A general monster

Six members of the Fire Hammer team were hiding on the rooftop of a residential area in the 21st floor of the Blue Sky Community, searching for a beast general-level monster. Meanwhile, an elite six-man martial artist team was also moving quickly towards the 201st County from a desolate highway about 30 miles away from the 201st County.

The six men were wearing combat suits with a tiger emblem on the left chest. This was the famous 'Tiger Tooth Team' from Jiangnan City, with six members in total. Two of them used hot weapons, while the other four used cold weapons. Of the four using cold weapons, two were warrior-level fighters and two were senior warrior-level fighters! As for the two using hot weapons, both were warrior-level fighters! Using hot weapons is actually quite easy to reach warrior-level, as long as one has enough talent, experience, and time. They rely on the power of gun ammunition.

"Old Han, have you located the old man's position yet?" Zhang Zehu asked in a low voice. Zhang Zehu was a senior warrior-level fighter and a member of the Tiger Tooth Team. The team's overall strength was very strong. The weakest two members were both senior warrior-level fighters, and the two were only a little short of becoming warrior-level fighters.

"Based on the signal from the signal flare I left on the old man's body, I estimate that the old man should be about 40 miles away from us." According to my judgment, it should be in the town of 0201 ahead of us!" A man holding an instrument that looked like a compass said, looking at the instrument in his hand.

"Finally determined the location."

"This time, if we can kill this old guy, we'll all be set," the members of the Tiger Tooth Squad chuckled. Earlier, they had hunted down a monster by chance and discovered a "hunter" among the wolf-type monsters. It should be noted that before the Great Apocalypse, pigs, dogs, cats, cows, and sheep were the most common in human society, so nowadays monsters of pig type, dog type, cat type, cow type, sheep type, and snake type are the most common. Monsters formed by the mutation of foxes, monkeys, scorpions, wolves, tigers, and leopards are extremely rare. Of course, some common monster species also have extremely terrifying existences. For example, among the "cat-type" monsters, there is a legendary existence - the Nine-Tailed Cat Demon! The Nine-Tailed Cat Demon is the most terrifying monster among cat-type monsters, with nine tails and strength that surpasses the level of a lord! It ranks among the most terrifying monsters on Earth.

Wolf-type monsters have strong reproductive ability, and in the past few decades, warriors have often encountered some wolf-type monsters. The "Hunters" are a very terrifying mutated subspecies of the wolf-like monsters, also known as the "Silver Moon Wolf Clan." Each Silver Moon Fierce Wolf is almost always a lone wolf, and they enjoy hunting other monsters and human warriors. They are known for their cunning, cruelty, and ruthlessness, so they are called "Hunters." The weakest Silver Moon Fierce Wolf discovered so far is at the "Intermediate Beast General" level, and each one can be sold for a sky-high price.

"The Hunter we are pursuing should be at the 'Advanced Beast General' level, even close to the 'Lord' level!" A low, cold voice came from the captain of the Tiger Teeth squad, a dark-skinned, lean, short man. "Fortunately, this Hunter was seriously injured before we engaged in battle. We were able to seriously injure it again."

"Yes, captain," the six members of the Tiger Teeth squad were all filled with fighting spirit! Killing a Hunter could be equivalent to their hard work for one or two years.

On the rooftop of one of the 21st-floor apartments in the Blue Sky residential complex. The Firehammer Squad had five members who were all peering down through binoculars, with Luo Feng holding one in his left hand and a water bottle in his right hand, taking a light sip and then putting the binoculars down and tightening the lid on the water bottle before placing it in his backpack. He then continued to hold the binoculars and look down.

"Captain, are we just going to sit here and wait?" asked Luo Feng.

"What do you know?" replied Gao Feng, smiling as he put down the binoculars. "In this area, this 21-story residential building is one of the tallest, and we are on the rooftop, using binoculars, we can observe a radius of four or five miles around us. The entire county-level city is how big? Of course, because of buildings blocking our view, our observation efficiency isn't as high, but - such efficiency is already extremely high. It's the best way for us to rest and search for monsters."

Luo Feng nodded.

"Captain, look over there!" suddenly shouted Zhang Ke, pointing to a certain direction below. Zip! The other four people all dashed over, each one holding binoculars and carefully looking down below. Luo Feng also followed Zhang Ke's direction and spotted hundreds of wild boar and iron-haired wild boar through his binoculars in the northwest corner of the area.

