
Seth blinked twice as he stared at the little girl in shock. That was not a kind of nightmare that someone of her age should have. At her age, shouldn't her bad dreams be about stuff like her parents splitting up, or failing a grade exam? Wait, there weren't any problems with her parents as she did not even know who they were, and there weren't any elementary schools here. All children were definitely homeschooled by their parents, and Asami was no different. It wasn't like she had seen a scary movie either, so he had no idea where it was coming from.

"Uh, don't worry. It's just a bad dream. Nothing more, and nothing less. Don't be scared, okay?"

This was what his own mother used to tell him anytime he had a bad dream, and luckily, it also worked in the little girl. The color gradually returned to her face, and the youthful vigour that all children had - but she had an excess of - took it's rightful place in her demeanour as her emerald eyes brightened and she beamed at him.

"Okie! Let's go down. Here is really boring, and there aren't anymore spirit grade sucrose herbs."


Somehow, Seth ended up giving Asami a piggyback ride down the hill as the little girl claimed to be 'tired' from walking around.

'How the hell can she be tired, she is at the friggin middle stage of the Body manipulation realm!'

Old man Shiro seemed to have really bought the whole lost memory stuff, and took it upon himself to 'reeducate' Seth on everything about the world they lived in. The old merchant knew everything from each and every one of the various cultivation realms, to the names of the four emperors ruling the empires surrounding the Allied Sectdom, since he used to be a sect head, and did not hesitate to share everything he knew to the black haired youth. Seth himself was at the early stage of the Nascent Body realm, so Asami was at least four stages above him. Yet he was the one carrying her.

'Well, its not like I really mind much...'

Asami was like his little sister, a damn annoying one that asked way too many questions, but still. Eventually, they arrived at the small village and swiftly found themselves at old man Shiro's home. The sun was blazing down on the earth with dazzling fury, so they all had lunch with a glass of some kind of cold drink, before Asami and her grandmother left the room for the guys to discuss.

"So, how was the meal, my friend? You know I caught the fish the sushi was made from by myself."

"Mmn. It was delicious. By the way, do you know any... what are they called again... Uh, people who craft stuff."

Old man Shiro found it weird that Seth was suddenly asking about a blacksmith out of the blue, but chose not to press it any further.

"Um... yes. I think I do know one. He goes by the name of Baek Sunghoon, and lives at the far north. Is anything up?"

Seth smiled slightly and shook his head. He was not planning on revealing the fact that he already had the Ancient Scroll, and was going to learn crafting so that he could unleash its overpowered ability, was he? Thus he formulated a small fib. He did not like lying to the very man that had taken care of virtually all his needs from the very day they had met up till now. But he had no other choice. What a man does not know would not kill him, and Seth was sure that it would be better for the old merchant to not know that he could be unalived at any moment.

"No, nothing's up. I just thought I might try my hand at crafting and see if it suits me."

The old man seemed quite content with the little white lie, and beamed brightly.

"Oh? Then I'll go give him a call right now."

Old man Shiro got up and left, while Seth sat there, utterly dumbfounded.

'They can make calls here?!'


Old man Shiro had somehow called the Baek Sunghoon guy in a mysterious way that Seth could not fathom, and in a couple of hours, the wright had arrived. Baek Sunghoon was a large man with shoulders that spanned almost as wide as Seth's torso did. His right hand was larger and much more muscular than his left, making it obvious that he hammered with his right hand. He was right handed. Shiro and the man had already talked everything over a cup of Mrs old man Shiro's famous herbal tea, and all that was left was to say his goodbyes.

"Mama, is Seth-san leaving?"

A shrill sad voice whispered. Old man Shiro smiled lightly, Mrs old man Shiro had a slightly sad look on her face, and Asami... well, the little girl looked like she was about to bawl her eyes out at any moments. She already knew the sad answer to her own question.

"So... um.... I'll be seeing you guys, I guess?"

Seth's nose stung as he also thought about their time together. These people had been nothing but benevolent to him. He had no idea why, neither did he have any idea how, but somewhere deep in his heart told him that this would be the last time he would see these people. But he brushed it off.

"Thank you for everything, guys. I swear on my life, that I will repay your benevolence."

This led old man Shiro to chuckle lightly. Placing his hand on the younger man's shoulders, he said.

"My friend, just make sure to visit from time to time, alright?..."

"A-And bring me spirit grade sucrose herbs when you're coming too!"

Asami cut her grandfather short. She did not want Seth to go, ad he was the only person alive, minus her grandparents, who had not called her an annoying brat, or outright avoided her completely.

Seth smiled back at the nice family.

"I'll make sure to visit at the end of the week."


