she did not expect to see someone who usually stayed behind doors practicing sword techniques and cultivating, hovering over a very old brown scroll.

"Junior sister Chun Hua? What are you doing here!"

By this time in the morning, Chun Hua would usually be skipping stages behind closed doors, or arguing with her 'other' side, but here she was, furiously studying like she had an exam to write in two minutes. The young woman briefly glanced up at the person looming over her, and went back to the scroll she was studying.

"Good morning, Senior sister Xin."

Xin Minxia had never really seen Lee Chun Hua focus on anything other than cultivation or weapons practice, so the scroll that had managed to catch the younger woman's attention also intrigued her. She sneaked a glance at the old brown scroll, then her eyes widened greatly as she read the text.

"Where... Where the hell did you get this, junior sister Chun Hua?"