Returning... I guess

The azure skies were bright blue, with patches of clouds clustered here and there. The sun shone brightly high in the sky, but despite the cascading rays of warm light, a black haired young man shivered on a five metre flying sword.

"S-Shit! If I knew it was winter already, I would have bought a coat!"

The forgers sect he was coming from was a very sheltered place. One could not see the sky, as a large dome had been built over it, and neither could they know the seasons, as the temperature within it was always past thirty degrees - sometimes more, even, but never less. It surprised him when he stepped out of the large forgers dome, as it was still late summer when he left old man Shiro's small village, and now it was early winter. He hadn't told them that he was returning, as he wanted it to be a surprise. However, the sword came to a stop over the local market.

"I promised Asami some Spirit grade sucrose herbs..."

While he was still at the forgers' Asami kept sending him an average of three letters a week asking about her spirit grade sucrose herbs. If he hadn't been someone that transmigrated from earth, then he would have found it really annoying. Kids on earth were much worse when it came to sweets. He eventually arrived at a small stall that looked a lot like his noodle shack, making him feel nostalgia a bit.

'What the hell am I feing like this for, I'm busy growing strong damnit!'

The main reason he had quickly adjusted yo his wotlf as quickly as he could was so that he could leave that life behind. Here, he could exponentially grow much stronger, and then... Well, he still hadn't figured out what he would do next, but along with power came money, right? Everyone daydreamt about being rich, and if he grew really, really powerful, then he would amass a whole lot of cash. He would move old man Shiro and his family from the small village, and they would all live a much better life. Seth smiled lightly as he thought about them. They were the closest thing he had ever had to a family in his life. He had never met own father, even of people claimed that he was a carbon copy of his old man, and his mother had fallen into a coma when he was ten years old. Anyways, bygones were bygones, right? He was no longer on earth, and as such, had better things yo focus on other than earth stuff.

"Do you have any spirit grade sucrose herbs, please?"

Seth had to bend his head slightly to avoid hitting the bamboo roof.

Park Ju Hui groaned from within. Why couldn't anyone leave her to her depression?! She was a peak stage cultivator of the Nascent Qi realm, and yet, she had been refused entry into the great House of Dawn sect. She had been holed up in her room for the past month, and to get her some fresh air, her mother had forced her here. Now people would come in regular intervals to disturb her peace. She groggily stood up from her chair, and made her way to the ground counter.

"The hell do you want..."

However, she stopped her words in her tracks as her eyes widened. In front of her stood a muscular hunk, with messy spiky black hair, and a wide chest. An enormous sword was slung across his back, making him look wild.

This was her type of guy! With her legs shaking slightly, she changed her tone and pulled out her sweetest, cutest smile.

"Good afternoon, kind sir, could I have the privilege of knowing which of my wares you want to buy?"

Seth scratched the back of his head in confusion. He could have sworn the girl was a spiteful monster that wanted to tear him up two seconds ago, but she had made an almost one hundred and eighty degree change in the next second. He did not realize it, but he had really changed in the past three months. He had grown a little bit taller, his facial features had become more defined, and he had added a lot of muscle mass from using a heavy hammer all day. Sure, he was nowhere near the bulky Baek Sunghoon when it came to muscles, but he was not too far off at this point. Plus, he had not had a haircut in three months, and his hair had become quite overgrown. He had not reached the level where he could make girls swoon just by flashing a smile, yet, but he was really close.

"Uh... Have you got any Spirit grade sucrose herbs? I'd prefer if it were at least four hundred seasons old."

Park Ju Hui stood staring at his wide chest for a second or two, before quickly coming to her senses.

"O-Oh, I'll get right to it!"

She could not let this man slip out of her fingers! If this was what they called falling in love, then she did not want to ever climb out.

Seth meanwhile was lost in his own thoughts. Travelling here with Baek Sunghoon, had given him some insight on the general state of this world. He was apparently in some kind of joint nation called the Allied Sectdom, made up of dozens of sects that had their own territory, however, those sects each were under a larger sect. The Blazing Valor sect was the largest in the side he was coming from, the Forger sect was the second largest in this side, and that meant that there would be another large sect somewhere. Because he had deduced that, if this world were to be compared to earth, he had arrived first would be somewhere in China, Baek Sunghoon and the area he was right now would be somewhere in Korea, and Old man Shiro lived somewhere in Japan. It was really a mystery how he had not figured it out sooner. Their very names were dead giveaways!