"And yes, Asami, I'll bring the Spirit grade sucrose herb."Seth blinked twice as he stared at the little girl in shock. That was not a kind of nightmare that someone of her age should have. At her age, shouldn't her bad dreams be about stuff like her parents splitting up, or failing a grade exam? Wait, there weren't any problems with her parents as she did not even know who they were, and there weren't any elementary schools here. All children were definitely homeschooled by their parents, and Asami was no different. It wasn't like she had seen a scary movie either, so he had no idea where it was coming from.

"Uh, don't worry. It's just a bad dream. Nothing more, and nothing less. Don't be scared, okay?"

This was what his own mother used to tell him anytime he had a bad dream, and luckily, it also worked in the little girl. The color gradually returned to her face, and the youthful vigour that all children had - but she had an excess of - took it's rightful place in her demeanour as her emerald eyes brightened and she beamed at him.

"Okie! Let's go down. Here is really boring, and there aren't anymore spirit grade sucrose herbs."


Somehow, Seth ended up giving Asami a piggyback ride down the hill as the little girl claimed to be 'tired' from walking around.

'How the hell can she be tired, she is at the friggin middle stage of the Body manipulation realm!'

Old man Shiro seemed to have really bought the whole lost memory stuff, and took it upon himself to 'reeducate' Seth on everything about the world they lived in. The old merchant knew everything from each and every one of the various cultivation realms, to the names of the four emperors ruling the empires surrounding the Allied Sectdom, since he used to be a sect head, and did not hesitate to share everything he knew to the black haired youth. Seth himself was at the early stage of the Nascent Body realm, so Asami was at least four stages above him. Yet he was the one carrying her.

'Well, its not like I really mind much...'

Asami was like his little sister, a damn annoying one that asked way too many questions, but still. Eventually, they arrived at the small village and swiftly found themselves at old man Shiro's home. The sun was blazing down on the earth with dazzling fury, so they all had lunch with a glass of some kind of cold drink, before Asami and her grandmother left the room for the guys to discuss.

"So, how was the meal, my friend? You know I caught the fish the sushi was made from by myself."

"Mmn. It was delicious. By the way, do you know any... what are they called again... Uh, people who craft stuff."

Old man Shiro found it weird that Seth was suddenly asking about a blacksmith out of the blue, but chose not to press it any further.

"Um... yes. I think I do know one. He goes by the name of Baek Sunghoon, and lives at the far north. Is anything up?"

Seth smiled slightly and shook his head. He was not planning on revealing the fact that he already had the Ancient Scroll, and was going to learn crafting so that he could unleash its overpowered ability, was he? Thus he formulated a small fib. He did not like lying to the very man that had taken care of virtually all his needs from the very day they had met up till now. But he had no other choice. What a man does not know would not kill him, and Seth was sure that it would be better for the old merchant to not know that he could be unalived at any moment.

"No, nothing's up. I just thought I might try my hand at crafting and see if it suits me."

The old man seemed quite content with the little white lie, and beamed brightly.

"Oh? Then I'll go give him a call right now."

Old man Shiro got up and left, while Seth sat there, utterly dumbfounded.

'They can make calls here?!'


Old man Shiro had somehow called the Baek Sunghoon guy in a mysterious way that Seth could not fathom, and in a couple of hours, the wright had arrived. Baek Sunghoon was a large man with shoulders that spanned almost as wide as Seth's torso did. His right hand was larger and much more muscular than his left, making it obvious that he hammered with his right hand. He was right handed. Shiro and the man had already talked everything over a cup of Mrs old man Shiro's famous herbal tea, and all that was left was to say his goodbyes.

"Mama, is Seth-san leaving?"

A shrill sad voice whispered. Old man Shiro smiled lightly, Mrs old man Shiro had a slightly sad look on her face, and Asami... well, the little girl looked like she was about to bawl her eyes out at any moments. She already knew the sad answer to her own question.

"So... um.... I'll be seeing you guys, I guess?"

Seth's nose stung as he also thought about their time together. These people had been nothing but benevolent to him. He had no idea why, neither did he have any idea how, but somewhere deep in his heart told him that this would be the last time he would see these people. But he brushed it off.

"Thank you for everything, guys. I swear on my life, that I will repay your benevolence."

This led old man Shiro to chuckle lightly. Placing his hand on the younger man's shoulders, he said.

"My friend, just make sure to visit from time to time, alright?..."

"A-And bring me spirit grade sucrose herbs when you're coming too!"

Asami cut her grandfather short. She did not want Seth to go, ad he was the only person alive, minus her grandparents, who had not called her an annoying brat, or outright avoided her completely.

Seth smiled back at the nice family.

"I'll make sure to visit at the end of the week."


