Dishonorable Samurai [2]

Seth took a deep breath and coughed out a bit of blood.

"So this was what the green haired guy in that hero academy anime felt like whenever he used his quirk."

Seth wasn't 'worthy' of the scrolls power yet, but was using it anyways. It only made sense that he had to pay a rather steep price in return.

"Check around, the nascent qi guy couldn't have gone far!"

The damned lesser deities had made him a bonus trial, and now everyone wanted his head since it was far easier to kill a Seth, than face some horrifying abomination.

Seth was totally drained, and if not for Nya's timely interference, then Asuka would have killed him.

"Samurai are nothing like the movies..."

Well, he was sort of safe-ish here, and he had about five minutes of rest.


Nyakumi watched the groaning Asuka with apprehension. She did not let it show, but this woman was the strongest foe she had battled since she was reborn here.

"H... Harakiri..."

Asuka was bleeding and battered as she managed to sputter a bit. Samurai lived by honor, and defeat was nothing if not dishonorable. Nyakumi was someone who was well versed in Japanese culture and she had no choice but to respect the woman's request.

The platinum haired woman hesitated a bit, and then slid her sword over to the fallen samurai in order for her to execute herself. However, Asuka grabbed the sword and made a sweeping motion towards Nyakumi's feet. Luckily the silver haired Blind Blade noticed in time and sprung to her feet.

"What the heck woman?! I thought you were gonna give yourself a harakiri! What the hell happened to you samurai's honor and all that crap?"

"Fuck honor. My mother was a shinobi."

Without her specially crafted sword that could handle the bombardment of an entire dantian full amount of ki without breaking into pieces, she could not execute her special technique. Right now, she was literally helpless against the samurai.



Xin Minxia glanced over at Chun Hua who was immersed in sharpening her longsword and let out a slight sigh.

"Hey Hua,..."


Chun Hua jerked her head up and gazed at her cousin. Minxia rarely ever spoke to her informally, so it had to be something serious.

"What is it, senior sister Xin?"

Xin Minxia fiddldd with her long fingers and lowered her head a bit.

"What if I told you that I'm actually the possessor of the Dao of Time, and that we're all bound to perish here?"

Lee Chun Hua confusedly tilted her head slightly with a look of amusement etched upon her face.

"Then I'd say that you've gotten laid wayyy too much and it's affecting your brains. Err... I don't mean any disrespect, senior sister, please forgive me for my words..."

"It's okay, Chun Hua. Alright, what do you think about the Nascent Qi guy, then?"

Chun Hua's eyes widened slightly and her heart skipped a bit while her stomach knotted itself over and over again.

"S-Seth? What would I think about him, he... he's low realm trash..."

Xin Minxia let out a chuckle and raised a brow.

"But weren't you the one who kept on pestering Uncle to let him into the sect, and when that didn't work, you began pestering grandfather saying that he might be a cultivation genius?"

"I... I-"

Chun Hua blushed furiously and covered her face with a makeshift hand fan made from the leaves of some tree here in the Trial Grounds.

"I was mistaken, alright. You don't have to rub it in my face! ..."

Then like she had just realized her tone, she made a low bow.

"... I mean, I had made an error, senior sister Xin, and mistook Seth for a cultivation genius."

"Do you believe that he killed the basilisk?"


"If you do, then he's gonna need your help. He's over by the great tree in the distance."


"Good luck, Chun Hua!"

The older young woman vanished in an instant, and left Chun Hua in a daze. No, it wasn't because Xin Minxia had just poofed away, she was already used to the lecherous woman's first line if defense if she was caught cucking some person. After all, one was innocent until proven guilty, right?

What dazed her was her... What would she call it... Feelings? No, she had never felt any feelings for anyone before, and she was not going to start now. Would she call it demeanor? Well, she and Seth had not really had a conversation since she took him to the throne of valor all those seasons ago. She did not know what her demeanor was towards him looked like from his perspective.

She just had a tingling feeling around him and got annoyed whenever she saw him around other girls. She wasn't embarrassed because she had mistook him for a genius only to be proved wrong when he resurfaced after three months, she was actually annoyed that he had disappeared for three months and made her unable to stalk... I mean, track... no, that just sounds wrong. Follow? Yes. That made her unable to follow him for three months.

"Do I... Have feelings for Seth?"

Chun Hua blushed deeply and buried her face in her hands.

"Nah. Its just that sixth sense thing I have when I find a vastly powerful person."

Wrong or right, that was what she wanted to believe.