One-horned boar

Rooftop, this is your first battle. Don't be careless. The wild nature and spirituality of these monsters are much stronger than the ones bred in military compounds." Chen Gu seriously warned Rooftop, who smiled. He felt Chen's concern. Among the Firehammer team, Rooftop was closest to Chen Gu and Zhang Ke, who lived in the same apartment complex in Moonlight.

As for the team leader, Gao Feng, and the Wei brothers... After all, they had never met before, and as a newcomer, it was not an easy thing to get the recognition of Gao Feng and the other three.

"Come on, Rooftop. Your speed and neural reaction speed are just above the 'senior warrior' physical fitness qualification line. Your strength is also close to that level. Dealing with this one-horned wild boar should be no problem." Iron Gun Zhang Ke, who rarely offered encouragement, spoke up.

The other three, team leader Gao Feng and the Wei brothers, looked at Rooftop.

"Hiss!" Rooftop pulled out the Blood Shadow Battle Axe and held the shield in his left hand, grasping the Blood Shadow Battle Axe in his right hand. He smiled slightly, "Captain, Chen Brother, watch me take this one-horned wild boar's horn!" Rooftop said as he quickly approached the front.

The team looked on as Rooftop went forward.

"Captain, are you asking Rooftop to fight against a nearly F-level one-horned wild boar in his first battle? That might be a bit too high a standard," Chen Gu couldn't help but speak up, "Yes, we should test and examine Ro Feng from the Firehammer Squad, but we should take it step by step. It would be better to start with a G-level monster."

"Yes, we can't rush things." Zhang Ke also spoke up.

"The captain's arrangement is fine." The eldest brother of the Wei family, Wei Tie, spoke in a deep voice. "Ro Feng's physical strength is no less than that of the monster. Although the difficulty is high, he will suffer a bit, but he should still be able to win."

"This is his first time in the Wilderness Area," Zhang Ke said with some dissatisfaction.

"First time there? I don't want him to become a burden on us. Otherwise, how can we dare to hunt down powerful warlord-level monsters with a newcomer?" The younger brother of the Wei family, Wei Qing, frowned as well.

At this moment -- the five veteran members of the Firehammer Squad, Chen Gu and Zhang Ke, were obviously biased towards Ro Feng, while the Wei brothers looked at Ro Feng with suspicious eyes.

"Stop arguing," High Wind said. Chen Gu and the others calmed down.

"See for yourself. Let's watch Ro Feng's battle with the One-horned Wild Boar first," High Wind said expressionlessly. Luo Feng as if the agile leopard quickly jumped to a car behind the overturned on the highway, towards the front not far from the unicorn boar, the unicorn boar hair for black, as if a root black steel thorns, a dark gray unicorn as if a sharp knife!In the evening sunset light shine, the unicorn sharp knife refracting cold cold light.If the original warrior practical assessment process, the boar as if a heavy humvee, savage fierce words.The unicorn boar gives the feeling, is - flexible, tough coexist! "This is my first war, must play beautiful point."Luo Feng is very clear, a newcomer is very difficult to join the elite will level squad, captain Gao Feng and Wei brothers obviously maintain a skeptical attitude towards themselves, they must rely on the fight to prove themselves! Luo Feng staring at the front of the hunting unicorn boar.

 H, G, F three levels, respectively, corresponding to the primary beast, intermediate beast, senior beast.Obviously the unicorn boar, the strength of the nearly F level.

 "Ho - ho -" unicorn boar shouted, a murderous double pupil glanced around.

 "It found me."Luo Feng heart rate accelerated, but some excitement. "Hoom!" The unicorn boar suddenly took off at full speed, as if it had transformed into a fast-moving tank, directly crashing into the makeshift barricade in front of Luo Feng's "old car." Luo Feng, like a nimble monkey, quickly dodged out of the way. With a loud crash, the car was thrown into the air and rolled several times on the highway before coming to a stop. The weathered body of the car, which had been exposed to the elements for decades, split apart, and the wheels fell off, rolling for a while before coming to a stop.

As Luo Feng dodged out of the way, he immediately charged at the unicorn boar.

"Beast, die!" Luo Feng growled. His entire body seemed to flash like lightning as he rushed towards the unicorn boar, and his blood-shadow battle knife flashed a chilling light as it sliced towards the boar's neck. But just as Luo Feng closed in on the boar, a black shadow suddenly slashed towards Luo Feng's head.

"So fast," Luo Feng jumped in fright, and with a quick foot movement, he managed to twist his body and avoid the shadow. It was the unicorn boar's iron whip-like tail.

"Pfft!" "Pfft!"