"And yes, Asami, I'll bring the Spirit grade sucrose herb."Seth blinked twice as he stared at the little girl in shock. That was not a kind of nightmare that someone of her age should have. At her age, shouldn't her bad dreams be about stuff like her parents splitting up, or failing a grade exam? Wait, there weren't any problems with her parents as she did not even know who they were, and there weren't any elementary schools here. All children were definitely homeschooled by their parents, and Asami was no different. It wasn't like she had seen a scary movie either, so he had no idea where it was coming from.

"Uh, don't worry. It's just a bad dream. Nothing more, and nothing less. Don't be scared, okay?"

This was what his own mother used to tell him anytime he had a bad dream, and luckily, it also worked in the little girl. The color gradually returned to her face, and the youthful vigour that all children had - but she had an excess of - took it's rightful place in her demeanour as her emerald eyes brightened and she beamed at him.

"Okie! Let's go down. Here is really boring, and there aren't anymore spirit grade sucrose herbs."


Somehow, Seth ended up giving Asami a piggyback ride down the hill as the little girl claimed to be 'tired' from walking around.

'How the hell can she be tired, she is at the friggin middle stage of the Body manipulation realm!'

Old man Shiro seemed to have really bought the whole lost memory stuff, and took it upon himself to 'reeducate' Seth on everything about the world they lived in. The old merchant knew everything from each and every one of the various cultivation realms, to the names of the four emperors ruling the empires surrounding the Allied Sectdom, since he used to be a sect head, and did not hesitate to share everything he knew to the black haired youth. Seth himself was at the early stage of the Nascent Body realm, so Asami was at least four stages above him. Yet he was the one carrying her.

'Well, its not like I really mind much...'

Asami was like his little sister, a damn annoying one that asked way too many questions, but still. Eventually, they arrived at the small village and swiftly found themselves at old man Shiro's home. The sun was blazing down on the earth with dazzling fury, so they all had lunch with a glass of some kind of cold drink, before Asami and her grandmother left the room for the guys to discuss.

"So, how was the meal, my friend? You know I caught the fish the sushi was made from by myself."

"Mmn. It was delicious. By the way, do you know any... what are they called again... Uh, people who craft stuff."

Old man Shiro found it weird that Seth was suddenly asking about a blacksmith out of the blue, but chose not to press it any further.

"Um... yes. I think I do know one. He goes by the name of Baek Sunghoon, and lives at the far north. Is anything up?"

Seth smiled slightly and shook his head. He was not planning on revealing the fact that he already had the Ancient Scroll, and was going to learn crafting so that he could unleash its overpowered ability, was he? Thus he formulated a small fib. He did not like lying to the very man that had taken care of virtually all his needs from the very day they had met up till now. But he had no other choice. What a man does not know would not kill him, and Seth was sure that it would be better for the old merchant to not know that he could be unalived at any moment.

"No, nothing's up. I just thought I might try my hand at crafting and see if it suits me."

The old man seemed quite content with the little white lie, and beamed brightly.

"Oh? Then I'll go give him a call right now."

Old man Shiro got up and left, while Seth sat there, utterly dumbfounded.

'They can make calls here?!'


Old man Shiro had somehow called the Baek Sunghoon guy in a mysterious way that Seth could not fathom, and in a couple of hours, the wright had arrived. Baek Sunghoon was a large man with shoulders that spanned almost as wide as Seth's torso did. His right hand was larger and much more muscular than his left, making it obvious that he hammered with his right hand. He was right handed. Shiro and the man had already talked everything over a cup of Mrs old man Shiro's famous herbal tea, and all that was left was to say his goodbyes.

"Mama, is Seth-san leaving?"

A shrill sad voice whispered. Old man Shiro smiled lightly, Mrs old man Shiro had a slightly sad look on her face, and Asami... well, the little girl looked like she was about to bawl her eyes out at any moments. She already knew the sad answer to her own question.

"So... um.... I'll be seeing you guys, I guess?"

Seth's nose stung as he also thought about their time together. These people had been nothing but benevolent to him. He had no idea why, neither did he have any idea how, but somewhere deep in his heart told him that this would be the last time he would see these people. But he brushed it off.

"Thank you for everything, guys. I swear on my life, that I will repay your benevolence."

This led old man Shiro to chuckle lightly. Placing his hand on the younger man's shoulders, he said.

"My friend, just make sure to visit from time to time, alright?..."

"A-And bring me spirit grade sucrose herbs when you're coming too!"

Asami cut her grandfather short. She did not want Seth to go, ad he was the only person alive, minus her grandparents, who had not called her an annoying brat, or outright avoided her completely.

Seth smiled back at the nice family.

"I'll make sure to visit at the end of the week."


