Prince of Serpents [2]

A golden hue covered his hands as Qi involuntarily manifested in his body, making him lighter and stronger, as he dashed towards the beast. Was this was what cultivators felt like? Seth did not know as he flew like a shooting star towards the beast. He could feel the power rising within his hands and feet. With the sword in his hands, he felt like he could cut the sky if he wished to. The other cultivators had stop their aggro against the beast the moment it had begun to speak.

"The weak Nascent Qi realm guy is a prince?"

"The beast spoke to him!"

They weren't fools. Each and every cultivator there knew that their attacks, though inflicting fatal injuries, only served to strengthen the creature all the more. It had almost doubled in size, and was quickly laying waste to them all. With a whip of its tail, many a hundred cultivators were torn to pieces, it would spit out venom that melted flesh to repulsive goo, and just gobbled up some people. A few cultivators who had come to the Trial grounds vainly seeking for power, or hoping to be famous if they somehow won, were killed off instantly, while all those who were diligently trained for this day were barely surviving. Nyakumi's eyes began to glow in a bright yellow, as she channeled all her ki aura to her sword with a loud scream.

"Ten Dantian ki Strike!!!"

The special part of Nyakumi's ki strike was not that she was using ki to supplement it. Instead, it was because she drained all the ki energy in an entire dantian in order to perform the strike. She lost an entire dantian each time she performed this technique, and right now, she had just used ten. The enormous crescent shaped solid Qi tore through the air and landed the first solid blow the basilisk had received, it was in the middle of smashing a few hundred cultivators under its tail when the crescent slashed by and cleaved it's entire tail off. The crescent then stopped in its tracks as Nyakumi's outstretched hand widened, and then it went back and forth, left and right, up and down, this way and that, every which way, here and there... whatever! The Basilisk had greviously deep injuries on its flesh, and let out a very loud roar. The roar alone made everyone's blood run cold, but they continued to fight. They had seen that one woman, Nyakumi, the Blind Blade of the Nayuta sect, was not to be trifled with, and that invigorated the rest of them all.

"Rahh! We, the Beast slayer sect shall not lose out to the Nayuta sect!"

"If Blind Blade can do it, why can't we?!"

They rushed at the basilisk like a tide of human bodies, but received a rather rude awakening. Who among them was capable of draining an entire dantian in one strike? Their steps began to falter and the newfound hope of victory was growing dimmer, until the silhouette of a long haired guy with a cool sword appeared in front of them and cut the creature's tail stump in two.

"The Nascent Qi guy?!"

Indeed, Seth stood before them with the sword tightly clenched in his both hands, this sword had slain a basilisk in the movie, so why wouldn't it do so here? - especially when it was created from the essence of an all powerful ancient scroll!

'So this is what it feels like when the mc makes an entrance..."

Once a webnovel otaku, always a webnovel otaku. Even his entrance had been inspired by that of the regressor guy in the omniscient reader novel. If one wanted a cool, badass entrance, then the Yoo John...something guy was an expert at it.

Anyways, he had made his ultra cool entrance, and it was now time to kill the beast. He had belatedly discovered that he could use the scroll essence to do almost anything, and that included empowering his body. Chun Hua smiled brightly as his aura had a very sharp increase in pressure. If his aura was that of the Qi awakening tier before, then now it would rival that of the Qi reinforcement tier... or maybe surpass, even...

Today, Seth could understand why anime MCs screamed while attacking.The loud roar coming out of his mouth was created by replaying the gruesome images of old man Shiro, Mrs old man Shiro, and the entire population of the southern sectdom village as mutilated corpses. He jumped high in the air, backed by the power of the ancient scroll, such that the beast and him were of the same eye level, and then a different memory slipped into view. That of a pretty little girl with her skull split open. Bright bubble gum pink hair dyed in blood, and the dim emerald eye frozen in shock. His heart seemed to hurt and squeeze in his body as he drew a fist. The words 'Detroit smash' fleeted into his head for a second, and then his fist flew forward like a bullet. He had to say something, something to voice out the choking emotions in his heart. At the same time, the basilisk that had been charging up it's special attack screamed out a roar.

[Prince of Serpents, you dare?!]

Seth however had found the words he were searching for.

"Skull splitting fist of power!"

A green flash of light blazed over him, as his fist thaybhad the essence of the Ancient scroll running within his veins smashed into the beast's skull.

Chun Hua stared high up, bleeding from various cuts and gashes where she had been hit by the basilisk's tail while trying to save a few of her comrades. She could remember clearly now, his was the same... 'energy' she had seen in him that had made her stalk him. The guy who advanced tiers in an instant. She felt terrible knot in her stomach as she recalled the thoughts she had at first when she saw him after three months. The blinding flash of green light subsided and the basilisk's body crashed to the ground with a crushed head. But in the midst of the cheers, a battered body fell to the floor.