



[Hachiman's POV]

In that case, aren't I pretty lucky?

Hmm, maybe not so. I thought to myself, remembering a certain individual from my dark past who might cross paths in the future. Welp, no use in thinking about it now.

"H-hikki!" Yuigahama sounded disappointed with my blunt words.

"True, at the very least, they most certainly won't change if you intend to remain the way you are." Yukinoshita said.

She continued. "No... first of all, forget about changing things around you, or changing yourself, for that matter. Unless you start to stand up for yourself, nothing else will matter, even if somehow things turn out to be good."

Way to go, Yukinoshita! Not going easy on the young one, are we now?

But I don't know just how much Rumi understands from that.

"You two…! That's not what you say to a kid." Yuigahama's voice was laced with genuine feeling.

Turning to Rumi, Yuigahama smiled encouragingly. "Rumi, don't take what they both said too seriously. You're a good girl, and someday your classmates will understand that."

"So if you just think positive, Rumi…" She trailed off, trying to uplift Rumi's spirits.

Rumi managed a weak smile as she clutched her digital camera. "Someday, Umm… But… I can't say that to my mum. She doesn't get it."

She continued, her voice tinged with sadness. "At home too, it was always about friends. Even when I was leaving home, she said, 'Always be good to your friends and try to get along with everyone'. But she doesn't know that I don't have any friends." Rumi confessed softly.

She added, continuing in a low tone. "See, she even gave me this new camera, though I said I didn't need it. She was like, 'Take lots of photos at the outdoor camp! With your friends'."

"I see… she is a nice mum. She worries about you, Rumi." Yuigahama said with an optimistic tone.

But Yukinoshita's unpleasantly cold voice immediately followed. "I wonder about that… is that not a sign she wants to manipulate you, put you under her control, and own you?"

Her words stirred up uneasiness, the sort of feeling you would get from treading on thin ice.

Yuigahama was unable to hide her astonishment, as if she had been slapped on the cheek. "Huh…? N-no way is that true! Plus… the way you talk is kinda-!"

"It really is the same model as mine…!" I chimed in, sounding surprised, and pointed at Rumi's camera.

Looking closely at the two cameras, the one I had and the one in Rumi's hands, I observed for the first time that we both carried the same model camera.

And let me tell you…

"That is a damn expensive camera." I remarked the last part out aloud.

Continuing after a small pause, I added. "Something that people usually don't give to random irresponsible kids. You know what it means, right, Rumi?"

"....." Rumi remained silent, her expression unreadable.

"Your mother trusts you with it…." I said, giving side eyes to Yukinoshita.

"And guess what? You have been doing a great job handling it so far. I mean, as far as I observe, the camera has been pretty much in your hands for the whole two days, even though you could simply keep it somewhere safe as you have pretty much no use for it. But you held onto it because it's precious to you."

I continued, hoping my next words would convince Yukinoshita to think positively about the situation. "The same goes for your Mother. Yeah, she sometimes tends to make you do some unnecessary stuff, just like you have said. However, she cares and worries about you. Furthermore, she simply wants you to enjoy your childhood to the fullest, without any regrets. So, don't misunderstand her love."

"Wow, Hikki! I never thought you could say something like that." Yuigahama said with a spectacular look.

When I said my piece, Yukinoshita chewed her lip tightly and looked down. Her gaze was pointed at the space between us and her. "Yes, you're right. That's normally how it is."

When she raised her head once again, her expression was somewhat softer than usual.

Yukinoshita turned to Rumi and bowed her head. "I am terribly sorry. I was wrong, it seems. I spoke out of turn."

"Ah, not at all… this is kinda hard, and I don't really get what you said anyway." A flustered Rumi replied, bewildered at Yukinoshita's sudden apology.

Wasn't this my first time seeing that chick apologise properly? Yuigahama's eyes had widened as well. However, I know that's her way of doing things. Nothing wrong in admitting a mistake.

"..." All of a sudden, things became still as death, and even Rumi seemed uncomfortable.

Taking a moment to gather my thoughts, I turned to Rumi and spoke softly. "Rumi, while I can't claim that I understand what you are going through and how you are currently feeling. But, I do recognise what you are going through."

"How so?" Rumi looked angrily at me for what I said.

I understood her reaction. It's not easy to hear someone speak about your feelings when they barely know you.

Before delving further, I posed a question of my own. "Say, why did you ask me whether I am in touch with my middle school 'friends'."

"..." Rumi stayed silent.

Maybe it is Yukinoshita's way of making up for her previous un-required comment, so she came forward and replied in Rumi stand.

"Obviously she wants to start anew, in your words, she wants to escape, and if I remember correctly, you said it yourself that occasionally wanting to escape from life is not wrong."

"So, that's it. Ultimately, what you are looking forward to is not your middle school day's but a chance." I said and added. "A new start. It could be anything, and in your case, it is the beginning of middle school."

With determination in my eyes, I leaned in closer to Rumi. "Well then, I will give you the chance for the new beginning you long for, the choice is yours to decide."

As I lightly pet her head, I spoke with sincerity. "Rumi, there's nothing wrong with wanting to escape. But maybe, just this once, let's be a little selfish and shake things up instead…"

I finished softly. "Ruin everything instead…"

Rumi looked puzzled. "...?"

"You don't understand, right? And that's okay. Just know that you have done well so far, Rumi. Leave the rest to us."

"C-can I really do that?"

"Definitely. So cheer up and take lots of photos, as your Mother said. You know what? Why don't you start off with me? I mean, it's super rare. You would normally have to pay to get one. In fact, let's have a photo exchange. I will click you with mine, and you click me with yours. How does that sound?"

"Don't need it." Rumi answered promptly with a straight face.

"…oh, okay." I deflated slightly

"What do I need to do?" She asked in exchange.

"Nothing." As I stood up, I added. "…I just hope you have fun with the test of courage."

My heart was already set. I merely answered the question I asked myself.



[To be continued….]


[Author Reminder : 12+chapters advance in Patreon.]
