The source of Luo Feng's headache

In the quiet audio-visual room, Luo Feng took a sip of hot tea with a bubble, but his eyes fell on the huge screen on the wall of the audio-visual room: "20 million Chinese yuan? The start-up funds promised by the extreme martial arts school have actually arrived." At the top of the page, there is a row of buttons. One of them is flashing constantly, and the button has a line of words - "you have two new emails." Luo Feng clicked his finger on the touch screen of the wireless keyboard and opened the mailbox. "Woo!" The first email opened, and suddenly a video appeared. "Hello, Mr. Luo Feng." A middle-aged man in a black suit appeared on the huge screen, smiling, "I am the assistant of Zhu Geng, and I believe you have seen the 20 million start-up funds promised by the director. As for the purchase of body methods, sword methods, and navigation techniques. You can buy them directly through the internal network, as long as the price is not more than 100 million. The internal network will be reimbursed directly, and you will not deduct a penny. If the price is more than 100 million, the excess part needs to be paid by Mr. Luo Feng yourself. At the same time, I also congratulate Mr. Luo Feng on the success of your martial arts practical assessment." After that, the video ends directly. "Extreme martial arts school, it's good for me, too." Luo Feng clicked on the second email. The email also contained a video. "Dear new martial artist 'Luo Feng', hello. I represent the Ultimate Martial Arts Academy and welcome you to our family." A sweet-looking girl smiled. "This is your first time to enter the internal network of the Ultimate Martial Arts Academy -- the Ultimate Home! Let me introduce you to the purpose of the Ultimate Home." "First of all, in the Ultimate Home. You can buy weapons of all levels, guiding skills, body rules, attacks such as Dao, Qiang, Jian and so on, as well as heat weapons, transportation tools, defense equipment, communication systems, special bombs, special medical potions, genetic potions... and even some special materials and treasures. As long as you have enough money, you can buy them." "Once you pay, the goods will be delivered within 24 hours." "Through the Ultimate Home, you can even ask a general level martial artist, or even a war god level martial artist, to conduct one-on-one teaching and guidance with you through the network. Again, you need to pay enough money." The girl in the video smiled. "If you have enough contribution points, then the prices of the above items will be halved!" Luo Feng was surprised. Halved? If an item costs 100 million yuan, and if you contribute enough points, then only 50 million yuan is needed to buy it? This contribution point is really useful. But now their contribution point is only 0. "The contribution point has many uses, not only the benefits of buying goods. For example, the contribution point reaches a certain level, you can call the special division of the extreme martial arts and so on." The girl in the video smiled, "The higher the contribution point, the higher your position in my extreme martial arts is, the greater the power is, and the better the welfare is." "The method of obtaining the contribution point is mainly divided into two kinds." "One kind, hunt the monster, and get an important material on the monster's body. Sell this important material to the extreme martial arts! You can get money and contribution points." "The second kind, donate to the extreme martial arts, the more money you donate, the more contribution points you get. Nowadays the proportion is... Donate 10,000 Chinese yuan, you can get 1 contribution point! Donation system, with 10 million Chinese yuan donated, the fighter donates 100 billion at most. That is to say - through the donation system, you can get the limit of contribution points is 10 million points!" Luo Feng listened to the breath. His mother's? Donation and limit? Donate 100 billion at most? More, they are not accepted by the extreme martial arts? This 100 billion Chinese yuan, ah, like now Forbes ranking, China's first rich man, now the assets are 100 billion a little bit more. Forbes ranked the world's richest man's assets, also 120 billion dollars, equivalent to 420 billion yuan. Of course, Forbes ranked some of the brightest, such as some super family entire family assets, is more than some super rich. But that is the accumulation of a family. "Mr. Luo Feng, I remind you here, hunting monsters is the best way to get contribution points, which can not only get contribution points, but also earn money." The girl smiled in the video, "You now have the start-up capital, please do not buy it immediately. You can enter the information area of the warrior forum, carefully consult some basic knowledge of the warrior. It is very beneficial for you to choose secrets and buy weapons." "Finally, I wish Mr. Luo Feng can step on the peak of the warrior in our family of extreme martial arts." After finishing, the video girl bowed, and then the video ended. Luo Feng was amazed... The internal network of the extreme martial arts school "Extreme Home" is indeed very useful. The most attractive thing to Luo Feng is that it can even pass money, directly ask the general level and even the god level stronger, through the network one-to-one teaching and guidance. Although he has 20 million yuan, Luo Feng is not in a hurry to buy weapons and other items, but first get familiar with the internal website of the extreme home. The limit of the home site functions a lot, divide many plates, have received the task, the task of issuing, have a separate guest chat function, have cultivation plate, have donation system. But the most attractive Luo Feng, is 'the warrior forum' and 'the network mall' these two big plates. The network mall, which covers all aspects, all kinds of guide art, body law secrets, knife secrets, hot weapons, cold weapons, gene potions and so on, have anything. In a word - the network mall is a place to spend money. "The warrior forum." Luo Feng clicks into this forum, and then into the "warrior basic knowledge database" this