A fist fight

In the detention center. After breakfast, the prisoners returned to their cells one by one. In the third cell from the left in the south corridor, the four prisoners in the cell were lying quietly in their beds, and one of them was a fat man who whispered: "Big brother, I have already talked to Boss Li at breakfast, and Boss Li nodded his head. We have three aces, plus Boss Li's two big king kongs, there are five people. Dealing with the one called Luo Feng should be no problem." "Fat man, it is said that Luo Feng can beat four senior students of the martial arts school. It is difficult to deal with." The strong man with black dog tattoos whispered. "Black dog, fat man, this time in addition to us, Brother Zhou also let the cobra attack. Even if we don't succeed, the cobra will succeed!" A young man with a single eye whispered. "Cobra?" The fat man and the strong man with black dog were both frightened. "Well, it happened that the cobra was just locked up in the detention center." The young man with a single eye nodded. "With the cobra, it is certainly foolproof." The fat man was excited, "but big brother, what is the cobra like, we haven't seen it yet." "Concrete action, I will discuss with Boss Li at noon." "If nothing goes wrong, we will attack during the collective dinner tonight! Remember, take your weapons with you." The so-called weapons of these prisoners are actually blades and sharp spikes sharpened from toothbrush handles... Although the checks in the detention center are strict, they cannot be compared with those in heavy prisons. Even in heavy prisons, the figures with a sharp eye can send guns and ammunition in. After all, no matter how strict the system is, as long as it is carried out by people, there will be loopholes! Of course, these people in the detention center are all little figures, using only blades, sharp pieces of glass and other sharp "weapons". Evening. "Luo Ge." "Luo Ge." Some prisoners who came out from the cell and met in the corridor shouted to Luo Feng one by one. Luo Feng's achievement of wounding four senior students of martial arts school has been spread last night, and now almost everyone in the detention center knows the fierceness of this young man. In the collective canteen, it is said that the canteen is actually a closed hall. Silver fixed long tables have dozens of long tables. "Everything is OK in the detention center, but the food is too bad." Last night's success in cultivating gene principle has made Luo Feng in a good mood today. Go to the counter, and inside the detention house supervision personnel led a plastic lunch box, this box is the same as the food mud. Look down, the food is gray mud appearance, taste and taste of potatoes. "This is the legendary biological meal." Luo Feng shook his head. Fame from the good, but is said to be biological meal, is actually recognized by the society the most junk food. If you eat this kind of biological meal, a person a day only need 50 cents can be. Can imagine how low the cost of the biological meal. Silver hall, silver table bench, silver lunch box. A large number of people wearing prison uniforms one by one come over, led the lunch box to eat. Luo Feng sat at the long table, bowed his head and began to eat these biological meal, and at this time a thin teenager wearing glasses also holding the lunch box sat next to Luo Feng, the thin teenager bowed his head to eat two mouthfuls, not curse 1: "pigs and dogs eat better than this!" "Quick, you lost, give me two cigarettes." "What are you doing?" The whole silver hall, more than a hundred prisoners are talking to each other, a mess. Two guards standing outside the railing, holding an assault rifle lazy glance inside, laughing at each other. And the silver hall corner of the camera is constantly running, recording everything in the hall. "Peng." A one-eyed strong man sat down to the right side of Luo Feng about three meters away from another long table, glanced at Luo Feng, smiled, "you call Luo Feng?" Luo Feng looked at the one-eyed strong man: "you are?" "My name is Long." One-eyed strong man grinned. "One-eyed dragon." A low drink, saw a short fat man sitting opposite the one-eyed strong man, in the short fat man side also sat two towers of strong man, two strong man are coldly looking at the one-eyed young man. And the short fat man sneered, "Yesterday afternoon out to play, is your people beat my brother? Say, how to solve this matter?" "Roll." One-eyed strong man eyes a turn, drink, "Li fat man, you hurry to give me roll far away, annoyed Lao Tzu, don't blame Lao Tzu not polite." Short fat man eyes flashed cold light, sneered: "one-eyed dragon, it seems that you don't want to talk?" In the next to eat Luo Feng bowed