Final Push




[Hachiman's POV]

I turned to Ryota, my expression serious, and gave him a subtle wink. "So, how did 'it' go with these groups... Ryota? The prank."

Hayama's eyes flickered towards me, and I gave him a subtle nod, urging him to back off.

I knew Hayama had already played the bad cop role, and now it was Ryota's turn to be the good cop.

I needed him to use his god-like tongue to ease the kids' fears.

"What? Don't you know?" Ryota asked me, his tone measured.

"I mean, I just came from another group, so yeah, no, I don't." I replied, acting my part.

Ryota's eyes locked onto mine, and I could see the understanding dawn on his face. He took a deep breath, his expression softening, and began to speak in a gentle, soothing tone.

"Is that so?...They did well." He said, his words dripping with sincerity.

…..and so he certified them with a passing grade with his baised.

?!! The kids' faces fell, and I could see the shock written all over them.

"Umm, that's good to hear, because I stumbled upon some really troublesome bunch on the way here." I said with a hint of sarcasm.

"But good luck to you, I suppose." I said, eyeing the kids.

It was obvious that I was lying - there was no other group in the camp that we were playing this prank on.

"Don't be so hard on them, I am sure they were simply afraid." Royta said in a reprimanding tone.

Then he spoke kindly, turning towards the kids and winking at them. "...and I am sure they will do better next time, like this group of kids here, won't they?"

"..." - "..." - "..."

The kids remained silent, still trying to process what was happening.

I raised an eyebrow, suspicious of their sudden silence.

"Why aren't they speaking?" I asked, my tone laced with skepticism.

"Because you are scaring them." Ryota replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm. I shot him a look, but he just shrugged it off.

I wasn't one to let things slide easily, but Ryota beat me to it.

"But yeah, coming back..." He said, his eyes again locked onto the kids.

"You know what, Hachiman? I am giving them full marks. You should have seen it! They wouldn't let a single one of them be left behind." Ryota said, his words dripping with conviction.

Ryota's sincerity was almost convincing, and I even found myself believing it might actually be true.

"Hahh, now you are making me curious." I said, my tone laced with amusement.

Ryota beamed. "It is by far the best group of well-mannered and united kids I have found. I am sure they will grow up to be proud and upright adults in the future."

He had some real confidence when all he was saying was a falsehood.

"But let's talk about that later. So, what do you say, kids? Did you have a 'fun time'?" I asked, cutting to the chase.

".." - ".." - ".."

Again. No one spoke a word.

"....." I looked at Ryota with an even more suspicious gaze.

"They must be still in shock…" Ryoto once again said to cover up for them and added, looking at the kids. "Isn't it right, kids?"

"Um-hum." - "Hhm." - "..."

This time around, he received a couple of unisonous nods and was silently staring.

That's what I am talking about. By now, the two figures 'Me' and 'Ryota' in the watchful eyes of the kids had made one thing clear.

The guy named 'Hikigaya' is a BAD guy, and this 'handsome' Big Brother is helping them from this Demon.

"Is that so? Anyway, congrats for making it through, kids." I complimented them with a wry smile.

"Let's go, guys, and check on how other groups are doing." I said with a hurried voice and turned around.

"Hachiman, you go ahead, I will lead these kids back to everyone and join you." Ryota suggested as he gave a wink to them.

"Make it fast." I snapped, my irritation evident as I turned to leave.

The kids following right behind Ryota started making their way out with a hurriness in their steps.

"Hey, kids, I will be watching you from now on…" I called out, and as they glanced back, I added. "I mean, I want to see for myself how good you are."

"...*nod." They nodded in understanding, picking up their pace but not to the point of looking like they were fleeing.

Now, for the final touch.


I just waited exactly three seconds before striking.

"Hey, Hayama, what was that bright light just now…"

I shouted, while making sure my voice carried across the distance to where they stood.

As soon as my words reached them, their reaction was immediate. They tensed up, startled once again by the 'unexpected question'.

Without even looking back at me, they bolted away, their fear evident in their hurried retreat, with Ryota now following behind them a couple of steps.

I, on the other hand, simply started walking off in the opposite direction.


"That wasn't in the plan." Yukinoshita said, catching up to me.

"Will you believe it if I say I came up with that on the spot?" I responded with a question, which is really true… but I don't think she would believe me.

"....." And she really didn't, as she gave me a deadpan look.

"Guess not." I muttered defeatingly under my breath.

