



[Hachiman's POV]

"I was thinking of catching the train…" Totsuka said, his voice soft but clear.

"Me too." Yuigahama added, her tone bright as always, though there was a hint of reluctance in her eyes.

"Okay, sure, then. See you later." I answered, trying to be casual.

It was around time for us to utter farewell greetings and head down our own paths.

–screech~(:car stopping)

With a low, quiet hum, as if it were driving along incognito at a leisurely pace, the side of a black hired car appeared before us.

…*sigh, there was something like this that was supposed to happen, right?

Man, I just wanna go home and get some rest.

Through the open windshield, I saw a middle-aged woman sitting in the driver's seat on the left side, dressed in a regulation black and white suit. The back seat windows were tinted, making it impossible to see inside.

"Looks like we will be going our separate ways...." I remarked particularly at no one.

I noticed a sparkling gold, fish-like ornament on the car's front. The bonnet was polished to perfection, not a single stain in sight.

As I was examining the car, the woman in the driver's seat got out and bowed courteously. Most of us were startled, though it was probably meant for Yukinoshita.

What caught my attention was the way she looked at me. It was just for a brief second, but I didn't miss it.

Is she the one that ran over me or what?

But I remember my parents saying it was an old man..…

Putting that aside, after her initial greeting, she proceeded to open the back seat door with a well-rehearsed movement.

Out came a lady who exuded a comforting presence, like mild autumn weather, even though it was the middle of summer.

"Hiiii, Yukino!"

Yukinoshita Haruno, swathed in a pure white dress, stepped out of the car gracefully.

"Sister…" Yukinoshita muttered, a note of regret lacing her voice.

"Huh, is that… Yukinon's sister?" Yuigahama blinked vigorously, her eyes darting back and forth between Yukinoshita and Haruno, the resemblance striking yet the differences equally so.

"Uh-hum, Yukinoshita Haruno." I confirmed, feeling the tension rise.

"Whoa, they look alike…" Komachi muttered, her eyes wide with amazement.

Totsuka nodded fervently along with her. Despite being opposites in many ways, the resemblance between the two sisters was striking.

"Yukino, you said you were gonna come home over the summer vacation but you never came back at all. Your big sis was so worried and came to pick you up!" Haruno's voice was a blend of concern and lighthearted criticism, her grin unflinching.

"How did she know we were here…?" I muttered to Yukinoshita, leaning in slightly to avoid Haruno overhearing.

"I suppose she tailed me on her cell phone's GPS. She always does things the absolute worst way possible." She responded with a hint of frustration.

..…that was not directed at me, right?

As I was talking quietly with Yukinoshita, Haruno interjected. "Ah, it's Hikigaya! Wow, so you really were hanging out together. Hmm? It's a date, right? It's totally a date! I am sooo jealous! Oh to be young!"

"Not again… didn't I tell you that you were mistaken?" Yukinoshita sighed, clearly worn out by her sister's antics.

"Tell me, tell me!" However Haruno still probingly elbowed me incessantly.

I swear that hurt.

"Get away from my brother." Komachi jumped in the middle stopping her onslaught of elbowed punches.

"Sorry, I got too excited." Haruno said with an honest apology.

She then continued, with a bright smile. "But who do we have here?"

"She is my sister Hikigaya Komachi." I introduced her, feeling a mix of pride and protectiveness.

"I didn't know I had such a cutie as a little sister." Haruno jumped.

"Because you don't have one." I retorted, my tone dry.

"Last time I said you can call me Big sis, and I remember you agreeing to Hikigaya, so obviously she is my 'cutie little sister'." Haruno replied, her logic twisted but oddly compelling.

She added. "...and moreover who knows, once you start dating Yukino I might really become your sister."

"Hikki, you know her." Yuigahama questioned, pulling at my arm.

"...." This action seemed to catch Haruno's attention as she stared hard at Yuigahama in puzzlement.

….and I didn't miss the sharpness in her gaze for that split second.

With a serene smile on her lips, Haruno turned back to Yuigahama. "Er, uh… a new character, huh? You are…?"

"Ah, pleased to make your acquaintance… I am Yukinon's friend Yuigahama Yui."

"Gee, that's a relief. I was wondering what to do if you were getting in the Yukino way. I am Yukinoshita Haruno, Yukino's older sister." Haruno announced with a hint of teasing in her tone.

"Nope, that's not gonna happen." I muttered quietly but firmly.

"N-not at all! We're not like that!" Yuigahama rushed to clarify, her voice tinged with nervousness.

"That's good! So you are Yukino's friends, huh…" Haruno's grin didn't quite match the coldness in her voice.

She added. "Oh right, even Yukino has friends. How nice, what a relief."

Her words and tone might have been gentle, but there was something prickly about the atmosphere.

"She isn't that bad, so don't mind her." I said to Haruno, hoping to diffuse the tension that lingered.

"I guess it's alright, if you say." She muttered thoughtfully, her index finger dancing on her lips for a moment.

Oh she took my words for it. That was rather unexpected.

Turning towards Yuigahama, Haruno quipped. "But you mustn't lay a hand on Hikigaya. He belongs to Yukino."

"Wrong." Yukinoshita interjected, her tone tinged with embarrassment as she tried to brush off her sister's teasing.

"What? Is that supposed to be our little secret?" Haruno responded, feigning innocence with an exaggerated gasp.

She then continued with a fake nervous tone. "What did I do now… You guys, forget what I just said, okay."

Turning to Yuigahama and Totsuka, she pressed her index finger to her lips and winked, signaling them not to disclose this supposed secret.

