Chapter 4: Childhood and Flames

In the serene ambiance of Gold City 14, Zen Hoshi's early years unfolded in a symphony of exploration and wonder. With the winter's chill seeping through the windows, he toddled around his family's home, each corner offering new discoveries.

His mother, Aya Hoshi, wielded water magic effortlessly, using it in many aspects of their life. Effortlessly washing their clothes then pulling the water out of the clothes with a wave of the hand. Meanwhile, his father, Sora Hoshi, who's a hunter, showcased physical prowess, entertaining Zen by picking him up with one hand, juggling couches, and doing other feats of strength. 

Inspired by his father's strength Zen decides to try walking his first steps. Initially he was struggling, as he wobbled across the room, his eyes were alight with curiosity. He looked around the room and found a roaring fire place, keeping the room warm in the cold winter. Zen smiled a wicked idea forming in his mind.

"Hey System, pull up all redeemable items please." he thought.

[Certainly Host, … your current items are:                                                                              Novice Fire Resistance                                                                                                                     3 Free Silver Spins                                                                                                                          10 Water Bottles                                                                                                                                5 Assorted MREs]

"Perfect, please redeem novice fire resistance." He thought as a grin graced his face.


[DING! Novice Fire Resistance has been successfully redeemed. Status page has been updated] 

Zen looked at the screen and with trepidation. This was going to be our protagonist's first time using the system, but it most certainly be his last. Zen took a steadying breath and counted backwards from five. He slowly moved his hand closer and closer to the flame. His eyes closed on their own. Eventually he awkwardly shuffled closer and closer to the fireplace until he hit the ledge of it. Startled, he opened his eyes and found his hand being licked by the tendrils of fire. Fascinated, he watched as the fire danced across his palm. He realized that he didn't feel the burn of the fire, only a mild and comforting warmth that the flames provided. He clambered against the grating of the fireplace and placed both his hands into the fire.

Zen getting addicted to the feeling of warmth started feeling drowsy from the heat of the fire. He lay folded against the grating of the fireplace. His feet touching the ledge of the fireplace, his stomach being supported by the grating and his torso being in the fire. His hands started grabbing the ashes of the flame and making figures with it.

Just as Zen was lost in his fascination, his mother entered the scene, seeing her baby in the fireplace, she screamed, startling Zen and causing him to fall into the fireplace. Distressed, his mother quickly started summoning water and putting out the fire, then she quickly extinguished it. Frantically picking Zen up, she began muttering healing spells.

As Aya cradled Zen in her arms, relief flooded her features upon realizing that he had escaped serious harm. She cast a worried glance at the fireplace, still smoldering from Zen's inadvertent tumble.

"Sora!" she called urgently, her voice tinged with panic.

Hearing the urgency in his wife's voice, Sora barrelling into the room, his footsteps echoing against the wooden floorboards. His eyes widened in shock as he took in the scene before him – Zen nestled in Aya's arms, unscathed but visibly shaken.

"What happened?" Sora demanded, his concern palpable.

"He fell into the fireplace," Aya explained, her voice trembling. "I... I don't know how it happened. I was in the kitchen, and when I came back, he was... he was..."

Her words trailed off, unable to articulate the terror she had felt upon seeing Zen engulfed in flames. Sora's expression softened as he approached, gently taking Zen from Aya's arms.

"It's alright, Aya," Sora murmured soothingly, pressing a kiss to Zen's forehead. "He's okay. Look, he's barely even scratched."

Aya nodded, her hands trembling as she reached out to touch Zen's cheek, relief flooding her veins. Together, they examined Zen's skin, finding only a faint pinkness where the flames had licked his flesh.

"What... what do you think happened?" Aya asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Sora furrowed his brow, deep in thought. "I'm not sure," he admitted. "But it seems like... it seems like he's resistant to fire."

Aya's eyes widened in astonishment, her mind racing with possibilities. "But how is that possible?"

Sora shrugged, his gaze lingering on Zen's serene expression. "I don't know," he confessed. "There are lots of strange abilities in this day and age. Why I even have a buddy in the hunters who could transform into a direwolf. Compared to that, this isn't that unfathomable. However this isn't exactly my area of expertise."

Together, they carefully monitored Zen's condition, noting the absence of any burns or discomfort. As they observed him, a sense of wonder washed over them.

In the days that followed, they conducted experiments, subjecting Zen to varying degrees of heat to gauge his newfound resistance. With each test, they marveled at his ability to withstand temperatures far beyond what any normal child could endure.

As they continued to explore Zen's remarkable gift, they couldn't help but wonder what other surprises lay hidden within their son. And as they watched him play, his laughter echoing through the house, they knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, as a family.