Back to base city

However, this silver moon wolf was tracked, killed, dissected, and brought back by Luo Feng alone. Gao Feng smiled and said, "So, the hunter Luo Feng can take the maximum amount of 'eight out of ten'. The remaining two out of ten, we five will split equally." This is the rule of a warrior's team.

Even if one person does all the work, they should still share the spoils with the group.

Usually, the person who does the most work in killing a beast-level monster will get at most six out of ten. Like Luo Feng, who did everything by himself, can get the highest amount of eight out of ten.

"Luo Feng, you might have earned more than I have earned in the past ten years," Chen Gu couldn't help but shout, "You must treat us tonight!"

"Yes, you must treat us. Feast on the wealthy guy," Wei Tie and Wei Qing also said.

You should know that even in the 'Tiger Tooth Team' led by Zhang Zehu, it took nearly two years for him to earn 100 million. And those two years were the years when Zhang Zehu had the strongest strength. In the past, he made money even more slowly... That means that over the years, Zhang Zehu has probably earned only three or four hundred million at most.

But Luo Feng has only done this once... and he has made a fortune!

However, 'hunter' is not something that anyone can become by just having the strength. Luo Feng has the strength, so he can make money. The more powerful a warrior is, the more astonishing their wealth usually is. "Please, I wouldn't dare not do it. Let's have it at the HR Alliance Mall." laughed Ro Feng.

"I'll distribute the money first, transferring it to each of your accounts," laughed Gao Feng, who proceeded to transfer the money they had earned through the Firehammer team's public account, one by one, to each person's account in front of everyone. The public account number and password were known to every member of the team. Generally, after earning money, it would be immediately divided.


That afternoon, the group of them boarded a train back to the base city.

"The train is about to arrive at the station. Please prepare your belongings for disembarking," a recorded voice of the train attendant echoed through the carriage, followed by a loud clang as the carriage door opened.

"Let's go!"

Gao Feng, Ro Feng, Zhang Ke, Chen Gu, Wei Family Brothers all exited one after another.

"So many people!" Ro Feng, upon stepping out of the train, immediately noticed the large number of passengers coming out of the station, and through the glass of the station building's facade, he could see the large crowd of people waiting inside, many of whom were waiting to board trains. The base city's central district had a population exceeding 100 million, so one could imagine the level of hustle and bustle at this train station!

This is what is called popularity, boiling popularity!

"Brothers, thank your weapons for us. We have returned to the base city alive again!" Gao Feng commented.

"We're back," "Back to human cities."

Ro Feng himself was also equally amazed, although this time in the wilderness area was only about seven or eight days, but the wilderness area was deserted and dilapidated everywhere. The cities in the wilderness area were no longer in good condition. Large numbers of monsters were stationed there, and Ro Feng and his companions had to proceed with caution, fearing that they would be surrounded by the monster horde.

Only the base city! This is where humans can live safely! This is where civilization exists!

"The base city, the last bastion of human society," Ro Feng realized with a flash of insight. "Indeed, the warriors with stronger powers should stand up for the sake of this bastion of human society! As for me, I can easily hunt down ordinary monster soldiers, and even kill junior monster generals with ease. But for ordinary humans, even if a thousand of them are equipped with weapons, they would be in great danger when facing a monster general."

Why do countries give warriors special privileges?

Why does the whole world encourage warriors to hunt down monsters?

Because the more monsters killed, the more secure the human base city will be.

"Hey, wife, I'll probably get home late tonight," Zhang Ke was talking on the phone, with a smile on his face. "Yes, this time I'll be staying at home for a very long time, and I'm sure it will make my wife大人 very satisfied!" It's impossible to imagine a person with a missing arm smiling so naturally and sincerely.

Outside, warriors are fighting for their lives, and home is the thing they deeply care about in their hearts.

Ro Feng also made a call to his home.

"Xiao Feng."

Hearing the familiar voice, Ro Feng couldn't help but feel a twinge of emotion, and he called out, "Mom, I'll probably arrive late tonight. You don't need to wait for me to have dinner."

"Late tonight?" The mother was clearly delighted, "Good, good. Your father is outside accompanying your younger brother. I'll call them to take the call."

"No need. I'll be back tonight." Ro Feng felt a warmth in his heart.

This is home, the place he, Ro Feng, protects.

"Ro Feng, come on, let's take the HR Alliance warrior's special car," High Feng called out, and the others had already started.