"....." - "....." Even though she received no reaction from them, she assumed she had successfully amused herself.

"Good." Haruno giggled in satisfaction.

Was teasing us her way of having fun, or was even that a play she put on for us?

"Haruno, that's enough." A voice called out, interrupting the conversation.

Haruno's smile froze as she turned towards the voice. "Long time no see, Shizuka."

"Stop calling me by that name." Ms. Hiratsuka replied curtly, a hint of embarrassment in her demeanor.

"Teach, you know her?" Unsurprised by their connection I asked, acting as one.

"I taught her a long time ago." Ms. Hiratsuka confirmed.

Just how old is she? For her to be the teacher of a two generation.

"Well, we can catch up some other time, right, Shizuka? Right then, Yukino. Time for us to get going, huh?" Haruno said, turning towards Yukinoshita, who showed no sign of moving.

"Come on, mother's waiting." She urged, a slight edge to her voice that seemed to unsettle Yukinoshita.

..?!Yukinoshita, whose defiance had been unwavering until now, flinched in reaction.

She hesitated, then sighed resignedly, turning to Komachi and me. "Komachi, I hate to disappoint you after you went through the trouble of inviting me. I can't join you today."

"What? Oh, okay… well, if you have got family stuff…" Komachi answered uncertainty, bewildered by how distant Yukinoshita sounded through her formal choice of words.

"Wait, you made plans with your boyfriend, Yukino, that's so romantic." Haruna interjected teasingly.

She continued, her tone dripping with amusement. "This one must be a date, right?"

Then her gaze shifted towards me, as if she had already drawn her conclusions.

Yukinoshita, slightly flustered, clarified. "Again, it's nothing like that. We were just planning to accompany each other halfway."

"Oh, that's so sweet. Now I feel bad for crushing on your date." Haruno persisted, undeterred by Yukinoshita's clarification.

"Why don't we do this? Should I drop you off at your house as compensation?" In an attempt to lighten the mood, Haruno made a suggestion.

"N-o…" Komachi started, her voice trailing off with a hint of overwhelmed uncertainty.

"You guys have always been bad with compensation, haven't you?" I interjected dryly, the weariness from lack of sleep making my words sharper than intended.

"Ehh?... that!" Haruno was startled by my abrupt change of topic. Wishlist, the woman who rode the car widened her eyes, clearly offended.

"Someone seems to be really in a bad mood because of me…" Haruno glanced at me, amusement dancing in her eyes as she tried to read my mood.

"Big Sis let's go." Yukinoshita prompted firmly, gesturing towards the waiting car with a no-nonsense tone.

It seemed she had reached her limit with her sister's playful antics and was ready to put an end to this drama.

"Coming. Right behind you." Haruno replied with a nonchalant wave, signaling for Yukinoshita to take the lead.

Yukinoshita glanced at Komachi with a final, apologetic look. Her eyes conveyed the regret of not being able to join us. She let out a gentle sigh before turning around and heading in the direction of the car, her steps quick yet hesitant.

"Goodbye, Shizuka. Let's catch up sometime. And you too, Hikigaya." Haruno added, her voice tinged with mock sweetness as she walked away, throwing a mischievous wink in my direction.

…and Yukinoshita disappeared into the car.

However, just as Haruno was about to enter the vehicle, she abruptly stopped, her palm resting on the door. Yukinoshita, already inside, glanced back curiously, her brows knitting together in slight confusion.

She retraced her steps, her movements fluid yet purposeful, as she closed the distance between us.

It was a surprising turn of events, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as she drew near.

In fact, she came closer than I anticipated, leaning in so close that her breath brushed against my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.… not exactly the sensation I wanted to feel.

Her voice was barely above a whisper, intimate and unsettling. "Hikigaya, I am sorry again for crashing your date."

"It was noting–!" I began, but before I could finish, she pressed a finger to her lips, silencing me with a hush. "Shhhh!..."

"Here, take it. It's Yukino's number." She interrupted, slipping a folded piece of paper into the pocket of my shirt.

"I will just ask her directly." I objected, my voice firm, hoping to regain some control of the situation.

"Hahaa, then you still really dont have her number? I was just teasing. You are so slow Hikigaya!" Her laughter was light, but her eyes sparkled with amusement and something else… Was it genuine interest?

Anyway….thats none of your business.

"Damn, just leave already." I muttered, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"What if I told you that you might not see her for the whole holiday?" She continued, her tone amusing but serious, a wicked twinkle in her eye.

"Umm?..." Hold on.

Even though I was aware of this, it still caught me off surprise.

"Got you! Now take it. Think of it as my full compensation." She pushed, her smile widening.

It would be a lie to say I wasn't tempted by her offer, but…

"....NO." I declined.

Haruno's expression flickered, a hint of surprise mingling with her amusement. She stepped back, her smile never wavering.

"Heh, suit yourself. But I am starting to like you for real now. I will be keeping an eye on you. See ya, Hikigaya. Bye-bye! And don't regret your decision."

Great, just what I needed. Another person to complicate my life.

Creeps… is this how the elementary kid felt when I said I will be keeping an eye on them?

…I am already regretting declining her, though.

"Yeah, see you. But aren't you forgetting something?" I muttered, patting my pocket where the slip of paper rested.

"Not at all. Do you think I would give you Yukino's number without her consent? That's mine. Ring me if you need…. anything." She walked away.

Is this what it means to catch a whale while I was looking for a fish?


[To be continued….]


[Author Reminder : 12+chapters advance in Patreon.]
