


[-Location : Chiba Village-]


[Hachiman's POV]


I shut the door of the changing room and began strolling toward our stay.

I could feel my [Energy] stats going up as the weight of fatigue lifted from my body. All the built-up tension was released, leaving me feeling refreshed and revitalized.

The bathhouse had been a relaxing experience, especially since I was the last to enter, right after Ryota, Totsuka, Hayama, and Tobe. With no time constraints, I could take my time and leisurely exit.

As I made my way to the wooden bungalow where the guys gang were already settled, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself at the reason why I was given the 'privilege' of taking the last spot in the bathhouse.

Apparently, when I voiced out for an explanation, I was informed by Hayama and Ryota that it turns out I lost a game of [Stick] - a game I had never even heard of before.

Oh, there is still more, as the game was conducted without my knowledge or my presence, for instance, and I was participating by default.

And, of course, as luck would have it, I ended up with the shortest stick.

How did that happen?

Well, there are only five sticks for five people, so naturally, the last one left belonged to me. At least, that's what they told me.

As for the validity of this supposed fact, I couldn't say for sure.

But I didn't bother to argue or complain either, since I was given the luxury of going last.

So yeah, that is the total story of the sub [Quest] and the unexpected [Reward] I gained despite being last.

"I never expected it to be like that."(Ryota)

"That's how it is."(Hayama)

"No point in dwelling."(Ryota)

"Haha, you said it right Ryota!"(Tobe)

As I neared the door, even before I could open it I could already hear the voices from the wooden walls as small whispers from inside.


Not minding the chatting noise, I swung open the door without any prior announcement.

…there is no use asking for permission or acting considerate at times like this, especially towards a bunch of single guys or groups of morons.

As soon as the door opened, I overheard an unusual comment.

"Ryota. How do you know Hikigaya?"(Hayama)

I walked in while whipping my head dry with the 'pink' towel that my little sister packed in for me.

Meanwhile, the boys looked over at me to see the person who entered the room, and upon finding it was me, they continued their business without saying a word.

Ignoring the context and the comment, I closed the door behind me, fully entering the den.

As I passed close beside them, walking straight towards the right corner of the room where all the belongings were placed, I picked up a big.

I could see four people trying to set two futons, two people each from both ends, they are Ryota, Totsuka, Hayama, and Tobe.

And I could see three other futons already arranged neatly in an order, and with the two new futons added, that makes five in total.

Hum… they are already making preparations for bed too.

Ryota cleared his throat, fabricating a persona on the spot. "Well, I am a freelance graphic designer. Just moved to the area a few months ago. Hikigaya and I met at a local coffee shop, struck up a conversation, and here we are."

…that was rather a cringe reason.

Considering Ryota's high [IQ] stats, I assumed he would come up with a better explanation.

How should I put it? It was less of a story between two guy friends and more of the beginning of a 'fantasy' love drama straight out of a fiction.

"You met Hachiman in a coffee shop? That is so like him, you would expect to meet him besides the school."(Totsuka)

But it looked like it managed to convince them, as Totsuka shared his insight on me while Tobe nodded as if he understood his assessment, seemingly accepting Ryota's story without much scrutiny.

However, the doubtful eyes of Hayama hinted that he wasn't entirely convinced.

"Actually, what is a freelancer? It sounds cool!!"(Tobe)

Yeah, guess it is still not that popular considering this is still in the 2010's.

Oh, give me a break. When did freelancing ever become famous…?

Aggaa… What am I even thinking about?

"Oh, I didn't explain correctly, it's like this…." Ryota, with a sincere smile, explained everything clearly.

While they are in the conversation, they also arrange their futon.

With a great deal of effort from Ryota, Totsuka carried a futon and laid it out.

I didn't have to do that since I had already rolled my futon out before. Yeah, I had all the time in my hand while waiting for my turn to wash up.

Man, I must be psychic.

Reaching my destination, I looked over the pile of bags, then found the trace of a Ryota's bag. I plopped down, retrieved a hair dryer, and started drying my hair.

And I know it might sound like I am exaggerating or that I really might be doing it, but god, I was in heaven…

As the hot air hit my head, it felt like I was on the cloud, flying and backing in the warm and hot sun.

Finally, I flicked my hair just to make sure it wasn't still wet, before sighing in satisfaction. "I am done now…"

By now, the gang had already spread out their futons, but instead of sleeping, they all gathered, sitting cross-legged, forming a small one in the center of all five futons, including Totsuka.

"What's with the long face, Tobe." Ryota questioned, looking at Tobe, who sat across from him.

Then he continued again before Tobe could come up with a reply. "Hum.. Let me guess, it doesn't look as cool as it sounds, right?"

Tobe didn't reply to Ryota and just scratched his nose a little nervously. 

Ryota chuckled, playing along. "Well, you are in your second year, right? Already worrying about the future after graduation…?"

Looking at Ryota from the distance, it was like I was viewing another side of him.


Handling people, huh…

Perhaps it was not as difficult as it sounded. Getting along with others was a matter of emotions, but handling them was a matter of one's own skill.

Since I doubted my ability to initiate a smooth conversation, it would probably end up stilted before long.

I might give a miscalculated response.

Still, you would pick it up eventually if you practiced it long enough, just like any skill.

After all, the act of handling people could only be described as an endless chain - you fool yourself, you fool the other person, the other person allows you to fool them, and you allow them to fool you.

There was nothing more to it. In the end, it was putting into practice the same things boys and girls learn at school.

It was a necessary skill for those who belonged to an organization or group, and the only thing that separated adults from students was the difference in scale.

In the end, it only amounted to falsehood and backstabbing.



[To be continued….]


[Author Reminder : 12+chapters advance in Patreon.]
