



[Hachiman's POV]

So the silence only deepened as we both stood. 

"Yukinoshita. I am coming in." However, the silence was soon shattered as the door was violently pulled open with a resounding clatter.

"I told you to knock…" - "Were you spying on us?" Yukinoshita and I flaunted Ms. Hiratsuka at the same time.

Gosh, was her timing impeccable, or what?

"What a sneaky tactic to use, especially coming from a teacher." I remarked.

And she has the audacity to label me as 'corrupt' not once but twice at that… Unacceptable, truly unacceptable.

This time I was ready and was able to dodge the worst case scenario with the newfound 'tool' I stumbled upon in a recent unfortunate incident, but it remains the fact that she is potentially a subject that may cause harm to my privacy.

I made a mental note to remain vigilant against her in the future so that I can prevent her from pulling this kind of move whenever she pleases…

Nevertheless, her 'expected' appearance did not result in all bad… While I regretted missing the once-in-a lifetime opportunity to witness Yukinoshita Yukino crack out, let's not dwell on that and look at the bright side, as her arrival did help dispel the uncomfortable silence.

I couldn't help but notice how quickly Yukinoshita regained her composure after hearing Ms. Hiratsuka's voice.

Was that intentional? No way, right?

I know Ms. Hiratsuka can be smart when needed… But that couldn't be, right? She couldn't possibly be that calculated... or could she?

"Sorry, sorry. Don't mind me. I was just stopping by, so just continue as you were." With that single statement, Ms. Hiratsuka effortlessly dispelled all my accusations against her.

I half-expected her to bluntly ignore my claim, but guess not. Is it because of Yukinoshita's presence? 

Glancing toward Yukinoshita, now composed, I sensed a silent query in her gaze directed at Ms. Hiratsuka 'Is his accusation true?'

With a casual lean against the classroom wall, Ms. Hiratsuka flashed a knowing smile at Yukinoshita before turning her attention back to me.

Then, with an amused tone, she addressed me directly. "However, Hikigaya, when did you become the type to show courtesy and be considerate towards others? I thought you were just picking on me before."

Hearing this, I facepalmed, not because of her words but anticipating the inevitable follow-up question.

What is she, an idiot? She simply spilled the beans herself.

If her intent was to misdirect or change the subject, she certainly missed the mark.

"When exactly did you overhear our conversation while supposedly passing by, Ms. Hiratsuka?" Yukinoshita's inquiry cut through the air, her perceptiveness shining through.

I don't know about Ms. Hiratsuka being an idiot or not, but Yukinoshita was certainly not one.

"Heehhee…" Ms. Hiratsuka's response? A sheepish chuckle.

I can't believe that just moments ago, I was considering her to be calculative.

With a resigned sigh, I decided to intervene. "Ms. Hiratsuka, why do you seem to be inquiring as if there's something wrong with me displaying courtesy?"

This time, I chose to overlook her actions as she managed to get us out of a pinch, but I was also somewhat irritated by her probing.

Is it wrong to be a good person who respects others' feelings? Maybe this really isn't for me?

So, anyway, I did my part, leaving it to Ms. Hiratsuka to hope that Yukinoshita would also overlook her actions.

"Oh, trust me, it was when it was coming from you." Ms. Hiratsuka added, attempting to maintain the flow of the conversation. 

I understood her attempt to keep things moving, but was picking on me the only approach she could think of in this situation?

But anyway, I had to admit, she did a good job. So she wasn't a complete idiot.

"I am not showing courtesy or consideration to others. I am simply being courteous and considerate to myself." Being the topic of discussion, I shared one of my mottos.

"See, I told you." 

What did she say?

"I agree." Yukinoshita nodded her head in affirmation.

For what exactly again?

But happy for you, I guess, Ms. Hiratsuka, as it does seem like she is letting this one slide.

"Yukinoshita. It appears that you will have a hard time straightening his stupid ideologies." Ms. Hiratsuka expressed it in a troubled tone.

Yukinoshita replied dejectedly. "It certainly appears so."

...This atmosphere... I couldn't bear another moment of it.

"Hey, you can't just spout nonsense about straightening out my ideologies. And more importantly, I demand a level of respect befitting a Vice President of a club." I complained, my tone demanding.

"Hikigaya, you are not the Vice President. In fact, you are not even a member of the club, as you haven't submitted your application yet." Yukinoshita stated it matter-of-factly.

"Not to worry, I will submit it by the evening and will assume my rightful position." 

"As the President of the Service Club, I disagree with your claims." Yukinoshita declared it firmly.

"Wait, you are still hung up on it." I thought it was already decided. She is a lot more persistent than I presumed to be, and in the wrong way, that is.

