



[Hachiman's POV]

"But it seems I got everything wrong due to my lack of knowledge." Yukinoshita said this as she tore Yuigahama off with her characteristic awkwardness.

Yuigahama resisted somewhat, but then she hit her hand against her palm as if realising something. Spotting her chance, she hastily slipped away from Yuigahama's grasp.

"Then let's go somewhere else." Yuigahama said. "Outside of school."

"Eh? When you say outside, do you mean…?" Yukinoshita floundered a little at the sudden proposal.

But Yuigahama reassured her with a nod and winked in a way that all but said, leave it to me. "I booked a time somewhere beforehand and stuff, so no worries, no worries. I am just more than happy you got a cake for me."

Is Yuigahama dumping someone's plan? I mean, she should be if she is calming. She already has everything prepared, as she is clearly not aware of what Yukinoshita called her here, right?

Or don't tell me she already predict–...

Nah, that can't be. Like NO way. I am probably overthinking. It must be the first guess.

"First of all. Let me also present you the gift…" Yukinoshita said, calming down the now overly excited 'birthday girl.'

But… truly, this girl, Yuigahama, is something else. She was so nervous just a moment ago outside the club room, and now look at her.

"I am excited to know what it is?!" Yuigahama looked at Yukinoshita with sparkling eyes.

Yukinoshita had only just shut down Yuigahama's hugs, but she had already closed the distance once again.

Wary of being jump tackled again, Yukinoshita answered Yuigahama's question.

"Well… it's not as if I was the only one who prepared something." She diverted her attention as she sent me a sideways glance.

"So… that means…" Yuigahama spoke, probably caught onto Yukinoshita's meaning.

Turning to me, Yuigahama locked eyes, and I met her gaze from where I was seated.

"..." - "..." Our eyes briefly connected.

However, Yuigahama averted her gaze immediately, making me automatically turn towards Yukinoshita.

With Yukinoshita's curious stare fixed on me, knowing exactly what the problem was, I wondered how to swiftly resolve the situation.

Problem, huh?

Actually, if you ask me, there is no problem for me at all.

I have already said my piece, and I don't hold any inkling towards that incident nor towards Yuighama's actions after that anymore.

And it is clear that even Yukinoshita is ready for whatever happens today.

So now, my only concern is whether Yuigahama wants to stay in the club or leave, which could mean we have to find a new member.

Aahh, this is such a pain…. well, I gotta keep this club running until I make some conclusive progress with Yukinoshita. After that, who knows? I don't really care.

Feeling the awkward silence grow, I decided to break it first.

But out of nowhere, Yuigahama suddenly complained. "Hikki, you are a liar!"

Hey, hey, I am not sure where this 'liar' accusation came from all of a sudden, but please, girl, don't phrase it that way.

People might get the wrong idea.

"What are you talking about?"

"You, the text…" She said, stomping her foot down.

Oh, is it about that? I thought, recalling that I did indeed lie(:fool) to her in the message I sent as the duty of the Vice President.

However, more importantly, why has this girl suddenly begun to behave strangely?

I mean, I thought the moment my name came up, she would revert back to her awkward and nervous self.

Is she trying to act confident? If she is, then color me surprised. She is really doing a great job.

"You can't blame me for that. It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, right?" I said, searching for an excuse.

"Am I missing something here?" Yukinoshita chimed in the middle.

"It's really not a big deal." I shook my head.

"What do you mean, not a big deal, Hikki…? You know, Yukinon during lunch…."

Ignoring me, Yuigahama spilled the beans.

And by 'beans.' I mean every little detail, from when I sent the message to her investigation, and she even showed Yukinoshita our chat.

Talk about privacy invasion.

But, looking at both of them talking to each other and just how engrossed Yukinoshita is…

Yeah, I will let it slide this time... I thought, sneaking a glance at them.

Grabbing a small package from my schoolbag, I nonchalantly tossed it over to Yuigahama.

She responded with a light smile. "Oh, hahaha. I never thought Hikki would get me a present too."

"Well, I did…" I replied.

After a brief pause, I continued. "Yuigahama, I am sorry." I apologized.

"No, H-hikki, what are you sorry for." Yuigahama's face displayed anxiety.

"I just felt like starting with…" I explained.

Yeah, it is nothing too serious.

