
The Silver Moon Fierce Wolf fell powerlessly from the sky, its eyes gradually losing their color, in this moment of death, it recalled its life, as the royalty of the Silver Moon Wolf clan, it had always longed to become an overlord-level existence. It had also always done very well, and had become a peak senior warrior-level existence, only one step away from becoming an overlord-level existence!


It was ambushed by a team of human war god-level warriors, seriously injured. Fortunately, it managed to escape with its prideful speed. But on its escape route, it encountered another warrior-level warrior team. This warrior-level warrior team, if it were at its peak Silver Moon Fierce Wolf, could have easily wiped it out!

But, it was in a seriously injured state.

But this warrior-level warrior team was persistent and kept chasing it. No matter where it fled, the team could catch up to it.

"Disgusting bunch of human scumbags!"

"It's better to die at the hands of a spiritual念师 than to die at the hands of those scumbags." The Silver Moon Fierce Wolf had extremely high intelligence, it was a senior warrior-level wolf of the royalty, with intelligence comparable to that of a general overlord-level monster, while the intelligence of an overlord-level existence was generally comparable to that of a normal human.

Death, must die at the hands of a strong one.

"Pong!" The huge body of the Silver Moon Fierce Wolf crashed down, causing a crumbling wall to collapse, and Luo Feng fell down with it.

"Phew, phew, I never thought I could kill a Silver Moon Fierce Wolf," Luo Feng stood beside the wolf's corpse, breathing heavily, while four flying knives were dancing around him and landing in his trouser leg holster. "Hmm? Where are the other two flying knives?" Luo Feng looked around.

He saw two deep holes in the concrete ground ahead, and the concrete ground had cracked as a result. Deep inside the holes were two 6th-level flying knives!

This scene caused Luo Feng to take a deep breath.

The speed and claw attack power of the Silver Moon Fierce Wolf were incredible.

"To prevent being discovered by other teams, I'll dissect this body first. This Silver Moon Fierce Wolf is worth a fortune," Luo Feng didn't have time to think much and immediately stood with a flying knife beside the wolf's corpse and began dissecting it. The Blood Shadow Battle Axe he was carrying was only a 5th-level weapon and could only fight against junior-level beast generals.

Flying knives were 6th-level weapons and could fight against senior-level beast generals!

Along the already-broken belly wound of the Silver Moon Fierce Wolf, Luo Feng exerted all his strength, and the flying knife sliced down violently!

"Hmm?" Roo Feng glared, the already torn skin was so tough that even with his full strength using his flying knife, he couldn't cut through it at all. This was just too unbelievable! You see, it's the most difficult to dissect a monster when it has no wounds, but once it has a big wound, the difficulty of dissecting it becomes much lower. Unfortunately... the body of a senior monster general is still too tough for Roo Feng's strength to cut through!

"Damn, it seems that even dissecting monsters is a high-difficulty task," Roo Feng laughed, and immediately controlled a flying knife with his mental power.

The power of mental power is much stronger than the power of his arm.

"Pfft!" Along the crack in the fur, the floating flying knife suddenly sliced through it, and a hissing sound immediately followed, as the wound rapidly expanded.

"I'm so exhausted even when I use my mental power to control the flying knife to cut?" Roo Feng was shocked, and suddenly had an idea. He controlled the flying knife to float and suddenly stabbed at an intact patch of back fur on the silver moon wolf. The back of the silver moon wolf was only slightly depressed, but the fur was completely unscarred.

Roo Feng was stunned: "That's too freakish!"

"I really got lucky this time," Roo Feng couldn't help but exclaim, "With a speed of mach speed and such a strong attack, its most expensive fur, which is also a surprisingly high level of defense. If it's in perfect condition, I might only have a 20-30% chance of winning against it!" When he encountered the peak silver moon wolf, Roofe's flying knives could only attack through the weak parts of the skin, such as the eyes, ears, and nose.

Considering the wolf's agility, Roofe's chances of winning were indeed very low, and even two or three percent would be considered good.

"Pu chi!"

"Wah la!"

Roofe quickly dissected the wolf, starting by removing the entire, miraculous and expensive skin, and then cutting off all of the wolf's hard, sharp claws, which could all be used as high-grade kro合金 materials and were also extremely expensive. He also extracted the wolf's extremely hard "skull cap," fangs, and two special eyeballs.

Anything that was expensive, Roofe collected and dissected it and put it in his backpack.

It should be known that the invention of some special products in human society is based on the materials of many monsters.


Roofe let out a long sigh of relief, and the huge silver moon wolf's body was now just a pile of blood and flesh. Roofe controlled his flying knife to return to his leg bag, and he couldn't help but feel amazed at how much mental energy he had spent dissecting the body compared to the time he had spent fighting.

