Kamakura - aka Kai



[-Next Day-]


[Hachiman's POV]

True to our commitment from yesterday, the next day, we all gathered in the clubroom after school to kick off our Fourth [Quest] - Saki Kawasaki's Rehabilitation Program.

In addition to the regular trio of Service Club - Yukinoshita, Yuigahama, and myself, there is Totsuka, who also joined the quest.

Curious as to why he showed up, upon being inquired about by Yuigahama, Totsuka simply explained that he felt a sense of duty to assist, having been present during our discussion the day before.

What an innocent soul he is….. truly.

Well, it's no big matter.

But what does matter is that, in normal situations, club activities should be suspended during the midterms. Except for us, that is.

So we are working overtime on this quest.

Anyway, after some discussion, Yukinoshita decided to try animal therapy to bring the once straight-laced and kind-hearted sister of Kawasaki's household out.

And so I found myself calling Komachi to bring in our CAT.

I mean, literally, C-A-T.

The reason behind my stress is that Yukinoshita specifically wanted a CAT.

It was pretty cute seeing her try to keep secrecy about her liking for them, saying, 'Dogs are a no-go' while she insisted, 'Cats are more likeable.'


=====[On Phone]=====


–beep(:picked up)

[Yeeeees, this is Komachi!] Komachi answered.

I asked. "Oh, Komachi. Are you at home right now?"

[Yep, I am. What of it?] She answered in her usual chipper tone.

"It's about the Kamakura(:cat). Sorry, but could you bring him to our school?"

[Huh? Why? Kai(:again cat) is heavy, so I don't wanna.] Komachi protested.

'Kai' is the name of our cat. Well, his full name is 'Kamakura'. But because that was too much of a mouthful, it got shortened at some point.

Yeah, he's a bit on the heavy side. In fact, his name 'Kamakura' originated from how round, like a Kamakura snow hut, he was.

"Er, you see, Yukinoshita said to bring him."

[I'll be right there.] Komachi agreed.

–beep!(:cut off)

The phone abruptly cut off.

Damn, her attitude changed as soon as I mentioned Yukino. She'd been so reluctant when I asked!

'Save some face for your brother, Komachi.' I thought, but I didn't say it out loud.

Instead, I quickly glanced around to make sure no one heard my unspoken remark.

I am telling you, she isn't usually like this... well, 'mostly.'



"Well, at least she is coming, I guess. I was even prepared to bribe her." I thought loudly, putting away my phone, satisfied that she would be here soon.


We waited outside the school gates for twenty minutes, upon which Komachi appeared with a carry casket in hand.

"Sorry for dragging you out here." Yukinoshita apologized.

"No, no, I am happy to do it for you, Yukino." Komachi replied cheerfully, opening the lid of her carry bag.

"..." Kamakura, tucked inside, emerged and surveyed us from his perch.

The little guy wasted no time. As soon as he emerged, his jet-black eyes roamed across our faces, taking in each of us with a curious intensity. It was undeniably cute as his gaze shifted from one person to the next, as if assessing each of us in turn.

?... And finally, spotting me, seemingly satisfied, he strolled over.

He quickly jumped out and nestled himself beside me, his fur soft against my leg as he leaned in for a gentle nuzzle

Hehhhee~ I trained this guy well for the past few months.

Kamakura, my mate, you have definitely earned an extra fish this time.

"Big Brother, he missed you!" Komachi chimed in.

"I-it actually likes Hikki?!!" Yuigahama exclaimed.

"Aww, he's so cute, Hachiman!" Totsuka joined in.

"...Hm-uhm." There was a silent acknowledgement from Yukinoshita, perhaps a bit of jealousy in her gaze.

Do I need to specify who said those comments to me among the four individuals present here

And don't forget, silent jealousy looks, which I would have celebrated if it were for another reason. However, for now, all I could scream in my mind was, 'Stop looking at me like that and just own a cat yourself, girl.'

…wait! I could simply gift her in the future. Hehe~

"So, what are you gonna do with him?" I questioned picking up Kamakura by the scruff of his neck from below.

Incidentally, that is the wrong way to hold a cat. The best way is to cradle it in your arms. But my relationship with Kamakura has improved since our heart-to-heart conversation a few months ago, and I know he likes me NOW. In fact, we are the closest in Hikigaya's household.

"We will put him in a cardboard box and leave him in front of Kawasaki." Yukinoshita explained.

She added. "I am sure Kawasaki will pick him up if her heart is moved."

That's such an old-fashioned trick, Yukinoshita.

"Yukinoshita, mind you, Kamakura is not a stray cat. He already has an owner, which is Me, of course. What am I supposed to do if she decides to take him in? Komachi, for sure, is going to kill me." I objected to raising a possibility if the plan were to somehow succeed.

She responded. "Then you bought the cat, hoping she wouldn't pick it up?"

"Yeah…" I confirmed.

"Stop jinxing Yukino's plan before it even begins." Yuigahama splashed at me.

"Whatever. I will just bring some cardboard." I declared as I pushed Kamakura towards Yukinoshita.

?!! Anyhow, when I did that, Yuigahama, standing beside her, subtly stepped back, a move only I caught. Well, Yukinoshita probably noticed it too, but I chose not to point it out.

"...Don't you know cats are usually not comfortable around strangers." Yukinoshita warned, although her hands betrayed her desire to cuddle Kamakura.

