Slutty Scholar

"And then I took a couple of them, brought them here to check them out, then you came over... and here we are."

Lee Chun Hua shrugged as she finished narrating her story, excluding all the parts about letting her other side control the body of course, if anyone were to hear that she let her other side out when she was not in a life or death battle that provided the rogue persona with enough enemies to slaughter, they would all panic and have her locked up for eight seasons or more. Even worse, they would try to split her soul even more, or outright kill her. She would be happier if she were to be killed though, as the excruciating torture that splitting one's soul caused was unbearable for anyone. Xin Minxia blinked twice, and the sides of her lips graduated curled up into a side smile. However, the smile was not pursing her alluring lips, nor did it have any sexual undertone. For the first time since she began dual cultivating some sixteen to seventeen seasons ago, she had let out a genuine smile.

"I... I can't believe it! Great ancestor Ren Zhao's secret library is really real! Let's go there and take all the scrolls!"

Ren Zhao, a man also known as the Ashen Demon of Death, was the founder of the Ashen Flame clan. The Ashen Flame clan in turn, founded the Blazing Valor sect. The son of the clan head was usually tasked with heading the Blazing Valor sect in special preparation for him to ascend the throne as the clan head when the current one passed away - or went to a higher realm. In this case, Lee Xiaoping was tasked with heading the Blazing Valor sect, as his father, Lee Zhongshan, was the current clan head. As the only grandchildren of the clan head, Chun Hua and Minxia had all rights to take anything they wanted to from the clan, even if it was scrolls from their founder's secret library.

Xin Minxia practically dashed over, stopping only when Lee Chun Hua had been left too far behind, and in a matter of a few minutes, they had arrived at the training dojo. In a flash, the older youth burst through the door, only to abruptly stop in her tracks. The stone reinforced dojo, whose walls were literally made from ten foot thick blocks of the hardest rocks possible, was in tatters. Holes littered the floor, the wooden training statues had all been beheaded, stone shards littered the cracked marble floor, and on the opposite side, a twenty metre wide gaping hole was sticking out like a sore thumb on the wall. There was only one person capable of doing such a thing. Xin Minxia had spent the most amount of time with the younger woman, and thus knew exactly what happened here.

"You let her out, didn't you?!"

Chun Hua stifled a curse, an began fiddling with her black hair. She would have been ready to do her best if only she could ensure that Xin Minxia would never tell, but knowing how much the latter feared her other persona, that was a dog's dream. Why wouldn't they fear her other persona, when it took the heads of the four great clans combined to hold her down, while they tore her soul into two. Not to mention that she was merely forty seasons old back then. If it took all four clan heads to contain a small, forty season old, middle stage of the nascent body realm, Lee Chun Hua, then what would it possibly take to contain a big, eighty seasons old, early stage of the Qi reinforcement realm, Lee Chun Hua with a hundred percent of her innate ability?

"I only let her out for a split second, I swear!..."

Then she got on her knees, and repeatedly slammed her head on the stone floor until crimson red blood flowed freely from her temples.

"Please don't tell grandfather! I beg you, Senior sister Minxia!"

Xin Minxia sighed and rubbed her temples. She knew that she should have made a report as soon as she learnt of the disturbing truth, but she did not want Lee Chun Hua to be killed. They had been best friends as kids, but growing split them apart a bit. Even then, she knew the extent of Chun Hua's innate ability, and how dangerous it was. This was being stuck between a rock, and a really, really hard place.

'If I tell, then I could avert a huge calamity befalling the world, but at the cost of Chun Hua. And if I don't, Chun Hua lives, but she might lose control.'

Meanwhile, Chun Hua continued to kowtow.

"Please don't tell grandfather! Just do this for me once,... MinMin."

Xin Minxia's heart strings were instantly strung at the mention of her childhood pet name. With a groan, and severely betraying her conscience, the older youth nodded.

"I'll keep it a secret...." Then she narrowed her almond shaped eyes, and gave Lwe Chun Hua a glare that made her bones shiver.

"... don't ever, and I mean EVER, let that monster out on a whim ever again."

"I won't, I swear on grandmother's grave!"


Xin Minxia was at least satisfied... for now. She knew that she had made a terrible decision, and she also knew that her cousin was a ticking time bomb that was someday doomed to explode,but what could she do? They were family, and family stick out for each other.

"Now, you can go away, Chun Hua. I have almost three thousand scrolls to enjoy! Oh my gosh this is paradise!"

Xin Minxia threw herself at the heaps and bundles of jewel encrusted scrolls. It hurt, yes. But her love for knowledge far surpassed that of mortal boundaries. A little bit of pain was a tiny price to pay for every thing that she was going to learn here.

Lee Chun Hua smiled softly as Xin Minxia excitedly fiddled around with the scrolls just how a child would be fiddling about with his presents on a christmas morning. It was nice to see her focused on something other than sex for a change.