Workplace Tour



[-After Few Days-]

[-Staffroom[:Soubu High School]-]


[Hachiman's POV]

A partition divided the staffroom, creating a reception area adorned with a black leather couch and a sleek glass coffee table.

From the nearby window, one could see a beautiful view of the library. The warm summer breeze gracefully flowed in through the open window, causing a thin sheet of paper to flutter in the air.

Ms. Hiratsuka sat on the couch, engrossed in her reading. Her eyes remained fixed on a paper held firmly in her hand, and I chose to take a seat across from her in a comfortable armchair.

As I settled, I couldn't help but appreciate the view of the library visible through the window, complemented by the soothing summer breeze.

Her intense focus was palpable as she delved into the contents of the paper, not a single blink betraying her concentration.

Nope. That was not written by me.

UMm, actually, that was written by me.

But I am not in any kind of trouble. Meaning it is not an assignment.

Yeah, that's what I mean. I am in no trouble.

… least that's what I hope.

Suddenly, Ms. Hiratsuka looked up and asked while shuttering. "....a-are you for real?"

"What is that supposed to mean?" Confused by her reaction, I asked.

"...I-I mean, you actually put some thought into this." Ms. Hiratsuka wondered.

There was something about her tone's surrealness that irked me in a really bad way.

"Again. What is that supposed to mean?" I asked again, a bit frustrated.

"Kid. It looks like you've matured a bit, huh? Perhaps my brilliant idea of having you hang out with the Service Club had some merit after all." She stated by taking credit that she has zero involvement whatsoever.

I quickly said. "Nah, Teach. I was always as amazing as I am now. It's not because of your–"

–Krack!(:cracking knuckles)

–She cracked her knuckles loudly, stopping me from talking.

This way, my denial of her claims was cut short before it even began.

"Did you have something to say?"

She asked, and she glared at me with her characteristically sharp eyes, reminding me of a rabid beast.

"No. I don't think so." An immediate retrieval was necessary.

This decision of mine bore fruit in no time, as we can already see Ms. Hiratsuka lowering her fist. But I must maintain my vigilance.

"Moving on." Ms. Hiratsuka returned to normal as she placed my-Workplace Tour Survey-form in front of me.

"Honestly." She added, looking at me closely. "I never thought you were into art."

At Chiba Municipal Soubu High School, there's an event called a 'Workplace Tour' that happens when you are in eleventh grade. It was part of the new-fangled education program to instill in every student's heart the desire to work for a company. It wasn't such a big deal, really. Every school probably had a similar event.

"I am not really into anything artistic. I am simply interested in 'Web Development' and 'Game Design'." I said without any confusion.

I went on to explain. "I feel those fields will let me utilize my wild imagination to its fullest. You know, like, I could go all out."

"Yeah. Just make sure your imaginations don't get mixed up with your twisted thoughts."

Having no way to criticize my choices, she opted to take a different path, conveniently avoiding any compliments she should have given me.

Is this how career counseling usually goes? I doubt it.

"Hey my twis–*ahem, *cough…*cough."

Darn it! I was about to use the same term she did.

"...chuckle~"(Ms. Hiratsuka)

Stop. Don't laugh. It was a small blunder.

I can't let my vocabulary be swayed by someone else's thoughts, can I?

"What I mean is that my unique thoughts are born from my wild imagination. So that makes them a part of who I am. Whether they are necessary or not is unimportant. In the end, those so-called unrequired things also make me who I am now and will continue to be so in the future."

Hmm, now that was smooth, wasn't it? That definitely sounded way better than what I had in my head.

"...*sigh, whatever, just don't overdo it."

I was hoping for a more impressed or at least a slightly surprised reaction, but instead, I got a dismissive look and a blank expression.

"Don't ignore me!" I blurted out, my voice coming out louder and more high-pitched than I intended.

In accordance with the aftermath of my loose tongue, I braced for another round of verbal reprimand, which I was foreseeing to come true.

However, surprising enough, nothing happened. It was as if she was completely unfazed by my outburst.

"...*ahem." Ms. Hiratsuka loudly cleared her throat, shooting me a sideways glance.

"Hikigaya, that's enough. You can go now." She said casually, lighting up a cigarette without even looking at me.

As clueless I was as to her sudden, unexpected actions, I was more concerned about getting away from her clutches firstly.

However, as I pondered the unexpected turn of events, my thoughts began to wander in a different direction.

Ms. Hiratsuka was being unusually nice. Or maybe it was more accurate to say that, relative to her usual demeanor, she wasn't acting any nicer than an average person.

I wondered if my sudden action of going ahead and choosing a career option made her feel satisfied.

You know, like leaving a feeling that can't be expressed when a Mother or a Teacher sees their child or student actually taking their life seriously. Even more so when they assume it was because of their rising(:teachings).

Looking back, she's at an age where women typically have two to three-year-old children.

But that can't be the case, right?

I quickly shut down that train of thought, not wanting to delve into it any further.

?! Then, I suddenly remembered something I needed to confirm with her.

Initially, I didn't question it too much, but as time passed, I couldn't help but wonder if there was more to my 'forced' recruitment into the Service Club by Ms. Hiratsuka.

I mean, the coincidences were too many and too convenient.

And let's be realistic, there are more practical ways to punish a student like me than by making them join a club.

Even if I brushed it off as a bizarre yet nice coincidence, I have no theory regarding why Yuigahama also ended up seeking help from the Service Club.

It couldn't have been just a chance. I distinctly remember her saying that she was directed to us by Ms. Hiratsuka.

Three people who are involved in an unfortunate accident but aren't aware of the involvement of either of the other two individuals somehow again meet each other as club members.

…hold on a second!

Was Yuikinoshita even aware that the owner of the dog involved in the accident is actually Yuigahama Yui, or was she only aware of my involvement?

I mean, if she were aware of Yuigahama's involvement, there is no way she wouldn't have the same suspicions as I do.

But I can't be certain. My memory is hazy…. SO I shouldn't jump to conclusions without all the facts.

For now, let's assume only Ms. Hiratsuka is aware of our three involvements.

So now the question is - What is Ms. Hiratsuka plotting behind the scenes?

I know that she means no harm.

But she isn't aiming for a love triangle, right?

No way. That's ridiculous.

Yeah, nope, never.

Trying to eliminate any unnecessary thoughts, I shifted my focus to the matter at hand.

"Right. Off to my club duties, then."

I picked up my schoolbag, which had fallen to the carpet, and slung it over my right shoulder. Inside, there were a bunch of textbooks covering the content of the midterms, as well as a manga I planned to read in the clubroom.

As I walked towards the door, I heard someone call out behind me. "Oh, before you go."

She said. "Just a reminder, for the upcoming workplace tour, you will be assigned groups of three. You can choose your own group, so think about it."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My shoulders drooped as I processed her words.

"Although I despise having to choose my own group, I will consider it." I declared and walked off.

….trying my best to ignore Ms. Hiratsuka's heartfelt comments. "Ah, you have grown up, Hikigaya."



[To be continued…]


[Author Reminder : 20+chapters advance in Patreon.]