"And yes, Asami, I'll bring the Spirit grade sucrose herb."Seth blinked twice as he stared at the little girl in shock. That was not a kind of nightmare that someone of her age should have. At her age, shouldn't her bad dreams be about stuff like her parents splitting up, or failing a grade exam? Wait, there weren't any problems with her parents as she did not even know who they were, and there weren't any elementary schools here. All children were definitely homeschooled by their parents, and Asami was no different. It wasn't like she had seen a scary movie either, so he had no idea where it was coming from.

"Uh, don't worry. It's just a bad dream. Nothing more, and nothing less. Don't be scared, okay?"

This was what his own mother used to tell him anytime he had a bad dream, and luckily, it also worked in the little girl. The color gradually returned to her face, and the youthful vigour that all children had - but she had an excess of - took it's rightful place in her demeanour as her emerald eyes brightened and she beamed at him.

"Okie! Let's go down. Here is really boring, and there aren't anymore spirit grade sucrose herbs."


Somehow, Seth ended up giving Asami a piggyback ride down the hill as the little girl claimed to be 'tired' from walking around.

'How the hell can she be tired, she is at the friggin middle stage of the Body manipulation realm!'

Old man Shiro seemed to have really bought the whole lost memory stuff, and took it upon himself to 'reeducate' Seth on everything about the world they lived in. The old merchant knew everything from each and every one of the various cultivation realms, to the names of the four emperors ruling the empires surrounding the Allied Sectdom, since he used to be a sect head, and did not hesitate to share everything he knew to the black haired youth. Seth himself was at the early stage of the Nascent Body realm, so Asami was at least four stages above him. Yet he was the one carrying her.

'Well, its not like I really mind much...'

Asami was like his little sister, a damn annoying one that asked way too many questions, but still. Eventually, they arrived at the small village and swiftly found themselves at old man Shiro's home. The sun was blazing down on the earth with dazzling fury, so they all had lunch with a glass of some kind of cold drink, before Asami and her grandmother left the room for the guys to discuss.

"So, how was the meal, my friend? You know I caught the fish the sushi was made from by myself."

"Mmn. It was delicious. By the way, do you know any... what are they called again... Uh, people who craft stuff."

Old man Shiro found it weird that Seth was suddenly asking about a blacksmith out of the blue, but chose not to press it any further.

"Um... yes. I think I do know one. He goes by the name of Baek Sunghoon, and lives at the far north. Is anything up?"

Seth smiled slightly and shook his head. He was not planning on revealing the fact that he already had the Ancient Scroll, and was going to learn crafting so that he could unleash its overpowered ability, was he? Thus he formulated a small fib. He did not like lying to the very man that had taken care of virtually all his needs from the very day they had met up till now. But he had no other choice. What a man does not know would not kill him, and Seth was sure that it would be better for the old merchant to not know that he could be unalived at any moment.

"No, nothing's up. I just thought I might try my hand at crafting and see if it suits me."

The old man seemed quite content with the little white lie, and beamed brightly.

"Oh? Then I'll go give him a call right now."

Old man Shiro got up and left, while Seth sat there, utterly dumbfounded.

'They can make calls here?!'


Old man Shiro had somehow called the Baek Sunghoon guy in a mysterious way that Seth could not fathom, and in a couple of hours, the wright had arrived. Baek Sunghoon was a large man with shoulders that spanned almost as wide as Seth's torso did. His right hand was larger and much more muscular than his left, making it obvious that he hammered with his right hand. He was right handed. Shiro and the man had already talked everything over a cup of Mrs old man Shiro's famous herbal tea, and all that was left was to say his goodbyes.

"Mama, is Seth-san leaving?"

A shrill sad voice whispered. Old man Shiro smiled lightly, Mrs old man Shiro had a slightly sad look on her face, and Asami... well, the little girl looked like she was about to bawl her eyes out at any moments. She already knew the sad answer to her own question.

"So... um.... I'll be seeing you guys, I guess?"

Seth's nose stung as he also thought about their time together. These people had been nothing but benevolent to him. He had no idea why, neither did he have any idea how, but somewhere deep in his heart told him that this would be the last time he would see these people. But he brushed it off.

"Thank you for everything, guys. I swear on my life, that I will repay your benevolence."

This led old man Shiro to chuckle lightly. Placing his hand on the younger man's shoulders, he said.

"My friend, just make sure to visit from time to time, alright?..."

"A-And bring me spirit grade sucrose herbs when you're coming too!"

Asami cut her grandfather short. She did not want Seth to go, ad he was the only person alive, minus her grandparents, who had not called her an annoying brat, or outright avoided her completely.

Seth smiled back at the nice family.

"I'll make sure to visit at the end of the week."


"And yes, Asami, I'll bring the Spirit grade sucrose herb."