"Anyway, I made a huge profit."

"This time, I'll also make a lot of money." RooFeng revealed a slight smile. The financial distribution of the Firehammer team was based on the contributions made by each member in battle. Even if your strength was great, if you didn't exert any effort in hunting down a certain monster, the warrior team would not give you a single penny.

However, the hunting of the Silver Moon Wolf was entirely the work of RooFeng alone.

RooFeng would indeed receive a lot of money.

"If someone finds out that I got this Silver Moon Wolf's body, it would be a big problem," RooFeng chuckled. "It's likely that even a senior war general couldn't injure the Silver Moon Wolf. It must have been a war god who did it. The fur has tracking signals on it, but luckily I removed them." RooFeng didn't want to be enemies with someone who could injure the Silver Moon Wolf.

So, hurry up and leave!


RooFeng swiftly and quietly departed, leaving behind a pile of flesh.


In the darkness, a large number of monsters were lurking in various places in the county, and the Tiger Tooth team was proceeding cautiously.

"Damn it, that hunter killer dared to run around the city because it was a beast general-level monster. Other monsters wouldn't dare to mess with it. But we can only proceed cautiously...," said a burly bald man walking beside Zhang Zetiger, "After killing this hunter killer, I'm going to roast the Silver Moon Wolf's meat and eat it." "You can't quench your thirst without eating its meat," said Zhang Zehu, smirking to his side.

"Don't worry, the hunter has our signal, it won't matter where it runs to," said East, who used heat weapons.

"Where is the hunter?" growled the Tiger Canine team leader in front of the group.

"Captain, the hunter is about 13 miles away from us, but it's not moving now, it must be resting at that location," East replied, smiling and holding the locator.

The Tiger Canine team was overjoyed.

"Not moving anymore?"

"Resting? Ha ha," they feared the hunter, Silver Moon Fierce Wolf, would flee madly. Zhang Zehu chuckled, "I suppose the Silver Moon Fierce Wolf thought its hiding place was safe enough. So it hid up to recuperate. It doesn't know our strength."

"Let's go! We can't miss this chance. It's only 13 miles away, we'll get there soon," the Tiger Canine team leader's eyes gleamed with excitement, as he spoke in a low voice, "Everyone, speed up. Maybe this time we can kill the hunter."

The Tiger Canine team's pace increased immediately.

Thirteen miles, the warrior team really sped up, even with monsters scattered about, they could reach the location in half an hour.


About 40 minutes later. "There it is, the resting place of the Silver Moon Ferocious Wolf. Be careful." Tiger Tooth Captain gently waved his hand, and immediately the six members of the Tiger Tooth team began to sneakily split into two teams and approach the area where the signal was emitted from, from two directions. No one dared to speak.

The Silver Moon Ferocious Wolf is very sensitive.

One step, two steps, three steps...

Everyone moved cautiously.

"Go!" Tiger Tooth Captain waved his hand, and the other team that had received the signal also acted at the same time.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

The two teams charged into the alley from two directions, just one in front of the other, with a distance of about 100 meters from the signal emitted by the Silver Moon Ferocious Wolf. All six members looked towards the far end of the alley, where it should be the place where the Silver Moon Ferocious Wolf was, but they didn't see the target, only...a faint blood smell.

"Hmm?" Tiger Tooth Captain's face changed.


Most of the Tiger Tooth team quickly rushed over and gathered around the pile of blood and flesh, and beside this large pile of blood and flesh, there was also a tuft of hair that was slightly tinted with a silver glow!

"Damn it." Zhang Zehu grasps the hair and curses, "It's been stolen!" Many warrior teams know how to leave signals for tracking on injured monsters, and Ro Feng also knows this common knowledge. Since this silver moon ferocious wolf was already injured, it is likely that there is a signal for tracking. That's why when Ro Feng's mental power swept over it, he immediately noticed the specialness of this feather and cut it off.

"Damn!" The Tiger Tooth captain gritted his teeth and looked menacing.

"All this time, we've been wasting our efforts!" The middle-aged man with a single eye, whose name was not mentioned, looked angry and his face was dark.

"Let's go," the Tiger Tooth captain's eyes flashed with cold light, and he growled, "Whoever dares to steal from us and seek death! These warrior teams just dissected the body, and for safety reasons, they may go directly to the supply base. So... Tiger Tooth team, all brothers, we will head to the supply base immediately and move at the fastest speed! Try to catch up with them on the way."

"Yes, captain," the five men immediately responded.

"Let's go," the Tiger Tooth captain, who was full of murderous intent, waved his hand, and the Tiger Tooth team members, who were also full of anger, immediately followed the captain and headed towards the supply base.