



[Hachiman's POV]

"Now now! No need to be shy!"

"..." Yukinoshita said nothing but blankly looked at her sister.

Whoa, if looks could kill…

If Zaimokuza or, for that fact, me or anyone else were now on the receiving end of Yukinoshita's glare, they would probably have pissed their pants in fear.

However, her sister, Haruno, grinned and took it in stride.

"I am Yukino's sister, Haruno." She said to me.

As she introduced herself by name, I introduced myself back. "As Yukinoshita said, I am Hikigaya Hachiman."

"Well, you are Hikigaya… Hachiman…" Haruno paused, only for a moment to think while quickly sizing me up from head to toe.

"I see…"

In that instant, a chill went down my spine, enough to make me shiver. As if struck by temporary paralysis, I was rooted to the spot(:chair).

But then she sang, her voice melodic and smooth. "I will call you Hikigaya, then. Great, nice to meet you."

She defused all the accumulated tension with a single big smile of hers.

What was that just now…? Did she perhaps recognise me? I mean, it's not that far-fetched, and it would be too naive of me to assume she didn't know about me.

But. Damn! She is …scary.

However, I have no choice but to leave a lasting impression on her if I ever want to, you know… If I could get her on my side, things might become a lot smoother in the future.

Of course, it's easier said than done.

"Ah, the loner with a biting wit... Yukino, you sure know how to pick interesting friends." Haruno met my eyes only fleetingly before instantly going back to teasing her sister, igniting the playful atmosphere.

Was that supposed to be a compliment?

Wait, when did I start seeking compliments everywhere? I thought it was only exclusive to Yukinoshita.

No, on the other hand, she is Yukinoshita too, just an older version. But I can't say I prefer her. She is very exhausting to be around.

"It has nothing to do with 'picking'. We are just in the same grade as all." Yukinoshita replied sternly.

"Hooo, come on, you can tell me! How long have you two been dating?" Haruno couldn't resist probing further.

"I am not her boyfriend. However, we are currently on a date." I chimed in from the side.

Was the last part necessary? Of course it was.

"Look at you! You are getting seriously flustered there." She said, her eyes locked onto mine.

"Well, well. So what brings you two lovebirds to the shopping district?" Haruno continued, emphasising the word 'lovebirds.'

I am starting to like her mischievous character more and more…

I shrugged nonchalantly and replied. "Just getting a birthday present for a friend. Nothing romantic, I assure you." I interjected, attempting to downplay any misconceptions.

"Oh, a birthday gift? How sweet! Mind if I join? I have excellent taste." Haruno proposed.

I can definitely see that's true. If she isn't proficient in picking up gifts, then who could be?

Yukinoshita spoke, casting a glance my way. "I appreciate the offer, Sis, but this is a personal matter between Hikigaya and me." She asserted politely.

Haruno shrugged. "Oh, well. Can't blame a sister for trying. Do enjoy your day, you two."

"Well, actually, we already bought a present, so…" I injected a new piece of information.

"Hikigaya…" Yukinoshita called out in a not-so-friendly manner.

I could sense that Yukinoshita wasn't exactly thrilled about her 'acting boyfriend' -me- being all friendly with her older sister.

"You know what, Hikigaya? Just call me a Big Sis." Haruno, also sensing this tension, playfully suggested coming at Yukinoshita more aggressively.

"Big Sis, huh? Okay." I compiled and added, noting the hateful glances exchanged between the sisters.

?!…however, Yukinhota looked a little surprised by my acceptance.

"Ho, ho! I am already starting to like you, Hikigaya."

Hum… I assure you the feeling is mutual 'Big Sis'.

"So, Hikigaya, how long have you been friends with my dear Sister?" Haruno inquired, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.

"Not that long. We're just... getting to know each other." I replied, fully aware of Yukinoshita's watchful gaze.

"Getting to know each other, huh? Well, take it slow. My sister can be quite the enigma." Haruno advised with a sly smile.

I replicated a smile of my own back at her.

"Haruno, stop making it sound like there's something more. We're just friends." Yukinoshita insisted, but Haruno remained entertained by the dynamics at play.

"Friends, lovers, it's all a matter of time."

Man this is actually entertaining…

Talking to someone who doesn't hold back… like at all.

Considering the past few moments of happenings, I can form a light picture of what kind of person she is.

To some extent…

Haruno Yukinoshita - She is as bright and sunny as her name suggests.

While she may physically resemble Yukinoshita, the impression she gave off was completely different.

Unlike Yukinoshita and her overpowering cool-girl image, the sister's expressions were forever changing.

Who knew that smiles had so many different variations?

"…you both. Cut that out this instant." It was a low voice, one that threatened to shake the earth.

As Yukinoshita flicked her hair, not bothering to conceal her fury, her eyes pierced Haruno and me with a disdainful glare.

"Oh… sorry, Yukino. I might have gotten a bit carried away." Haruno said unapologetically(:for both of us), laughing weakly.

It looked like a blockhead older sister and a highly strung younger sister sort of arrangement.

Haruno leaned a little closer toward me, initiating a hushed conversation. "Sorry, ya know? Yukino is a sensitive girl… so you'd better watch out for her, Hikigaya."

And she added. "And, play nice with her, okay?"

In that moment, she adopted an attitude reminiscent of a loving mother speaking to her child's betrothed for the first time.

"...well thanks for the heads up, I guess."

And of course Yukinoshita heard our exchange.

"Hikigaya, stop bantering with a woman you have just met. You can't complain if you get sued." Yukinoshita's hand was pressed gingerly against her forehead as if all this was giving her a headache.

Damn those words. Why did they echo as if I had heard them from someone very 'close' to me since childhood?

Meanwhile, Haruno's signature grinning smile returned to her face. "Ahha…"

She sang. "You both are hilarious!" I had no idea what was so funny, but Haruno was laughing uproariously.

"Have you finished yet? If you have no business to do here, then we would like to leave." Yukinoshita uttered as if she was talking to the ground, not looking her sister in the eyes.

"I was trying to help, but I was butting in. Sorry about that." She said, pulling back abruptly as if jumping away.

As a sheepish smile came over her face, Haruno laughed and turned to me. "Hikigaya. I will say this to you again. Let's go out for tea when you 'officially' become Yukino's boyfriend. Okay, see you later!"

Eventually, a blindingly brilliant smile came over Haruno's face and she did a little wave to say bye-bye. "Take care, you two. And remember, life's too short for secrets!"

She 'generously' offered us one of her free pieces of advice, and with that, she skipped off into the distance.

I observed her until she disappeared from sight, and I found myself involuntarily releasing a heavy sigh.

"Offuuff…." A long breath escaped my mouth. "I feel tired…"

My body continued to buzz with adrenaline as I stretched my arms upward, attempting to dispel the tension that had built up around us.


[To be continued…]


[Author Reminder : 10+chapters advance in Patreon.]