"No. You are simply unworthy of such a position." 

"What? Do you even have a choice? I mean, we two are the only members of the club. Can you see anyone else here?" I countered.

"Just so you know, we do not accept club applications during this hour of school." Yukinoshita stated this, sidestepping my question to address another issue.

"No problem. I will be, by tomorrow." Of course, that wasn't enough to back me down.

Ms. Hiratsuka chimed in from the side. "Hey, it's just a tiny club of two people, which shouldn't even exist according to the rules. Why are you making a huge deal about a worthless title?"

"And Hikigaya, don't tell me you fantasize about the position of 'Vice President' to 'Vice Captain' of some Pirate Ship, as it sounds slightly similar."

Seeing through her, I suggested. "Teach. I prefer it if you don't rub your fantasies out, as if they are mine. I also think you need to decrease your consumption of Manga." 

But I like your comparison, though.

"It's not a tiny club." Yukinoshita objected.

I supported her. "Certainly." 

Yeah, the moment I joined this club, I shall not tolerate being disrespected or talked down to.

"It's nice that you two are getting along with each other." Ms. Hiratsuka commented, making me ponder, 'Do we?'

Yukinoshita asked. "How is it 'getting along' when it was the first thing we agreed upon?"

"Well, then let's do it this way. In my name as your supervisor, I appoint Hachiman Hikiagya as the Operational Vice President of the Service Club. From now on, I will guide troubled lambs to this club, where they will be under your supervision."

"Both of you will try to help them as you see fit. And you will show your moral righteousness to each other to the best of your ability as President and Vice President. Who can help these people?! Gundam Fight. Ready, Go!!"

...when did Operational Vice President become a thing? Is it something like Operational CEO?

"I refuse." As expected, Yukinoshita declared, bluntly rejecting Teach's proposition. 



[After A Minute]


But right after a minute or so.

Yukinoshita said in a defeated tone, "….fine. Although I am a little annoyed that I must give in to such cheap provocation, I accept."

That's how it is. Don't underestimate Ms. Hiratsuka. 

She didn't give up after the immediate rejection. She went on to explain(:force) Yukinoshita how we both have no right to say no in this matter but to accept.

However, still seeing no change, with a wishful thought to provide motivation to us, she added an absurd offer that the winner can command the loser to do 'anything'.

Even I felt awkward with how she phrased it.

Still, the result was the same.

In the end, Ms. Hiratsuka used her last resort - Card of Provocation.

To which Yukinoshita fell so unwillingly, and that's how we ended up here.

"Then it's decided." Ms. Hiratsuka grinned broadly, ignoring the mental daggers Yukinoshita was tossing at her. 

Still, Yukinoshita sure hates losing. I noted it, after seeing it personally.

"Hey, you haven't asked me if I accept…." Even though the 'anything' offer is tempting enough, I still should show some reluctance. 

Yeah, never ever display your desperation. 

"You don't want to be the Vice President?" Ms. Hiratsuka questioned.

"Bring it on!" I did a half-fist bump with air.

"You are deceiving no one. Your vulgar thoughts are clearly visible." Hearing Yukinoshita's comment, I realized and wondered, 'Hoo, I was seen through, once again, it seems.'

"I will decide the winner of this match. Of course, the decision will be influenced by my opinion and bias. Don't think about it too much, and just act accordingly….in an appropriate and proper manner, and do your best." 

Declaring these words, Ms. Hiratsuka left the room, leaving only a very cross Yukinoshita and me behind. 

Having nothing to say to each other, we both went back to our positions. 

After some time, the bell rang, indicating the end of the school day. 

Yukinoshita quickly set about getting her things together to go home. After she had carefully put her book in her bag, she rose from her seat.

"..." Then, with only a fleeting glance in my direction, she moved to slide the door shut, evidently prepared to depart without so much as a 'see you tomorrow' or a simple 'goodbye'.

"Yukinoshita." I called out, though not with much expectation.

She paused in her actions, her hand hesitating on the door handle as she glanced back at me over her shoulder, not fully turning to face me. 

"What...?" She inquired.

"What do you think of sharing contact numbers?" 

–thud!(:closing door)

…at least sharing email would have sufficed.

And just like that, she left, leaving me alone in the now-empty room.


Let's just pretend that didn't happen. Okay?

Leaning my head over the desk, I let out a sigh, my body still slouched in the chair.

…Damn! Suddenly, I felt an inexplicable urge to smoke.

No, no, no! The heck am I even thinking?

I am sure that Ms. Hiratsuka is at fault for messing up my thoughts.

Yeah, let's just go home already.


[-Scene END-]



[To be continued….]