Ro Feng hung up the phone and immediately followed the others along the warrior's special passageway, and at the end of the passageway was a small venue, with an extreme martial arts gym, a thunder and lightning martial arts gym, and an underground alliance shopping mall, as well as some special cars belonging to the underground alliance's families, all waiting to pick them up.

When Ro Feng and the others came out, all the special car drivers perked up.

"Come on, let's go to the HR Alliance shopping mall," High Feng and the others went directly into the HR Alliance shopping mall's special car.

"Okay." Start the car, shift into gear, hit the gas, and this large, comfortable off-road vehicle immediately moved forward.


"Luofeng, we're about to arrive at the HR Alliance Mall," Chen Gu chuckled, looking at Luofeng. "The girl you hit on last time, Xu Xin, might be here. Luofeng, you've just returned from the wilderness area, so you should definitely try to rekindle your feelings with her and have a deeper conversation."

"You pervert," Gao Feng scolded with a laugh, then looked at Luofeng. "Luofeng, I'll say this. That Xu Xin little girl, became the manager of the first-floor bar at the HR Alliance Mall at such a young age. That's not something a normal person can do. She probably has some background. You need to be careful."

Luofeng nodded.

He also had that feeling. In school, Xu Xin was very ordinary, but at the HR Alliance Mall's first-floor bar, her aura was different. If he had to describe it, it was that she had slightly revealed her inner radiance.

"You're talking about Miss Xu, Xu Xin?" The driver in front of the car was surprised.

"Do you know Xu Xin?" Luofeng looked at him.

"Of course I know her," the driver laughed. "We come here to the mall all the time, and we often chat with our friends, so we know Miss Xu Xin, the young lady. You shouldn't judge her by her looks, though. She may not be the most beautiful, but..." "Wow, if anyone could marry her, they'd be ahead by a lifetime's worth of effort," said the man.

Gao Feng's face changed slightly: "Is it possible... that he's from the HR Alliance's twelve major families in China, the Xu family?"

"Yes, it's the Xu family. He's said to have a very high status in the family," the driver replied.

Luo Feng was also shocked to hear this.

The HR Alliance is a super-large family and corporation alliance in the United States, Europe, and many other countries. They control the world's economy, and even governments and armies can only maintain peaceful relations with the HR Alliance. Among them -

The HR Alliance, in addition to the nine high-ranking families and corporations, has dozens of second-tier families and corporations.

Each of these dozens of families and corporations has astonishing wealth and power.

"Damn, this background is too big," Chen Gu glared. "I knew the girl was surnamed Xu, but I didn't expect her to be from the Xu family. Brother Luo Feng, now I can't help you. Dating the Xu Xin sister is very difficult,"

"The difficulty is high, but we're not lacking in any way, Ro In their eyes, Luo Feng was a spiritual mentor, and his future strength would be even more terrifying.

"Old Fang." High Wind called through the phone, "Yes, it's me. Of course, I have something good to find you, otherwise why would I call you? Absolutely more than 100 million yuan worth of good stuff, okay, no problem." After making the call, High Wind smiled and looked at the others, "I've already told Old Fang, we'll go straight upstairs when we get to the mall."

"Yes." The others nodded.

A moment later.

The special car passed through the military personnel's security line and arrived at the entrance of the HR Alliance Mall's grand hall, as the car door opened, the Firehammer team members got out one after another.

"Mr. Gao Feng, the manager, Ms. Fang, has already been waiting upstairs," a pretty woman with short hair cut to her ears that made her look smart and capable, smiled.

"Yes," Gao Feng, Luo Feng and the others didn't say much and went straight into the grand hall.

In the luxurious first-floor hall, there were many warriors talking at the bar, and Luo Feng glanced at the bar counter for a moment: "Not there?" Then he suddenly realized that these days were just the beginning of the university semester, and the first few days of the semester, even a regular university would have military training. And today was not Saturday or Sunday, it was not surprising that Xu Xin was not there.

"Ding!" The elevator door opened, and the Fire Hammer team entered.

"Beep!" The woman stood by the elevator door, pressed '21', and looked into the detector with her pupils, "Beep, passed, welcome Miss Liu."

"Mr. Fang manager is waiting for you on the 21st floor," the woman smiled.

Roof Feng and the others nodded.

The elevator quickly ascended, stopping at no point in the middle, and just a moment later, "ding" sounded, the elevator door opened, and they had arrived at the 21st floor.