"Maybe I would have, if only Ryota looked at least a little bit unprepared and unsync."

Okay, now his being an overly competent person is also my problem.

Before I could come up with something, Yukinoshita herself dismissed her question, proceeding to a more important one.

"...but what are you trying to pull here?" She asked, questioning my intentions.

I thought for a second before answering.

"I am doing just what you said." I replied with a smug.

"?...?" She gave a 'question mark' face.

So I revealed something. "I broke their relationship, now it's time to rebuild it."

"...?" Alas, she still did not completely understand it.

"You said it yourself, didn't you? 'If it ends, why not start over again?'" I brought up her once said words in context to what had happened between me and Yuigahama.


I continued once she got the gist of it. "So, I thought of giving them a little push that they needed, to you know, maybe at least present a chance to build it back."

" you think it is possible?" She asked.

"Can't say I am sure." I replied honestly.

…..but maybe I was being killjoy instead of saying something like 'I hope so.'

"Don't be such a killjoy, Hikki!" Yuigahama chimed in, spitting out my thoughts accurately.

She added cheerfully and praised me somewhat, being amazed. "I am sure they will become good friends! And you what? It's because of you, Hikki! …because of YOU!"

"Whatever…" I responded somewhat by distancing myself, as she was almost in my face.

I added. "But I do believe that a relationship formed on preserving a secret is a lot unlike being broken apart."


[Ryota's POV]

The five kids, by now, had calmed down and started walking in small, small steps with clear distance between them. 

We are heading out of the forest to the campfire site in complete silence.

…and it was a very nerve wracking silence for them.

That fucker left the taxing part to me again.

"Jerk, I say. He was a complete jerk…" I cursed him under my breath, venting my frustration for purely selfish reasons.

But, oddly enough, that had some positive effects on the gang.

UHum… I got the lead.

My condolences to you, Hachiman. Your sacrifice was truly admirable.

They say the enemy of an enemy is a friend.

From that, we can say that, more than praising a person, taunting the one everyone despises is more effective.

That is the only way I can find to make them open up in front of the person they just met. I am damn sure that fucker knows it as well.

Now that their defences are a little down, should I push further?

"Just saying, I am Ryota." I introduced myself.

"..." - "..." - "..." I naturally didn't get an immediate reaction but I know it registered in their mind.

And yeah, I didn't ask for their details.

This will subconsciously put them under the illusion that they know more about me than I do. Even if I do not consider that, that will be enough to decrease their vigilance.

But that won't be enough to completely break the wall, I need a bait.

"I will tell my friends to not say anything about what happened here to your teachers or your friends." I decided to strike when the iron was still hot.

I added. "So, all that's left is that you don't spill the beans, and no one will ever know what happened."

At that moment, I looked like a god to them, and the more I looked better in their eyes, the worse they all viewed Hachiman.

It is true that now these five kids are on the same starting line, but it is also true that the line they are starting off from is no longer the same as their classmate. There is a lot on the back side.

Now they have them, but no one to compete, fight, or relay on… because they are all now left behind.

At that moment, they realised they were in the same boat as Rumi.

And a boat that may sink at any given time.

Even if they got to know that what Hachiman said about doing the same test with the rest of the group was a lie, in the end, that alone wouldn't change things for the better.

In fact, that will make the situation more tough for them, the only hope of finding comfort in the other group's failure will be crushed.

I mean, if everyone makes the same mistake, it is not a mistake anymore.

Because all these kids realised that what they did was actually a BAD thing…

They all share the same secret, if word gets out of what happened there to your classmates, they will all be shunned, even though most of them are not any better than these kids.

And by now, everyone of them realised this…

Don't underestimate them just because they are kids.

And since I already threw the bait, it is time for me to patiently wait for at least one of them to bite it.

"The-n what about that, br-othe-r!" One of them spoke up.

"You mean… Hachiman." I said with a long and deliberate pause.

But before addressing that, I went a little off topic. "Frankly speaking, I actually wouldn't have helped you guys, but seeing as at least there is one kid that is willing to stick together instead of escaping on their own with a chance right in front… I decided to give guys a chance."

"So try to be good with each other, or at least act like one until the summer camp is finished."

"That guy, he meant what he said. I can stop anyone, but not him….. So be careful."

And that's how we all reached the camp site.


[To be continued….]


[Author Reminder : 10+chapters advance in Patreon.]