"Just take him already." I replied, walking off and pushing him into her arms.

"Hey..!" She held him with care, fearing he might fall.

"Hikigaya. Don't play around!" Ensuring Kamakura's safety Yukinoshita scolded me, to which I didn't bother to reply.

What does she think of me? A kid who causes trouble wherever I go? I scuffed angrily in my mind.


[Third Person View]

"Hikigaya. Don't play around!" Ensuring Kamakura's safety, Yukino scolded Hachiman, who simply walked away.

Observing Hachiman's lazy and carefree stride, with his figure gradually disappearing, she doubted whether he would truly heed her words.

He is getting really out of hand lately… And Yukino felt like it would only get harder to keep him in line… and she worried that he might push back even harder every time… and no, she wasn't referring to the current situation with the cat, but their overall relationship. She is not a child. She recognises the way he treats her and acts around her, and she doesn't know how much longer she can 'tolerate' it. All she could do was act more coldly and not react to his antics.

But that thought didn't linger in her mind long as she focused more on the cat in her hands.

"Don't worry, Yukino~ Look, Kai is comfortable in your hands." Komachi reassured her with a smile.

"...purr!" Just as she said that, Kamakura suddenly let out a sound as if he were in a good mood.

"...Is he not the aggressive type?" Yukino asked, gently stroking her hands on the cat.

As Komachi and Yukino spoke, Yui kept her distance, which was unusual for her.

"Nah, actually, he really is not comfortable with strangers. But since it is my Big Brother who gave him to you, he knows he is safe." Komachi explained.

"Is it? It's hard to believe there is someone who trusts Hikigaya that much." Yukino mused.

"Yeah, it is~" Komachi agreed.

"Hey Yuikinon, I will go help Hikki. I think I know where the cardboard is." Yui suddenly injected, hurriedly excusing herself.


[Hachiman's POV]

After successfully scoring some huge points in Yukinoshita's books, I paced around, searching for cardboard in the direction of the office.

"I am here to help." Just then, Yui's voice came up from behind me.

I turned to face her. "You don't need to." I Added. "It is a simple task of finding a decent cardboard box."

Yuigahama commented skeptically. "Um, you think so? I heard that cats had boxes they liked and boxes they hated."

Hm, she had a point. Cats had their own preferences when it came to cardboard. Is she knowledgeable about cats? Then what's with her reaction earlier? As if she was afraid.

"Yeah, but Kamakura is okay with most varieties." I said, keeping my thoughts to myself.

"Hey, I observed, you always seem to call him by his full name, unlike Komichi?" She pointed it out.

…she is unusually observant.

"Yes. That's an unwritten contract between us - a sign of mutual respect."

True. During my fake rehabilitation at home during my first year, I became close with Kamakura, as we were the only ones the whole day together. Many discussions happened, and we gradually made a few agreements, alliances and became close. The thing that bonded us the closest is that we have a common enemy in the house. And it was enough. (Author - Guess who?)

"Heehe~, that's weird, Hikki! But you really seem to like cats." Yuigahama giggled.

"Not specifically all cats, but yes, I do like Kamakura." I clarified.

I asked casually. "You don't seem like a cat person."

"Um, no. I really don't hate cats." Yuigahama responded quickly, waving her hands.

I never said you hated them, though.

"Well, I don't really care either way." I replied nonchalantly. "Even though Yukinoshita didn't say it, she is definitely not good with dogs, and similarly, I don't really like bugs myself." I said.

Yeah, I really hate bugs… I mean, once even the great 'bald man' had trouble dealing with it.

Yuigahama once again explained. "No, I mean, I really don't hate cats. I think they're cute."

"So? You got a cat allergy or something?" I quizzed her.

"That's not it… you see, my cat ran away, y'know? That's why I kinda get sad about it." Yuigahama spoke meekly, the exact opposite of her usual cheerfulness.


Apparently, Yuigahama kept a stray cat without telling her parents when she used to live in a multi-apartment complex. But at some point, it went away.

In those circumstances, it is very easy to imagine how her younger self would have thought of that separation - It must have felt like a betrayal.

But the girl she was today knew why.

The thing is, there is a theory that - a cat leaves its owner when it's about to die.

Maybe now she's filled with regrets about that incident and finds it challenging to picture having a cat as a pet once again.

"..." - "..." Silently, without uttering a single word to each other, we carried the cardboard between us. It wasn't even that heavy.

Nevertheless, one thing is crystal clear - she made an effort to emphasize that her feelings toward cats are akin to mine, or at the very least, not opposing.

It was almost as if I caught a glimpse of her emotions…


Oh yeah, cat allergy…..? I pondered.

On my way back to Yukinoshita and Komichi, I suddenly remembered something from my conversation with Yuigahama.

Why didn't this cross my mind before…? It suddenly dawned on me why Yukinoshita's plan for animal therapy did not work out as expected in the plot.

From the start, I knew how the next two operations would play out. Well, for most of the parts. But not this one…

However, if I bring up this new piece of information now, I might be questioned about its source. More than that, I will be in Yukinoshita's firing range for not informing her beforehand, let alone being appreciated.

So yeah, let's bury this truth with me.



[To be continued….]


[Author Reminder : 20+chapters advance in Patreon.]
