Let's get raft building!

Seth sighed in annoyance as Xin Minxia played about with a certain meaty sausage that came from the abomination that he had killed. Well, it had been thoroughly roasted since Xin Minxia could change her yin energy to gain any of the attributes of the five main elements, and thus edible. She would gently put the meat in her mouth, suck on it, and then pull it back out. Then she would gently stroke it over and over, before putting it in her mouth again. It was... disturbing, to say the least. Especially since Seth and Baek Daechul were both men.

"Would you just eat it and get it over with?!"

It was Baek Daechul who spoke out first. The red head had a flushed face and was tightly shutting his legs together.

Xin Minxia chuckled lightly and continued fondling the meat.

"Why? Or do you want me to suck on your meat inste-"

"Alright, enough!"

Seth could not take it any longer. He wondered why Baek Daechul even allowed 'that part' to join in their dinner.

"Miss Minxia, please could you stop acting like a hentai character?!"

In all honesty, Xin Minxia really looked like the typical hentai stepsister. With black hair, slightly oversized boobs, and a teasingly alluring look on her face. But this time, her red lips were pursed and both her eyebrows were raised in slight confusion.

"What's a 'hentai'?"

Seth coughed and scratched the back of his head. What answer could he give to that question; jerk off material? .

"Uh, It's nothing, never mind."

That was not a topic he would ever really want to explain.

Xin Minxia shrugged and continued playing with the meat, while Baek Daechul funnily walked over.

"Seth hyung. I think it's a bad idea to make an alliance with that woman."

Seth tilted his head slightly and raised a brow.

"Really? Why?"

"I'm just... uncomfortable around her."

The red haired young man blushed slightly and faced the ground. Come to think of it, Baek Daechul could not be more than nineteen years. He was just tall and looked older than his age by a lot. Seth understood how the young man felt, heck, he himself felt that way too, but they could not break their alliance with the lecherous young woman just because she made them uncomfortable. As a matter of fact, the lecherous beauty would make even some women uncomfortable.

"Uh, don't worry. I'll give her a stern talking to sooner or later. For now, just avoid her gaze and keep a very wide distance, understand?"


Seth and Daechul had a small bit of trust in each other after spending a full month together in the harrowing desert. Of course, Seth did not completely trust the meat shield that he had deceitfully obtained, and neither did the red head completely trust the man who claimed to come from outside the empires, a land where blood sucking beasts called mosquitoes roamed, yet survived and killed the creatures with a clap of his hand, but at least they had each other's backs.

Xin Minxia had finally gotten bored of the meaty sausage she was playing with, and tossed it over to the side. She did not really throw it far though, as it landed perfectly into a man-made hole by the side of a nearby tree. It was obvious that she was saving it for later, but Seth did not want to know what it would be used for then.

The jade beauty waved over at him and opened her mouth to speak.

"You remember Chun Hua, right?"

Seth frowned slightly and remembered the long haired beauty who had bought noodles, forgot to pay, and best him up thinking that he was one of her crazy fans. His mind then wandered over to when he had scammed a hundred mundane tier Qi shards off her, and when he had breakfast with her family.

"Chun Hua... I think I do. Do you know her?"

"Well, that remains to be seen. Anyways, she's on her way here right now."

"Right now?"


Lee Chun Hua, Nyakymi, Mu Yan Zhi, and Park Ju-Hui stood atop the rock overseeing the great river. If the creatures on land were bad, then those in the water would be far worse, right? But for these group of brave female cultivators, except one at the back whose knees were shaking, they planned to cross the great river that hid all kinds of harrowing monstrosities within it's waters... that is if the black sludgy liquid within it could still be called water. It was completely undrinkable, as anyone who tried to take a sip was instantly eaten up by some abomination hiding in the depths, they could not check how deep it was for the same reason - albeit a different type of the same reason. The large stone they threw was swallowed up by some abomination dwelling in the depths, and the river water could not make reflections. It was so dark that one could barely see their own reflection, not to talk about seeing the bottom. But despite all these, Chun Hua and her allies chose to cross the dreadful river.

"Does anyone know how to build a raft?"

The party members all shook their heads, and Chun Hua frowned. She had once learnt how to build a decent raft when she was thirty six seasons old, but lost it all to her other persona along with some other memories when her soul was split and sealed. She hated to converse with the psychomaniacal alter ego, but this time it couldn't be helped. It was a really quick conversion this time, as Chun Hua's eyes went blank for half a split second and then gained a malicious glint.

"Finally out after almost two seasons. You really are a bitch, me."

However, instead of finding it weird that Chun Hua was talking to herself like Nya and Park Ju-Hui did, Mu Yan Zhi paled considerably. It was because an aura enough to make their knees quake emanated from Chun Hua's slender figure as she turned and faced them.

"Well, since I'm unarguably the strongest and won't hesitate to throw you all into the river if you disobey my orders. Yes, even you senior sister Mu, I'll throw you in there if I have to. - let's get raft building."