his head to eat two mouthfuls, glanced at this side, not from feel interesting. In his opinion, this is obviously the prison in the two quite powerful leaders fight. One-eyed dragon only eyes a turn, drink: "talk about a fart, you still want to talk to me, give me fuck off." "Fuck, give me a fight!" Short and fat face ferocious, suddenly a low shout. Suddenly short and fat side of the two tower like strong man instant move, one of a lifted the silver long table waving to hit the one-eyed dragon strong man, another one of the tower strong man is like a lightning fly kick, kicked hard to the one-eyed dragon. "Dare to fight my boss!" "Brothers, on." The whole silver hall instant a mess. "Peng!" One of the prisoners lifted the bench, hit the hall corner of the camera hard, the detention every large-scale weapons fight the first thing is to smash the camera. The police did not have a hundred percent evidence, when the fight can be naturally compiled by these prisoners. Silver hall. "Ah!" The one-eyed dragon throws his right arm, blocking the tower strong man's foot, but the foot is very heavy, making the one-eyed dragon whole person staggered back several steps, back to Luo Feng's side. The two tower strong man instantly forced over. And the one-eyed dragon's little brother, also rushed towards this, for a time Luo Feng unexpectedly into the whirlpool center of the weapons fight. "Unexpectedly encountered the weapons fight." Luo Feng can only get up, he can be lazy to mix these things, and at this time a single-eyed strong man under the command of a fat man in rushed to Luo Feng next to the time, the hand suddenly emerged a long screw grinding sharp thorns, sharp thorns directly into Luo Feng's back. And before the staggering one-eyed dragon, a turn in the hands of a plastic fixed blade even appeared, directly into Luo Feng. "Hmm?" Luo Feng suddenly felt a dangerous, and the back a little pain, as if there is something sharp objects into the muscles, but then was muscle to clamp, Luo Feng whole person as if a cat quickly catapulted up, across the front of the table. But at this time... "Ho!" "Ho!" The two tower strong man, almost at the same time thrown out as if the general thighs of the battle ax, ruthlessly split to Luo Feng. "You find death!" Instantly understand all Luo Feng, suddenly a low roar, two fist ruthlessly hit to the split to two thighs! The so-called two big two King Kong two tower strong man are in the heart sneer, leg strength is much stronger than arm strength, they will be afraid of Luo Feng? Peng! Peng! The dull sound of impact, accompanied by the sound of bone fracture, before the fierce two tower strong man pain howl, two people were Luo Feng double fist hit fly away, hard hit the table in the distance, the stool, on the ground flowing a heart-stopping blood trail. "Ah, ah -" two big man painful holding two legs rolling on the ground. At this time - "buzz - buzz -" harsh chirping sound, the detention of the police quickly rushed out from their rest place gathering, toward the prison this came. Luo Feng touched the back, blood donation completely dyed red waist back of the clothes, the heart slightly certain. Rumor has not wrong, can practice gene warriors, a fist three or four thousand jin, ordinary small caliber pistol bullets, has been unable to shoot through the muscle. Just now the fat man's a thorn just pierced the skin surface, was stuck by the muscle. "You are in play." Luo Feng glanced at the one-eyed dragon and the short fat man, eyes across a trace of light, which made one-eyed dragon, short fat man two people changed color. "Give me, he was injured." One-eyed dragon roared. "Everybody together." The fat man is also a big roar, shouting at the same time they also picked up the bench hit, the boss began, the young men naturally one by one also picked up the bench rushed, a mess. Luo Feng shape a move into a phantom, saw his legs as if a hair hair shells, a prisoner was kicked fly. For ordinary young prisoners Luo Feng did not under the harsh, after all, those people are the herd, and the leading two one-eyed dragon, and stabbed himself a knife fat, Luo Feng can not be soft. "Po!" Luo Feng a knife directly cut on the bench, the bench cut broken, arm and hit the one-eyed dragon arm, the one-eyed dragon whole person hit fly, one-eyed dragon arm is ninety degrees in the opposite direction twist. A figure thrown fly up, a bench table twist, broken. Gap! This is the practice of gene after the original warrior, and the ordinary fierce gangster gap. When Luo Feng swept a group of prisoners, has been watching the crowd silently watching the thin boy wearing glasses suddenly a wave. "Shoo!" A cold light instantly across the sky, has been to Luo Feng body.