"Anyway, things have been pretty chaotic at the club since you left. Especially with Ms. Hiratsuka's threat to suspend it if we don't recruit new members by tomorrow."

"Oh… That's what happened…" Yuigahama's tone was tinged with disappointment, but she managed a smile.

"Uh-hum, so you will be coming to club activities like usual, right?" I cut to the chase.

"...sur-e I will join." Yuigahama replied.

"Good. As for what I said after the workplace tour. Just ignore them. I simply wanted to clear that out of my tongue."

"Moreover, that day of the incident, it wasn't like I helped you specifically just because I could get gratitude out of you."

"Honestly, it was a complete fluke that I happened to save your dog, and you happened to be my classmate… They are just a bunch of random circumstances resulting in you being nice to me out of guilt. All of this."

I told Yuigahama, and then, looking at her, I went on without stopping for breath.

"..." For a moment, Yuigahama looked at me with deep sadness in her eyes, but then she immediately cast her gaze to the floor. 

"So there is no need for you to feel indebted to me specifically. But, well, you know…? I want to pay you back for the worrying you have done over me. Now any debts are paid and done. So we will end this here…" I finished, letting out a heavy inward sigh.

Unable to peer at Yuigahama's expression, I could only see her tightly clenched mouth.

"…why do you have to think like that? I never once thought that I… that I felt sorry for you, that I was going out of my way for you, or anything. I just, I…"

Her quiet, whispering voice was trembling.

A faint darkness loomed in the corner of the room. It wouldn't be long before the sun was set.

"Wow, this has gotten hard and I don't really get it anymore… I thought it'd be simpler than this…" Yuigahama's voice was a shade more cheerful than it was before.

But because she had forced the words out of her mouth, they floated in the air, a silent plea for help.

"It's not as hard as you may think." Yukinoshita stood with her back to the setting sun. The sea breeze blew in through the open window, causing her hair to sway.

When Yukinoshita was with us, all she could do was pretend not to notice the awkwardness and just let us hope that things would hang on.

So normally, she was completely detached, but not surprisingly(:for me), she chose to butt in now.

"Hikigaya has no recollection of helping you out, and you have no recollection of pitying him, Yuigahama… it was all wrong from the very beginning."

"Well, yeah." I answered.

Yukinoshita nodded. "Indeed. So I believe Hikigaya's choice to 'end this here' was correct."

Since the beginning was all wrong, it stood to reason that the results would be all wrong too. No matter what feelings came over me, the answer would certainly not change.


It would be the same as those feelings being fake. Even if those feelings were something special.

Feelings that sprouted from a random accident, becoming the object of sympathy thanks to self-sacrifice, love that could possibly have been born no matter who saved her – I could not acknowledge any of this as the real thing.

If I had saved her without knowing her for who she was, then she had been saved by me, not knowing me for who I was. In that case, her feelings and gentleness were not directed towards me. They were directed at someone who had saved her.

"But to end things here… I don't want it." Yuigahama was still adamant. 

"…you fool. If it ends, why not start over again? Neither of you are in the wrong."

"....*nod." I nodded my head in acceptance in response to those 'unexpected' words from Yukinoshita.

After that, Yukinoshita flicked her hair behind her shoulder, a cool expression on her face.

"Regardless of who saved whom, you are equally victims, are you not? In that case, you ought to pin it all on the instigator. And so…"

In the midst of the sunset glow, I had no way of knowing what was reflected in her half-closed eyes.

So… in the end, it all comes down to this, huh?

"I must report to Ms. Hiratsuka that we have filled the member vacancy." Yukinoshita said as if remembering something suddenly, swinging around curtly.

However, there is something I wanted to say before she leaves. "Yukinoshita, there is no 'instigator' in that incident. Everyone is a victim. Don't ever say that again."

"....yeah, I won't." Yukinoshita responded as she walked away.

Her footsteps were a little more rapid than usual. Just like that, she walked out of the room without looking at anyone behind her.

Now only Yuigahama and I are left.

"Can I open this?"

"Yeah. Go ahead."

"Is this a collar?"

"...it is for your dog."


Do I have to explain the reason for her sudden exclamation?

I hope not.


[To be continued…]


[Author Reminder : 15+chapters advance in Patreon.]