"Hmm?" Luo Feng's eyes lit up as he saw one of the streets where a strange red monster, resembling a tank, was moving slowly with a group of wild boar monsters following behind.

"It's the Bloodthirsty Tank?" Luo Feng was surprised.

The Bloodthirsty Tank was one of the top two rankings among the pig-type monsters - a subspecies of the Bloodthirsty Tank. It was indeed a wild boar monster, but it was covered in a lot of scales and armor, making its defense incredible. At first glance, it looked like an armored tank, and its defense and impact force were not inferior to a real tank at all.

"It's the Bloodthirsty Tank!"

"A big fish!"

"Captain, look at the color of its scales. It's probably a 'Junior General-level' monster. It's close to a 'Middle-level General-level'."

The members of the Firehammer team started discussing.

"Yes, the price of the Bloodthirsty Tank is higher," Captain Luo Feng smiled. "Although it's only a Junior General-level monster, its price can be compared to some Middle-level General-level monsters. This is a big fish! Everyone, be alert."

"Old Chen." "Chen Gu."

The team member's voice made Chen Gu finally open his eyes, and Chen Gu smiled and stood up: "Guys, have we found a beast general-level monster?"

"Come and see," Gao Feng smiled.

Chen Gu quickly walked over and picked up the binoculars to take a closer look. Surprised, he said, "Damn, it's the second-ranked bloodthirsty tank from the pig-type monsters. This guy has incredible defense. The armor-piercing bullets I brought probably can't even penetrate its scales! Looks like I'll have to use my special weapon."

"Go ahead, bullets aren't worth much," Gao Feng urged.

Chen Gu was quick to act, immediately rushing to the iron box and taking out three blood-red shell bullets, which he replaced with the sniper rifle's bullets.


Chen Gu lay down on the edge of the rooftop, set up the silver-gray heavy sniper rifle, and the barrel shone with a glint of light in the sunlight. Chen Gu, on the other hand, extended his hand and sensed the direction, conducting a careful test calculation and adjusting the aiming optics. The five people from Firehammer Squad stood silently beside him.

Suddenly --

"Pong!" A low and powerful sound rang out.

In an instant, the bullet had traveled through space and shot forward. Although the alloy armor-piercing bullet was incredibly powerful and its speed was several times faster than the speed of sound. However, because the speed was far beyond the speed of sound, the sonic boom created by the bullet could not reach the ear of the beast-class monster until after the bullet had passed.

The bloodthirsty tank was slowly moving down the street, flanked by a large number of monsters.


The ear-back position of the bloodthirsty tank's scaly armor suddenly sparked and burst into a hole, and the bullet penetrated through it forcefully.

"Ow-!" The bloodthirsty tank let out a pained roar and staggered sideways, taking two steps. When it regained its balance, the bloodthirsty tank immediately let out angry roars in pain, and the surrounding large number of pig-type monsters, who had been idle, went wild and gathered around it in a frenzy. Blood was seeping out of the ear-back position of the bloodthirsty tank, and it kept roaring in anger, but it had no idea where the bullet had come from.


On the rooftop, Chen Gu raised his head slightly and took his eyes off the aiming device, confidently saying, "Good luck! I hit the vital spot. This bloodthirsty tank has strong vitality and can't die immediately, but it will definitely fall in five minutes." The most effective way of long-distance sniping is the first shot, because the beast-class monster has no defense against the first shot.

However, if the first shot misses the vital spot, it will be troublesome. The beast-general-level monsters have very strong defenses, and bullets can only penetrate their defenses if they are powerful enough, so bullets are usually focused on penetration power rather than high-kill explosive bullets. After all, if penetration power is not enough, what is there to talk about in terms of killing?

"Good shooting skills," Zhang Ke smiled and raised his thumb.

"The bone of the bloodthirsty tank head is the hardest, and even if we shoot through its scales, it won't have much effect on the bloodthirsty tank," Gao Feng smiled. "Chen Gu, this shot was amazing!" It would be very difficult to kill a bloodthirsty tank that was heavily guarded by many monsters if it weren't for Chen Gu's successful shot!

"Don't praise me too much," Chen Gu laughed. "Now, you should think of a way to get the bloodthirsty tank's body. There are hundreds of monsters around that bloodthirsty tank. And if we go slowly... maybe, another team of warriors will take advantage of it."

"Don't be a pessimist. There are probably only two or three warrior teams in this entire county," Gao Feng smiled. "Okay, everyone, tidy up and let's go down to get the body."