After whipping its tail, the unicorn boar's agility skyrocketed, and it suddenly charged at Luo Feng. Those thick iron hooves, and the sharp, pointed unicorn horn directly pierced forward.

"Damn, this unicorn pig is too fast." Lu Feng took a quick step back with his feet, and pushed his shield forward.


The shield collided violently with the unicorn pig's iron hoof, and at the moment of impact, Lu Feng took advantage of the rebound force and quickly performed a backward somersault dive, rolling on the ground to dissipate the force, while the unicorn pig charged forward at high speed, and Lu Feng rolled over and stepped on the body of an old, rusted truck, before quickly dodging behind it.

The truck's obstruction prevented the unicorn pig's rapid charge from having any effect.


The five members of the Firehammer Squad, who were watching this scene from a distance, nodded slightly.

"Captain, don't you think that Ro Feng's reaction is pretty good?" Chen Gu smiled.

Captain Gao Feng nodded and smiled slightly: "Yes, it is good. I thought that he, who was facing the unicorn pig for the first time, would have to suffer a bit. But I didn't expect his immediate reaction to be so fast, and his basic skills are very good. He used his shield to absorb the force very cleverly, and his movements were smooth like water. The unicorn pig's attack in this round, Ro Feng didn't get hurt. Hmm!"

The cold expression of Wei Jia's brothers, who had been frowning, loosened slightly.

"Wei Tie, Wei Qing, don't you think that Ro Feng is pretty good?" Zhang Ke smiled.

"The battle hasn't ended yet, and it's too early to say anything." Wei Tie replied coldly. The Fire Hammer Squad of five continued to watch the battle between Luo Feng and the Wild Boar.


Luo Feng's mind was fully concentrated, and he was surprised inwardly: "This wild boar is so sneaky! He pretended to be weak at first, but then suddenly attacked me with his tail, followed by iron hoofs and the sharp horn. And then the frenzied charge... Thankfully, these past few days, I've been practicing the Nine Heavens Thunder Fist, and my control of my body's strength has become even more precise!"

If it weren't for the nearly one-month practice of the Nine Heavens Thunder Fist,

Probably, the boar's this wave of attack would have required me to use my spiritual power to assist, in order to avoid injury.

"Ho-ho-ho!" The wild boar roared, not stupidly trying to ram the truck, but leaping over it and quickly charging towards Luo Feng.

"Beast, this time, you're done for!"

Luo Feng kicked violently at a broken tire nearby, and the tire flew out like it had been shot from a catapult, rapidly colliding with the wild boar. The wild boar didn't slow down at all, merely slightly lowered his head, and the sharp horn on his forehead sliced through the tire in half, and then the tire fell apart.

After kicking the tire, Luo Feng immediately charged towards the wild boar himself.

"Ho-ho-ho!" The wild boar charged through the tire at the same time, immediately turning his head, and the sharp horn stabbed towards Luo Feng.

"Die!" At this moment, Luo Feng's body was so agile that he was able to rotate like a butterfly, skillfully avoiding the unicorn-shaped blade. At the same time, the blood-shadow battle knife in his hand took advantage of the rotational force to make a swift strike! The blade's lightning-fast light traveled along an arc in an accelerating motion.


Fast as lightning, this rotating strike sliced through the unicorn boar's neck, and a loud hiss was heard as Luo Feng clearly felt the toughness of the boar's hair and the resilience of its skin. It was no wonder that even bullets couldn't penetrate its skin.

Dark red blood seeped out, and Luo Feng's strike had only penetrated about five centimeters into the unicorn boar's neck, and was unable to go any further.

"Roar -!" The unicorn boar roared madly and swung its head wildly to ram into Luo Feng.

The severely injured unicorn boar was even more frenzied!



"What amazing agility!"

The Wei brothers' faces showed shocked expressions.

"He was able to dodge the unicorn boar's unicorn-shaped blade so skillfully!" exclaimed the eldest brother, Wei Tie, "It's unbelievable. And he dared to rotate in front of the unicorn boar's horn, not afraid that the unicorn's horn would pierce through his body? It's too amazing. Was it luck or true skill?"

That one rotation, which seemed simple, revealed Luo Feng's astonishing body movements.


"Beautiful!" Chen Gu and Zhang Ke couldn't help cheering. "This kid, very strong."Gao Feng smiled and said, "In that dangerous situation, he dared to do that and succeeded.His body is definitely not ordinary!His timing is also very accurate, but...the most difficult thing about monsters is their strong vitality.It's not so easy to kill this one-horned boar." The five members of the Fire Hammer Team, including the Weijia brothers, all smiled slightly. The five continued to watch the battle between Luo Feng and the wild one-horned boar in the distance.