sub forum, in this sub forum is no one replied, there are only a large number of basic information. "Spiritual master, spiritual master..." Luo Feng keeps turning backward, looking for the introduction of the spiritual master, finally - "huh? It is it." Luo Feng saw a post - "some simple descriptions of the spiritual master". "Dear brothers, see you know little about the spiritual master, brother I also briefly introduce a little." See this first sentence, Luo Feng smiled, obviously this so-called warrior forum database, should be a lot of warriors write the post directly summed up together, not formal information. "This spirit reads a master, can say is the warrior this one circle the most let a person fear a group of people. " "First of all, the spirit reads a master is not to say that you practice can become the spirit reads a master, each spirit reads a master is the talented person, is their own awakening! They did not wake up, perhaps just ordinary warrior. But when they wake up... that is very powerful! " "How very powerful?" "First of all, the spirit reads a master mainly divides into two kinds, one kind of spirit reads a master, is the control of things! That is to say control some sharp, flying knife and so on, carry on the long-distance attack! The spirit reads a master controls the things between the air, that can be more powerful than some heavy sniper bullets. The bullet line of the sniper rifle is almost along the straight line. And the weapons controlled by the spirit reads a master, are irregular! In addition to the direction of irregularity, and the lethality is different. " "For example, heavy machine gun, heavy sniper rifle, the bullet lethality is limited. The top sniper rifle, it is also difficult to kill 'primary beast will level' monster. But the power of the spirit reads a master to control the sharp, flying knife, is stronger with the increase of their spiritual power! The spirit reads a master that can kill 'lord level monster', there are many. " "In the spirit reads a master, except for the control of things. The second kind is to directly carry on the spiritual attack! This is a more mysterious, direct attack monster soul, once successful, the monster body without a little injury, but directly die! But the attack is more difficult, the spirit of the master to understand the spiritual attack' method, is said to be very few." "In addition to the'space control' and'spiritual attack', the legend of the spirit of the master, there are other factions. But I'm not quite clear." Luo Feng looked at every word, dare not miss a word. "In fact, the most let me envy, is the spirit of the master strength to improve the speed! The spirit of the master, born is a very strong spirit of the mind! Only when they were young physical can not bear so strong spirit of the mind, so the spirit of the mind hidden in the sea. When their physical quality is becoming stronger and stronger, to a certain limit. The spirit of the mind will show!" "The stronger the physical quality, the more the spirit of the mind can bear! The warrior division warrior level (primary, intermediate, senior), warrior level (primary, intermediate, senior), god of war level (primary, intermediate, senior), a total of nine levels! Physical quality and the spirit of the mind are generally two levels. The body is assumed to be a primary warrior level, then the spirit of the mind is generally a senior warrior level! The body is a secondary warrior, the spirit of the mind is a primary war will level..." "Spiritual master, strength has a rapid improvement period! Because they are born, the spirit of mindfulness is very strong, but has been lurking in the sea! With the stronger the body, the more latent spirit of mindfulness show... The stronger the body, the stronger the spirit of mindfulness... Until one day, the latent spirit of mindfulness is all excavated. At this time, the spirit of mindfulness strength improvement began to be very slow." Luo Feng saw this paragraph, not from a shock. Originally... the spirit of mindfulness strength improvement, is actually to dig out the latent spirit of mindfulness. Have a strong enough body, to bear enough spirit of mindfulness! "So the potential of the spirit of mindfulness, it depends on how much spirit of mindfulness they have lurking in the sea." "The latent spirit of mindfulness, some exist in liquid form, some exist in liquid and solid coexistence form. And some exist in completely solid form!" Legend has it that in the sea, the latent spirit of mindfulness condenses into a solid, representing the very large power of mindfulness! It is a group of people with the highest potential in the spirit of mindfulness group. As their physical quality improves, the spirit of mindfulness in the solid will be released continuously, making their strength improve. Until one day, the solid is completely decomposed. Their strength will end in a rapid improvement period! Luo Feng suppressed his excitement, constantly reading, until the content of this post is all finished. After Luo Feng turned the database, find another two introduction of the spiritual master. The description is almost the same, it seems to be true. So... I know the dark golden ball in the sea, should be very large spiritual power solid condensation! I'm really lucky, awakening actually alive. Luo Feng sigh. According to the three posts he saw, the spiritual master awakening, the sea will suddenly burst very strong spiritual power, once the awakening failure, it may become a fool, a vegetative state, or even seven hole bleeding death! No wonder I grew up, almost every day the head faint pain, and even fainted a few times. It seems that my body is too weak, and my spiritual power is too strong, so that my body can not bear, just a headache! And with my physical quality improvement, the headache has been weakening, and now, it is completely disappeared. Headache, since Luo Feng's awakening, has completely disappeared. The dark golden ball, unexpectedly is the spiritual power solid condensation. I don't know, in the end contains how much spiritual power. Luo Feng could not help but guess.